Heute 1447

Gestern 802

Insgesamt 39839515

Montag, 10.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
On 1 January 2014 a new version was launched of the national procurement service Doffin, where public institutions in Norway publish information about their calls for tender. The goal is to simplify the system and provide a better service for its users.

The new version of Doffin is a more modern platform which is faster and reduces the cost of operation and use.

New features include:

  • improved and faster search capabilities that make it easier for service providers to find relevant calls and announcements;
  • a more user-friendly operation with a more intuitive interface and clearer example screens;
  • better facilitation for the reuse of information and pre-filling data;
  • more efficient information retrieval and generation of statistics on public procurement;
  • easier creation of announcements than before.

It is also easier for third parties who wish to offer services based on the amount of data generated through daily announcements on the Doffin website.

“The new version of www.doffin.no is more modern and provides the necessary flexibility for the future,” said section manager André Hoddevik of the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi). “The solution has more and better functionality both for those who publish announcements, and for those who wish to bid for contracts. We believe this will provide increased user satisfaction.”

Many users have already logged in to the new version of Doffin, and for most the service works well. The upgrade has not yet been completed, however. The platform will get more functionality and guidance texts during the approval period, which lasts until 1 April 2014.

Mr Hoddevik added: “It is always challenging to adopt new solutions, and there has been much user feedback since the launch that has provided valuable input. We integrate this feedback into our daily improvement process.”

Users can reduce their costs to get translated announcements which will be published across the European Economic Area (EEA) through the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) website. In addition Difi has reduced the annual costs to operate the service.

Background Information:

Doffin is a compulsory national service that facilitates the posting of announcements related to procurement, concessions and similar matters. The aims of Doffin are to:

  • ensure that the market and the vendors have knowledge of procurements, thereby ensuring transparency and competition for contracts;
  • forward announcements for publication on to the TED website when necessary;
  • regulate the requirements for the announcements’ content;
  • act as a national collection point for the statistics on the announcements.

Difi is responsible for Doffin on behalf of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 30.01.2014

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