The urban development department has decided to revoke its sanction to the CCP's e-governance project after certain discrepancies in the tender came to its notice.
It has recalled the file from the finance department which was sent for approval and will put a note to the government to direct the CCP to re-tender the project.
Without disclosing what the flaws are, a government official said that their main objection is to the way the tender process has been carried out by the CCP. In fact, the consultant for the project, Charu Upasane has expressed regrets.
The issue was raked up before the standing committee meeting of the CCP on Tuesday. Mayor Surendra Furtdao confirmed that the consultant has faltered. "The standing committee has decided to re-tender the e-governance project. Also, the consultant will be blacklisted," he said, without pointing out what blunder the consultant had made.
He said that Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) was required to start work by January but have hardly come to the CCP office. The letter of intent was issued to TCS in January.
The project was kick-started in January this year for which funding has been received from Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). The project was to be completed in 8 months time.
As and when the project becomes operational, citizens will be able to get their work done like obtaining a birth or death certificate without visiting the CCP office, and get their work done with a click of the mouse.
Quelle/Source: The Times of India, 03.05.2014