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Montag, 10.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Luxinnovation, the National Agency for Innovation and Research and the State Information Technology Centre (Centre des Technologies de l'Information de l'Etat - CTIE, in French), presented the second generation of the Luxembourg portal for Innovation and Research during the Luxinnovation Forum 'Business meets Research' held on 26 May 2011.

The portal has been completely revamped and modernised to meet the needs and expectations of its target audiences. It features navigation, ergonomics and a complete design overhaul to facilitate its use, as well as new innovative features which will gradually improve all of the State's official websites.

Luxinnovation has been collaborating with the CTIE since 2009 in order to develop the second generation of the portal, whose structure and contents were reworked and its functionalities enhanced to enable simplified use.

The objective of the new portal is to make it possible for users to find the information that interests them simply and quickly without needing to know from which organisation it originates. Built in true portal fashion, the site provides complete yet general information; it then navigates the user to actors and resources that can offer further support.

The portal's specific services include, among others:

  • information on financial aid aimed to support R&D and innovation projects and actions;
  • the 'Technology Market', which presents current technology offers and requests, published by companies and laboratories throughout Europe and beyond to facilitate technology transfer;
  • the 'Finding Partners' section, which introduces the capabilities and know-how of innovative enterprises and public research units in Luxembourg;
  • a dedicated section listing open calls for project proposals of key national and European research and innovation programmes.

The portal is rich in innovative features for which it served as both pilot and sponsor. These features represent the new generation of State portals as defined by the strategy document 'Master Plan for Electronic Governance'.

After having focused its efforts on harmonisation and accessibility, the CTIE now offers throughout the portal a more high-performance and user-friendly indexing and search system. Another new feature is the creation of a collaborative interface which allows businesses and public research units to create and update their presentations in real time, in preparation for a dynamic presentation in the 'Finding Partners' section.

A weekly newsletter offers users the opportunity to select information of interest from among recently published material such as news, events, calls, publications and 'Technology Market' advertisements. The newsletter is fully personalised, offering different specific sections as well as the possibility to filter information by technology field.

Background information:

The portal was initially launched in 2003 as one of the very first thematic portals of the Luxembourg State. Managed by Luxinnovation on behalf of the Ministry of the Economy and Foreign Trade, it offers a single, centralised point of access to all information on research and development (R&D) and innovation in Luxembourg. Its contents are produced in partnership with actors in the domain, namely the ministries concerned, public research actors, professional chambers and the National Research Fund.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 04.07.2011

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