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Montag, 10.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Rs 60 crore project aims to boost security with AI-enabled cameras, face detection technology

The Faridabad Metropolitan Development Authority (FMDA) has issued a new tender for the installation of 1,050 additional CCTV cameras across the city, with an estimated cost of Rs 60 crore. The move is expected to triple the city’s CCTV coverage, significantly enhancing law and order surveillance.

Officials say many of the new cameras would feature face detection and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology, allowing for closer monitoring of vehicles at key crossings and junctions. Around 100 cameras would be equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI), capable of tracking suspicious movement and alerting authorities.

The project, which was delayed for a year due to technical, financial and election-related issues, would target densely populated areas lacking sufficient surveillance. It would include various types of cameras, such as Red Light Violation Detection (RLVD) and Body Wearable cameras, to improve crime and traffic monitoring.

This initiative follows the earlier installation of 1,150 cameras under the Smart City project in 2018-19, many of which were rendered non-functional due to construction work, poor maintenance and theft. The new system would work in tandem with the Integrated Command Control Centre (ICCC) in Sector 20, which already monitors traffic violations and assists the police in issuing online fines.

FMDA Chief Engineer Ramesh Bagri said work on the project is expected to begin next month.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Bijendra Ahlawat

Quelle/Source: The Tribune, 20.12.2024

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