Businesses that want to try electronic reporting may obtain information from the Census Bureau Web site at Using information they received with their paper form in December, they may download a Windows-based electronic questionnaire tailored to their business type. Businesses may file their electronic forms with the Census Bureau on a secure Internet site or via diskette.
The real payoff comes for firms with dozens or even hundreds of locations. Instead of having to complete a separate form for each establishment, businesses may import information from company spreadsheets right into the economic census software.
"Electronic reporting can significantly lower the reporting costs incurred by some of our largest and most important businesses," said Tom Mesenbourg, assistant director of the Census Bureau. "It saves us time and money as well."
In addition to accepting electronic reporting, the Census Bureau's help site offers answers to questions businesses ask most often and provides other services such as verification that their report was received.
Complementing the online help site is a toll-free help line, 800-233-6136, answered by Census Bureau employees from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.
Quelle: The Business Gazette