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Montag, 10.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

US: Vereinigte Staaten / United Staates

  • New link allows small businesses more access to billions in federal contracts

    The U.S. Small Business Administration and the Department of Defense reached another e-government milestone by completing the integration of two key federal contractor databases: the Procurement Marketing and Access Network (PRO-Net) and the Central Contractor Registration (CCR).
  • New Network Connectivity Options for Powering Digital Government

    As state and local governments digitally transform their organizations to support remote work, more convenient constituent services, the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), smart city projects and more, they’re finding that traditional wireless network mediums don’t always meet the latency, security or other needs of modern use cases. They’re also struggling with the cost and complexity of on-premises network operations centers (NOCs) that can draw time and resources away from mission-critical work.

    As state and local governments digitally transform their organizations to support remote work, more convenient constituent services, the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), smart city projects and more, they’re finding that traditional wireless network mediums don’t always meet the latency, security or other needs of modern use cases. They’re also struggling with the cost and complexity of on-premises network operations centers (NOCs) that can draw time and resources away from mission-critical work.

  • New US E-Gov't Website Quality Report Highlights Need for Greater Measurement on Federal Websites

    Report Looks at Key Areas of Accessibility, SEO and Usability

    ActiveStandards, the leading Website Quality Management (WQM) platform, and WelchmanPierpoint, the web governance experts, today announced the publication of the first U.S. E-Government Website Quality Report, which measures the quality of federal government digital services delivered to U.S. citizens.

    The report demonstrates the value of establishing a quality benchmark for federal sites by producing a measure of current performance levels, and looks at how federal sites are performing across three key quality areas: accessibility, SEO and usability. The report is based on a survey taken in Q2 2012 of 43 federal websites encompassing 8,500 site pages with each site being validated across 26 compliance checkpoints and given a Total Quality ranking based on performance. It also discusses the quality challenges federal sites face now – and those they will face in the future.

  • New US government digital team picks open source because it is ‘easier to use’

    Open source software is easier to use than proprietary software, 18F - the US Government’s digital services team, has told FutureGov.

    The team set out its preference for open source in a blog published on 29 July. When asked by FutureGov whether open source is harder to use than proprietary software, Eric Mill, Software Engineer at 18F responded: “Not at all. It’s typically just the opposite, especially with larger open source projects.”

  • NSA-Biometrie in EU-Pässen

    Größter US-Geheimdienst hat die Standards für Europas Pässe definiert | Daumen, Zeigefinger rechts und JPEG-Foto | EU-Innenminister folgen Roadmap der NSA
  • Officials research benefits of e-government at Masie Center

    Officials from the city and county spent Tuesday looking at examples of e-government and brainstorming what services they'd want to see in an ideal electronic municipal world.
  • Once a beacon for e-government, U.S. fails to make top 10 in latest U.N. global report

    Fifteen years ago, the United States was the undisputed leader in the evolving world of e-government, where online transactions with government were seen as a powerful engine for improving public services.

    A new United Nations report shows just how much other nations around the globe have risen up and surpassed the United States in delivering on that vision.

  • Online booking system selected for e-gov travel initiative

    TRX Inc. was picked to provide the online booking system for the Bush administration's e-travel initiative, federal officials announced today.
  • Online Database of Shared Services Providers Launched in the US

    The CIO Council in the United States has launched an online database of shared services to help government departments find and use existing services instead of buying new ones.

    The database, called ‘Uncle Sam’s List’ (USL), offers information on shared IT services and providers in different service areas. Federal employees must log in to view the list.

  • Online rule-making to debut Dec. 18

    The Office of Management and Budget and the Environmental Protection Agency plan to launch the first iteration of the Online Rulemaking e-government project on Dec. 18. The portal, at www.regulations.gov, will let citizens and businesses find and comment on proposed federal regulations.
  • Online USA Doctors Announces a New, Unique Alternative to Traditional Healthcare Plans

    Allowing Patients Unlimited Doctor Access 7 Days Per Week

    Online USA Doctors is now able to provide doctor consultations 7 days per week for common healthcare questions that would otherwise send people to urgent care clinics and/or hospital emergency rooms.

    Online USA Doctors now offers nationwide health insurance doctor consultations 7 days per week in a telemedicine environment that is proven to reduce healthcare costs for individuals and families.

  • Online USA Doctors Announces Around the Clock Doctor Consultations

    For those who choose not to wait in line at a hospital emergency waiting room, and those who refuse to pay ever increasing healthcare costs, a new solution has arisen called Online USA Doctors, an all-inclusive healthcare option for those fed up with the status quo.

    Despite an advanced American healthcare system, those in need of medical treatment are finding it increasingly more difficult to consult with a doctor, especially for non-emergency ailments, due to a multitude of reasons. Many patients simply find it too expensive to consult a doctor for non-life threatening concerns, or find themselves put at the end of a long waiting list, moved aside for those with more serious or immediate health distresses. For those who choose not to wait in line at a hospital emergency waiting room, and those who refuse to pay ever increasing healthcare costs, a new solution has arisen called Online USA Doctors, an all-inclusive healthcare option for those fed up with the status quo.

  • Online-Anmeldung bei USA-Reisen jetzt zwingend

    An einer Online-Anmeldung vor ihrem Abflug kommen deutsche USA-Touristen nicht mehr vorbei. Wer ohne Visum in die Vereinigten Staaten einreisen möchte, muss jetzt zwingend am ESTA-Verfahren teilnehmen und den US-Behörden Daten übermitteln. Diese Möglichkeit gab es auf der Website des US-Ministeriums für innere Sicherheit auch bisher schon, und es wurde von Reisenden verlangt, sie zu nutzen. Kamen Touristen trotzdem ohne ESTA-Anmeldung zum Flughafen, hatten die Fluggesellschaften bisher allerdings einen Ermessensspielraum, die Passagiere trotzdem einsteigen zu lassen. Das sei nun nicht mehr möglich, erklärt ein Sprecher des US-Generalkonsulats in Hamburg.

  • Onlineanmeldung für USA-Reisen

    Ab heute müssen sich USA-Reisende online für die Reise registrieren

    Seit dem heutigen Montag müssen sich USA-Reisende aus Ländern ohne Visapflicht online registrieren, bevor sie das Flugzeug oder Schiff besteigen, das sie über den Atlantik bringen soll.

    Die digitale Anmeldung über das elektronische Reisegenehmigungssystem () soll die grünen Karten, die Reisende früher im Flugzeug ausfüllen mussten, ersetzen.

  • Open-Source-Site für das US-Verteidigungsministerium

    Unter dem Namen Forge.mil hat das US-amerikanische Verteidigungsministerium (Department of Defense, DOD) eine SourceForge-ähnliche Plattform für den eigenen Gebrauch aufgesetzt. Die Website soll DOD-interne Open-Source-Projekte hosten, der Zugriff ist streng reglementiert und nur über Smartcard möglich.

  • OPM and FEMA unveil e-gov sites

    The Office of Personnel Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency yesterday launched Web sites for their Quicksilver e-government projects.
  • OPM overhauls USA Jobs site

    Just two weeks after deciding not to recompete the contract for the Recruitment One-Stop e-government project, the Office of Personnel Management has launched the revamped federal jobs site, at www.usajobs.opm.gov.
  • OSZE-Beobachter in den USA: ''Venezuela hat bessere Wahlcomputer''

    Offiziell wertete die OSZE den Einsatz von elektronischen Wahlmaschinen in den USA als Erfolg. Einzelne Beobachter der Organisation kritisierten jedoch heftig die eingesetzten Systeme und erklärten, die Technik in manchem Dritte-Welt-Land sei sicherer als die der USA.
  • Paying for telemedicine in the United States

    "How do we get paid for telemedicine?" This is one of the most common questions I've heard over my past 20 years in the industry. Grants are fine for start-ups, but becoming self-sustaining and profitable requires an enduring stream of revenue. Fortunately, there are multiple funding sources. Even better, the streams are growing.

    Let's start by sorting out a few facts.

  • PE: Biometric passport required if US visa waiver succeeds

    Peru's recently-issued biometric passports will be also required for Peruvian citizens’ visa-free entry into the US, if a visa-waiver process consolidates, the Foreign Affairs Ministry affirmed.

    "It’s a great advantage to rely on the biometric passport nowadays [...]. This document will be used in case the American visa becomes exempted; that [requirement] is comprised in the process engaging the US," Ambassador Carlos Polo indicated.

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