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Samstag, 25.01.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

LU: Luxemburg / Luxembourg

  • A smart city in the making

    The Smart City Expo World Congress will take place in Barcelona on 15-17 November, and several Luxembourg representatives will be present. Here are some of their visions of smarter urban design.

    In its Smart City Strategy Index (SCSI) 2019, global consulting firm Roland Berger analysed 153 cities worldwide, ranking Vienna as number one. The Austrian capital scored a total 74 points out of 100. London took second place (73 points), while third place (72 points) went to St. Albert, Canada, which has a population comparable to that of Luxembourg City.

  • Elektronische Verwaltung 2.0: Luxemburgs E-Government wird rundumerneuert

    Die Regierung hat am Dienstag den neuen Referenzrahmen für die Internetangebote der staatlichen Verwaltungen vorgestellt. Das öffentliche Angebot im Web soll benutzerfreundlicher, reichhaltiger und sicherer werden. Ein besonderes Augenmerk gilt dabei der so genannten "Accessibility" - also der Optimierung der Websites für behinderte Menschen.

    So sollen längerfristig sämtliche Verwaltungswebsites so programmiert sein, dass es für sehbehinderte Menschen oder solche mit Bewegungseinschränkungen leichter wird, durch die Internetseiten zu navigieren und die Inhalte auch tatsächlich zu nutzen. Die Seiten sind so gestaltet, dass sie sich ohne Maus bedienen lassen und die Inhalte via Sprachsynthese korrekt vorgelesen werden können. Die Websites sollen in Zukunft diesbezüglich den internationalen Standards des Web-Konsortiums W3C entsprechen. Im Rahmen der staatlichen Website www.sport.public.lu wurden die neuen Richtlinien zum ersten Mal umgesetzt.

  • LU: "Experiment, exchange, innovate": Government launches new GovTech lab

    Marc Hansen (DP), minister delegate for digitalisation had already announced the creation of a GovTech Lab back in September during ICT Spring 2020. The project was officially launched on Thursday.

    A joint intiative of the ministry of digitalisation and its technological arm, the Government IT centre, the new lab is supposed to “combine GovTech and open innovation to accelerate the development and improvement of digital public services,” the government said in a statement.

  • LU: “Digital Lëtzebuerg” - Digital strategy to offer helping hand for start-ups

    The government is moving ahead with the so-called “Digital Lëtzebuerg” platform to develop a comprehensive digital strategy for the ICT sector, but also related industries.

    Prime Minister Xavier Bettel in June this year first presented “Digital Lëtzebuerg”, which aims to keep Luxembourg attractive for existing ICT companies while also attracting new businesses, making the Grand Duchy an innovative hub in the sector.

  • LU: Future eHealth developments in Luxembourg - Concept, platform and agency

    On 29 June 2011, the Health Ministry of Luxembourg and the Public Research Centre (CRP) Henri Tudor presented the first results of the eHealth projects that have been ongoing for the past two years as well as the concepts that will underpin the future eHealth platform and the related agency.

    The Act on the reform of the health system that was adopted in December 2010 provides for the establishment of shared health records based on an electronic platform (eHealth Platform) and the creation of a national agency for shared information in the field of health (eHealth Agency). The first results presented at the event will serve as a basis for the services provided for in the aforementioned Act.

  • LU: Launch of smartphone app for eGovernment portal

    To meet users' increased need for connectivity and interactivity, the State Information Technology Centre (Centre des Technologies de l'Information de l'Etat - CTIE, in French) recently published its smartphone app for Luxembourg's eGovernment portal 'de Guichet'.

    This interactive directory lists over 600 competent State and municipal bodies for the various administrative procedures, including:

    • full contact details (address, phone number, email, etc.);
    • opening hours;
    • the opportunity to contact organisations directly from the app;
    • the use of geo-location with route suggestions in order to travel to a selected administration;
    • a reference to the mobile version of the 'de Guichet' portal;
    • a direct link to the news section of 'de Guichet'.

  • LU: National geoportal releases new version

    The national geoportal, which acts as a single entry point for all official geodata in Luxembourg, launched several new features in May 2011: a mobile version, route planning, a third dimension (altitude) display and advanced printing.

    Initially launched on 10 February 2011 by the Cadastre and Topography Administration of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, the geoportal provides access to the general public mapping window, free access to various thematic mapping windows and an eshop for online ordering of geodata and related products.

  • LU: Online ordering of cadastral extracts

    In July 2012, the Cadastre and Topography Administration of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg launched a new application that enables users to order online cadastral extracts.

    Users of this service are able to request cadastral extracts with a few clicks and in a simplified manner. Based on the information provided, the intelligence service of the administration of the cadastre and topography draw up the documents matching the criteria. The payment of this service may also be made online using a link sent to the user’s personal email address. The requested documents are sent by post once payment has been received.

  • LU: Second generation of State portal for Innovation and Research now online

    Luxinnovation, the National Agency for Innovation and Research and the State Information Technology Centre (Centre des Technologies de l'Information de l'Etat - CTIE, in French), presented the second generation of the Luxembourg portal for Innovation and Research during the Luxinnovation Forum 'Business meets Research' held on 26 May 2011.

    The portal has been completely revamped and modernised to meet the needs and expectations of its target audiences. It features navigation, ergonomics and a complete design overhaul to facilitate its use, as well as new innovative features which will gradually improve all of the State's official websites.

  • LU: Updated eGovernment portal ‘Guichet.lu’ and 'MyGuichet' platform now available online

    In early February 2013, the revamped version of the eGovernment portal Guichet.lu as well as the MyGuichet platform went live.

    The updated portal offers enhanced new features. The most visible improvements involve graphics. The home page has been redesigned, putting a particular focus on the latest and more relevant news for users.

  • LU: Website provides real time information on the status of flooded areas

    The Water Management Administration (Administration de la gestion de l'eau - WMA, in French) has launched the inondations.lu website (in German) in an effort to inform the public in real time on the progress of floods in Luxembourg.

    WMA, the government authority responsible for water protection and management, provides hourly updates on the water levels of the Sûre, Moselle and Meuse rivers on its website. When warranted, flood risk analysis, forecasting and flood control measures are made available on the portal. Furthermore, WMA disseminates flood risk and flood hazard scenarios via the national geoportal, and provides a map of flood zones.

  • Luxembourg: First step towards the globalisation of online services for businesses

    The main administrative procedures of Luxembourg's Commission for Maritime Affairs (Commissariat aux Affaires Maritimes - CAM, in French) aimed at maritime companies established in Luxembourg, will soon be made available online.

    The maritime companies established in Luxembourg have to deal with such formalities on a recurrent basis. A pilot project has already made it possible for a select few to go through the relevant formalities online, assisted by online service wizards (assistants de service, in French) in the business section of 'de Guichet' - (www.guichet.lu), Luxembourg's eGovernment portal - and by the CAM's electronic data processing interface.

    On 'de Guichet', the maritime companies have a 'business space' which is secured by a LuxTrust S.A. certificate, and where they can save their applications, submit them to the CAM and follow up their status.

  • Luxembourg: Mobile version of 'Guichet.lu' now available, free-of-charge

    A mobile version of 'de Guichet' (www.guichet.lu), Luxembourg's online one-stop shop to administrative information and online services has been made available in order to respond to user demand. This version (http://m.guichet.lu) has been completely rethought and optimised for mobile use and is accessible free of charge via most smartphones.

    This is a first for a Luxembourgish government website, and it is part of a State Internet presence strategy that takes into account the fact that the Grand Duchy is among the world leaders in terms of mobile phone penetration (over 140 %).

  • Luxembourg: Patent register accessible via the Internet

    In order to facilitate administrative simplification and to enhance transparency for the customers and the users of the patent system, the Luxembourgish patent data has been made available on the Internet via the site www.bibliopi.lu.

    The search service of the Patent Register or 'Patent Status Base' is provided by the Intellectual Property Office ('Office de la propriété intellectuelle' - OPI, in French). It places information relating to bibliographic patent data at the public's disposal.

  • Luxemburg bleibt E-Government-Schlusslicht

    Staatssekretär Jos Schaack relativiert die Ergebnisse der EU-weiten Studie

    Das Dienstleistungsangebot der öffentlichen Verwaltungen in Luxemburg hält sich immer noch in Grenzen. Das untermauert die rezenten Bestandsaufnahme der EU-Kommission, die Staatssekretär Jos Schaack am Montag kommentierte. Unter 18 europäischen Staaten rangiert das Großherzogtum bei der Internet-Offerte des Staates auf dem letzten Platz. Und das trotz erheblicher Fortschritte im vergangenen Jahr. Einigen sich die Planer beim Staat zusammen mit Akteuren aus der Privatwirtschaft auf ein sicheres System für maximalen Datenschutz, dürfte das konkrete Verbesserungen im Interesse der Bürger mit sich bringen.

  • Luxemburg bleibt Schlusslicht bei Online-Verwaltungsdiensten

    Luxemburg ist der einzige EU-Staat, der bei der Online-Verfügbarkeit von Verwaltungsdiensten die 50 -Prozent-Marke nicht erreichte

    Mit der vierten Ausgabe des E-Governement-Benchmarking-Berichts vom Oktober 2003 nimmt das Consulting-Unternehmen Cap Gemini Ernst & Young (CGEY) seit Oktober 2001 im Auftrag der EU-Kommission zweimal jährlich das Online-Verwaltungsangebot der 15 EU-Mitgliedsstaaten, sowie Islands, Norwegens und der Schweiz unter die Lupe. Seit vergangenem Jahr werden nur noch alle zwölf Monate 20 ausgewählte staatliche Dienstleistungsbereiche in dem jeweiligen Land ausschließlich anhand ihrer bestehenden Websites bewertet.

  • Luxemburg: Lob für die Effizienz des öffentlichen Diensts

    Die öffentliche Verwaltung arbeite heute moderner und effizienter, als dies bei ihrem Amtsantritt im Jahr 1999 der Fall gewesen sei, hoben die zuständige Ministerin Lydie Polfer und Staatssekretär Jos Schack während des Neujahrsempfangs ihrer Behörde hervor.
  • Luxemburg: Mehr Sicherheit mit digitaler Unterschrift

    Luxemburg macht in Sachen e-Government wichtigen Schritt nach vorn

    Nach fünf Jahren ist es soweit: Eine einheitliche digitale Signatur soll Unternehmen und Staat die Identität der Unterzeichner einer E-Mail oder der Nutzer von Online -Banking-Software garantieren. Die Firmen, hauptsächlich Banken, profitieren beim Zahlungsverkehr von der elektronischen Unterschrift. Der Staat schreitet weiter auf den e-Government-Pfaden voran: Mit der Signatur könnten Steuererklärungen, Lohnsteuerkarten und andere amtliche Dokumente komplett per Internet angeboten werden, der Postweg per Brief entfällt.

  • Luxemburgs älteste Verwaltung ist online

    Konzept der Website geht weit über das einer reinen Informations-Seite hinaus

    Die "Administration de l'enregistrement et des domaines" (AED), die für indirekte Steuern zuständig ist, hat am Freitag ihre Internet -Seite offiziell vorgestellt. Die 1841 gegründete Verwaltung - die erste, die nach der Unabhängigkeit des Großherzogtums eingerichtet wurde - will mit ihrem Webauftritt nicht nur den Kontakt zum Bürger pflegen, sondern bietet auch erste Beispiele interaktiver E-Government-Anwendungen.

  • Smart cities: the future lies in cooperation

    As part Nexus2050, organised at Luxexpo, presentations and a roundtable discussion were held on the theme of the Smart City on Thursday. It was an opportunity to discover cutting-edge projects on this theme.

    Today, the Smart City mainly involves the development of digital twins. These digital twins can be fed with a wealth of information to manage and anticipate certain elements, such as traffic or water levels. This is possible thanks to the relay of connected objects and sensors, but also thanks to a whole range of different sources of information that can enrich the analyses (such as meteorological data in the case of water levels).

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