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Montag, 10.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Last week Minister of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs, Rigmor Aasrud, visited Singapore to learn more about cooperation in ICT between Norway and Singapore, as well as to gain insight into Singapore’s work in the digitisation of the public sector.

Minister Aasrud is currently planning a new digital strategy (Digital Agenda) for Norway. The strategy will include the public sector, citizen welfare and industrial policy for ICT-related sectors.Singapore is recognised as one of the world’s leading countries within electronic public services (eGovernment) and Minister Aasrud and her Singaporean discussion partners had lively debates on how to achieve success in this important sector.

Norway and Singapore are both small, highly internationalised, hi-tech countries which face the challenges of motivating and encouraging both the private and the public sectors to use digital or online versions of public services. Central issues during the meetings were ICT security in an increasingly digitised world, how to manage and organise eGovernment efforts and central criteria for achieving success.

The two day long visit included talks with Singapore’s Minister for Information, Communication and the Arts (MICA), Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim, and a meeting with the Minister of State, Mr. Lee Yi Shyan of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The meeting program also included Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star), as well as companies such as Siemens and CrimsonLogic.


Quelle/Source: The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Singapore, 13.02.2012

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