The electronic medication record improves patient safety, thus making life easier for health care providers and creating new online services in the pharmaceutical field. It is a tool through which prescribing doctors, practitioners and pharmacies collect and update information on drugs used. Moreover, the system allows each patient to have access to his own pharmaceutical records.
The national electronic medication record will provide the following benefits:
- Complete, updated and accessible information on each patient's drug use for the patients themselves and health professionals who need it for their work.
- Fewer errors in drug treatment by treating doctors and better knowledge of the drugs used for the patients.
- Possibility of new electronic and person-oriented pharmaceutical services consisting of training, monitoring, information, notifications and subscription schemes.
- Better opportunity for patients to influence and take responsibility for their own treatment.
- Accurate data on drugs and drug use for health registers and administrative records.
- Absence of the necessity of prescriptions and the annual renewal of prescriptions for prolonged drug treatment.
The national electronic medication record and the new electronic adverse event reporting system will build on the infrastructure and standards established through the ePrescription and Patient Summary systems and is a first step towards the citizen’s complete personal patient summary.
Further Information:
Quelle/Source: epractice, 05.09.2013