November 2011 was a record month for the number of orders placed online, with over 48 200 transactions. In addition, 401 suppliers used of the platform while the number of public entities present on the portal on the same month was 151, against 99 in November 2010.
"This is brilliant. It is hard work to change the way the government works. The many users of the platform and increased turnover show that there is a snowball effect," said Hans Christian Holte, the Director of Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi).
Mr Holte nevertheless encouraged public buyers to further commit to change. "We have a long way to go before we can really exploit the opportunities we have in this area."
"The platform facilitates better public procurement. It provides better planning, a better basis for the choice of suppliers, and faster and cheaper procedures. The choice should be easy," he said.
The eHandel platform is part of Difi's initiative to support the transition to eBusiness; public authorities have access to comprehensive eProcurement services in a cost effective manner, and they can find guidance as well as information on how such services constitute an effective tool for better, easier and safer purchases. An interface enables both the buyers and the suppliers to deal with catalogues, orders, order confirmations and invoices. In this way, both parties can save costs by having fewer points of contacts to maintain for business.
Further information:
- Original news article - Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (in Norwegian)
- eHandel figures - November 2011 (in Norwegian)
- Background information - ePractice eGovernment Factseet for Norway
Quelle/Source: epractice, 04.01.2011