Heute 21

Gestern 1839

Insgesamt 39786264

Samstag, 25.01.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

NO: Norwegen / Norway

  • Gardermoen Airport in Norway deploys self-serve biometric border control gates

    The Gardermoen Airport in Oslo, Noway, is now allowing users of biometric passports to check themselves through the gates using an EasyPASS gate system, tnp.no reports.

    The technology behind the EasyPASS gate is based on facial recognition and operates in two stages. After passing the first gate, passenger’s faces are scanned and identity is verified through comparison with the photo included in the passport. Once identity is verified, a gate opens and the passenger can walk though, having completed the process. The system takes an average of 18 seconds to complete.

  • NO: Introduction of national electronic medication record

    The Norwegian Medicines Agency has recently contributed to the National Action Plan for eHealth 2014 – 2016 by launching the national electronic medication record and new electronic adverse event reporting system.

    The electronic medication record improves patient safety, thus making life easier for health care providers and creating new online services in the pharmaceutical field. It is a tool through which prescribing doctors, practitioners and pharmacies collect and update information on drugs used. Moreover, the system allows each patient to have access to his own pharmaceutical records.

  • Smart cities with privacy in mind? Norway is making a start

    For smart city initiatives to take root, they need public buy-in, and that means the data privacy challenge needs to be tackled.

    In today’s landscape, the success of enterprises, both public and private, now rests on how they utilize data.

    Organizations of various sizes collect a wealth of data in major cities but principally for their own use, while citizens themselves seemingly derive little benefit from that harvest.

  • Australia: Scandinavian e-health trip for ACT minister

    ACT Health Minister Katy Gallagher has decided to travel to Denmark and Norway in August to learn about the countries' e-health systems.

    "Scandinavia is considered a leader in e-health and design of health facilities," Gallagher said in a statement. She hoped to gain some pointers for the territory's e-health investment, which amounted to $90 million in this year's budget (passed early this morning).

  • Datenpanne in Norwegen

    Das norwegische Steueramt hat Personendaten sämtlicher Steuerzahler irrtümlich an Medien verschickt.

    In Norwegen zeichnet sich ein Datenskandal riesigen Ausmaßes ab: Die Steuerbehörde des Landes hat versehentlich die Personennummern zur Identifizierung aller vier Millionen Steuerzahler einschließlich ihrer Einkommen an Zeitungsredaktionen geschickt.

  • Digital Norway sweeps away barriers to information sharing

    The Scandinavian state requires public bodies responsible for geodata to share it freely

    A poultry farmer finds a dead yet apparently uninjured swan on his land. He alerts the government's food security agency, which decides that it looks like a case of avian flu - which could be the one deadly to humans, and in turn might trigger a pandemic. As the vets swing in to action, the agency's IT systems trawl for data on nearby households. Within minutes, everyone living inside a buffer zone miles in diameter has received an automated phone call or a text message telling them what's going on and what precautions they need to take.

  • Minister Aasrud discusses Norway’s digital agenda with Singaporean counterparts

    Last week Minister of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs, Rigmor Aasrud, visited Singapore to learn more about cooperation in ICT between Norway and Singapore, as well as to gain insight into Singapore’s work in the digitisation of the public sector.

    Minister Aasrud is currently planning a new digital strategy (Digital Agenda) for Norway. The strategy will include the public sector, citizen welfare and industrial policy for ICT-related sectors.Singapore is recognised as one of the world’s leading countries within electronic public services (eGovernment) and Minister Aasrud and her Singaporean discussion partners had lively debates on how to achieve success in this important sector.

  • NO: ‘Helsenorge.no’ health portal launched

    A new Norwegian health portal, helsenorge.no, which will include guidance on health and fitness, health rights and health services, plus information about illness and treatment, was launched on 15 June 2011.

    Helsenorge.no will provide information about what contributes to health, such as diet and physical activity, and take up issues such as pregnancy and mental health. It also features an overview of the various health services.

    Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen, Minister of Health and Care Services, who launched the site, said: "eHealth is a key priority for the government. Through Helsenorge.no new technology is used to provide people with more help and better care."

  • NO: Country-wide implementation of ePrescriptions a success

    Nearly 300 000 ePrescriptions have been issued in Norway since their introduction on 18 October 2011.

    ePrescriptions are being gradually rolled out throughout the country and full adoption is expected by 2013. 32 municipalities and 60 pharmacies are currently involved in the ePrescription programme, which is responsible for establishing a national, fully electronic information chain for prescription drugs and medical supplies in Norway. This chain consists of the Norwegian Medicines Agency, doctors, pharmacies and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV). It is led by the Norwegian Directorate of Health and is owned by the Ministry of Health and Care Services.

  • NO: eID solution MinID achieves record usage

    The usage of Norway's eIdentity (eID) solution MinID has reached a record high, both in the number of its registered users and in the number of times it was used, it was announced on 19 August 2011.

    In June 2011 there were a record 2.6 million MinID users, making it Norway's most popular eID solution ever. By August, MinID had already been used over 15 million times for Government services during 2011, which is more than during the whole of 2010.

  • NO: ePrescription scheme introduced in Telemark county

    On 7 February 2012, ePrescriptions were introduced in Telemark county (southeast Norway) aiming to improve security and make patients' lives easier.

    Most Telemark municipalities have used ePrescription since 7 February 2012, while others will join later. For instance, Nissedal and Aust-Agder counties are expected to adopt ePrescriptions on 24 April 2012, while the municipalities of Hjartdal and Notodden in early 2013.

    The scheme is well received by patients, doctors, pharmacies and medical supply outlets. In this regard the director of the Directorate of Health, Ms. Anne-Lise Härter said: "All actors involved have positive experiences and I think that electronic prescriptions are better than the paper ones".

  • NO: ePrescriptions introduced in Vestfold county

    On 16 November 2011, ePrescriptions were introduced in several Vestfold county municipalities with the aim to increase the level of security of patients, doctors and pharmacies.

    Prior to mid-November, the only municipalities issuing ePrescriptions in Norway were those of Hordaland county (Southwest Norway) with one exception, namely Larvik municipality in Vestfold county (Southeast Norway). Now more municipalities of Vestfold county - Tønsberg, Sandefjord, Horten, Re, Tjøme, Stokke, Nøtterøy and Andebu - have adopted ePrescriptions.

    Overall, 143 medical practices, 60 pharmacies and nine medical supply outlets use electronic prescriptions on a daily basis. More than 300 000 prescriptions have been issued by doctors since their introduction in spring 2010.

  • NO: MinID provides higher security options for sensitive information

    From 24 March 2011, Norway's electronic identity (eID) service MinID has been offering users two new options which provide secure access to public authorities' services dealing with highly sensitive personal information.

    MinID is developed and maintained by the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT - Difi, in Norwegian), and currently gives about 2.5 million people secure electronic access to public services. In 2010 it was used 14 million times to login to various public services, including the delivery of tax returns, services of the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV), applications for day care, applications for student loans and scholarships and applications for school and student places. These services do not require high security, since they do not process sensitive personal data nor have special security requirements.

  • NO: New version of the national procurement service launched

    On 1 January 2014 a new version was launched of the national procurement service Doffin, where public institutions in Norway publish information about their calls for tender. The goal is to simplify the system and provide a better service for its users.

    The new version of Doffin is a more modern platform which is faster and reduces the cost of operation and use.

  • NO: Online access to tax rolls through ID port/MinID

    On 21 October 2011, the Norwegian Ministry of Finance published the tax rolls for 2010. The Parliament decided that this year this information should be made accessible on the website of the Tax Administration - Skatteetaten.no - only, after logging on the authentication portal 'ID port/MinID' with one of the following eID solutions: MinID, Buypass ID or Commfides e-ID.

    The tax rolls are records of a taxpayer's (natural or legal persons) name, year of birth (or year of creation for companies), zip code, city, taxation municipality, net income, net assets and assessed tax amount. The remaining information is not public. It is worth noting that the numbers are not necessarily final. For example, they may change as a result of an appeal to an assessment. The tax rolls are updated three times a year.

  • NO: Public consultation for a white paper on the development of eHealth services

    The Ministry of Health and Care Services (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, in Norwegian) is conducting a public consultation for a new white paper on eHealth in Norway. Input can be submitted through a blog which will remain open until 1 June 2012.

    During 2012, the Norwegian Government will put forward a white paper on healthcare in the digital age. The paper will present how information and communication systems in the health sector (eHealth) can help to improve the quality of illness prevention and treatment, and patient rehabilitation and care.

  • NO: Public eProcurement platform breaks new record

    In November 2011, the volume of sales of goods and services made through the public eProcurement portal of Norway, eHandel, reached the record value of NOK 660 million (approx. € 85.6 million).

    November 2011 was a record month for the number of orders placed online, with over 48 200 transactions. In addition, 401 suppliers used of the platform while the number of public entities present on the portal on the same month was 151, against 99 in November 2010.

  • NO: Report identifies huge potential in increasing the ICT cooperation between municipalities

    A report commissioned by the Norwegian government has concluded that increasing ICT cooperation in the municipal sector and between central and local governments could lead to substantial benefits, it was announced in March 2011.

    The report, entitled 'Joint ICT development in the municipal sector', describes the opportunities and challenges offered by ICT in local government. It was compiled by an independent consulting company, and was presented to Rigmor Aasrud,​​ the Minister of Government Administration and Church Affairs, on Friday 4 March 2011.

  • NO: Report reveals the need for more investment in healthcare ICT

    According to a report conducted by an international consulting company on behalf of the Norwegian Medical Association and Nurses, data systems in Norwegian healthcare should be further developed and standardised so that healthcare staff can easily communicate via a secure network.

    The report, presented to Robin Kåss, State Secretary in the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services in February 2011, shows that if ICT systems work better in healthcare, patients will receive both faster and safer treatment. The Norwegian hospitals invest about 1.6 % of disposable assets in ICT, an amount smaller than the one invested in hospitals by the neighbouring Nordic countries.

  • NO: The 2013 State budget towards the digitalisation of the public sector

    In early October 2012, the Norwegian Government proposed via the 2013 State budget a comprehensive digitisation initiative in line with the digitisation programme.

    The Government's goal is that digital communication should be the general rule between the citizens and the public sector. “The Government is planning a broad and strong commitment to ICT. Currently, it has been demonstrated that we are following the objectives of the digitisation programme, introducing key ICT initiatives across the government,” said the Minister of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs, Rigmor Aasrud.

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