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Samstag, 20.04.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • Ireland: Tender is the site

    “We are attracting a large percentage of small and medium-sized companies because of the nature of tenders,” explains Liz Nolan (pictured), assistant principal at the Department of Finance and the lady behind one of Ireland’s most powerful web portals potentially responsible for leading to €15bn worth of business every year.

    “The tendering process can vary depending on the complexity of the tender but most public bodies offering contracts over €50,000 would seek tenders online.”

  • Landespolizei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern beschafft online

    Einjährige Evaluation von Eink@uf Online

    Das Amt für Technik und Beschaffung (ATB) der Landespolizei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern kauft ab sofort in einem Testverfahren für alle Polizeibehörden des Landes online ein.

  • Marktübersicht Elektronische Beschaffung

    Der BME hat eine umfassende Darstellung der Anbieter von Software und Dienstleistungen im Bereich der elektronischen Beschaffung auf CD vorgelegt. Die Daten wurden von der BMEnet GmbH aufbereitet und analysiert.
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Polizei beschafft online

    In einer einjährigen Testphase wird die Landespolizei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern von der Uniform bis zum Dienstwagen den gesamten Bedarf via Internet beschaffen.
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns Polizei kauft online ein

    Die gesamten Einkäufe der Landespolizei von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern werden seit dieser Woche per Internet abgewickelt. Die Einkaufsliste reicht nach Angaben des Innenministeriums in Schwerin von der Uniform bis zum Fahrzeug.
  • Neue Direktiven für IT-Beschaffungen in britischen Behörden

    Großbritannien hat seine Direktiven für IT-Beschaffungen in Behörden europäischen Richtlinien angepasst. Demnach sollen öffentliche Auftraggeber bei Ausschreibungen für neue Computer-Hardware in Zukunft nur noch in Ausnahmefällen bestimmte Hersteller oder Prozessortypen bevorzugt nennen dürfen. Auch Forderungen nach minimalen CPU- und FSB-Taktraten sowie bestimmten Cache-Größen sollen künftig unterbleiben. Erlaubt sind im Regelfall nur noch allgemeine technische Bezeichnungen sowie auf unabhängigen Benchmark-Tests beruhende Performance-Mindestanforderungen (PDF-Datei).
  • Österreich: Elektronisches Beschaffungswesen

    ​​​​Diese Woche wurde die erste vollelektronische Ausschreibung der Bundesbeschaffung GmbH BBG abgewickelt. Es handelte sich um ein zweistufiges Verfahren, bei dem die Bieter ihr Angebot elektronisch und digital sicher signiert über die Plattform http://www.auftrag.at hochgeladen haben
  • Public procurement: EU promotes web advertising of public contracts EU-wide

    The European Commission has moved to make it easier to advertise large public contracts on the Internet. It has adopted new standard forms for such notices mainly for use online. This is part of a wider EU strategy on computerising public procurement procedures in the EU. The forms will be available in all EU languages by the end of October at the SIMAP website at www.simap.eu.int.
  • South Africa: Initiative launched to provide Joburg with ‘affordable’ broadband

    Telecommunication solutions provider 
Ericsson has launched BWired, an 
initiative which will connect the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) by providing voice and data communication, making afford-able broadband services widely accessible to Johannesburg citizens.

    Bwired is an empowered telecommunications service provider that has a strong focus on answering the need for broadband ser
vices, mainly in underserviced areas. It was formed after Ericsson South Africa was 
awarded the billion-rand Johannesburg Broadband Network Project in March last year. The first phase of the project began in April 2009 and should be completed over three years. The vision is to establish a citywide, high-speed broadband network that should ultimately stimulate socioeconomic development throughout the city.

  • Uganda upgrades online procurement

    Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) has launched an integrated online platform which will ease the procurement of public goods and services by the government and its institutions.

    “When we improve on the procurement process in government institutionsm, both at the central and local government levels, this enables the government to deliver quality social services in time to its citizens. We expect the new ICT portal will address that in the next coming financial year which will start on 1st July 2015,” Professor Simeon Wanyama, the PPDA Board Chair said last week during the launch in Kampala.

  • UK: Defence sales go online

    The public may be able to pick up a Green Goddess fire truck, warship or aircraft at an online auction

    The auction launched by The Disposal Sales Agency, part of the Ministry of Defence (MoD), allows potential buyers to bid and pay for ex government items online.

  • UK: e-Auction for IT saves 4.5 million pounds for NHS Trust

    A group of NHS trusts have achieved potential savings of nearly 30 per cent on this year's bill for IT Hardware via an on-line auction.

    Projected savings worth nearly 30 per cent, over £4.5m, should reduce the bill for PC equipment from £16m to £11.5m. Details of the contracts will be finalised shortly. The total package includes over 21,000 desktop PCs and nearly 4500 laptops.

  • UK: eAuctions Could Save Councils Millions

    Local authorities in Wales could save council taxpayers millions of pounds on key contracts through online auctions, it's been predicted.

    Swansea Council in collaboration with neighbouring Neath Port Talbot has saved the authorities £650,000 over the next five years after securing just one contract via e-Auction.

    Swansea's Cabinet meeting endorsed the securing of a contract with a company from Llanelli for tinned and dried foods that will be worth about £1.3m a year.

  • UK: Post offices in Wales to join ‘broadband hub’ trial

    A pilot project will be launched in Wales to use post offices as “broadband hubs”.

    Local government minister Brian Gibbons agreed £1,500 could be allocated from the Post Office Development Fund to equip two offices with computer equipment.

    The partnership with BT Wales, which will match the funding, would allow sub-postmasters and mistresses in rural areas and areas of deprivation to turn their post offices into community broadband hubs.

  • UK: Scotland: Five-fold jump in 'eProcurement' spending

    There has been a five-fold increase in spending by the public sector via an online ordering service, the Scottish Government disclosed yesterday.

    The value of transactions carried out using the "eProcurement Scotland" system was £1.7 billion in 2007, five times the previous year's total of £321 million. It amounted to almost a quarter of all public sector procurement, which is worth about £8 billion a year.

  • UK: Wales sold on eProcurement

    eAuction experiment delivers substantial savings

    Millions could be saved by Welsh councils following a successful first eAuction pilot by two local authorities in the Principality.

    Swansea and Neath Port Talbot councils secured potential savings of £650,000, equivalent to nine per cent of expenditure for the supply of tinned and dried foods for a contract worth around £1.3 million per year.

  • UK: Web auctions could save Welsh councils ''millions''

    Is this a procurement revolution?

    Swansea Council claims an online auction collaboration with a neighbouring council could pave the way for other Welsh authorities to save millions of pounds in the procurement of key contracts.

    As part of its e-government programme, Swansea worked with Neath Port Talbot Council to procure by online auction a tinned and dried foods supplier for schools in a contract worth £1.3m per year. The auction will save the councils £650,000 over the next five years.

  • US-Behörden zu Hersteller-Neutralität angehalten

    Das Weiße Haus hat sämtliche US-Behörden angewiesen, sich an bestehende Regeln zu halten und die Nennung jeglicher Markennamen in Beschaffungsverträgen zu unterlassen. Dies resultiere in höheren Preisen für nahezu alles - von der Büroklammer bis hin zu PCs - und gefährde zudem die Existenz kleinerer Anbieter, so das Memorandum, das kürzlich allen staatlichen Einkaufsstellen zuging. Man sei besorgt, dass diese Praxis in den vergangenen Jahren - speziell in der IT-Beschaffung - überhand genommen habe.
  • US: Getting Governments to Shop Well

    Governments and vendors can learn a lot from each other. The procurement process ought to start long before the RFPs are issued.

    Do you remember your first middle-school dance? The boys on one side of the gym, the girls on the other, both too afraid to approach each other. Many of those fears evaporated as we came to know more about each other.

    Too often, the government procurement process is like that dance. Government officials are reluctant to engage with potential private-sector vendors outside of the formalized bidding process, fearing that their ethics might be questioned or they might end up spending taxpayer money on products or services that cost too much or don't work as advertised.

  • US: Bringing Innovation to Procurement

    Almost no one likes the procurement process. Here are some ideas for changing it.

    When a mid-sized city in the northeastern United States became frustrated with its antiquated accounting processes a few years ago, officials there decided to seek a modern, technology-based solution. Hoping to capitalize on the latest accounting technology while minimizing the city’s investment in new servers and software, they opted to pursue a cloud solution.

    Mindful of stringent government procurement rules, the city put together an RFP. But rather than write an RFP from scratch outlining its interest in a cloud-based solution, the city borrowed much of the text from an RFP written years before. The vendors that reviewed the RFP were confused. Here the city was saying it wanted a cloud-based solution, yet its requirements as outlined in the RFP were inconsistent with such a solution. As a result, most of the interested vendors simply did not bid.

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