Heute 1148

Gestern 4554

Insgesamt 39858614

Sonntag, 16.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
To meet users' increased need for connectivity and interactivity, the State Information Technology Centre (Centre des Technologies de l'Information de l'Etat - CTIE, in French) recently published its smartphone app for Luxembourg's eGovernment portal 'de Guichet'.

This interactive directory lists over 600 competent State and municipal bodies for the various administrative procedures, including:

  • full contact details (address, phone number, email, etc.);
  • opening hours;
  • the opportunity to contact organisations directly from the app;
  • the use of geo-location with route suggestions in order to travel to a selected administration;
  • a reference to the mobile version of the 'de Guichet' portal;
  • a direct link to the news section of 'de Guichet'.

The directory offers the opportunity to sort the various bodies by alphabetical order, theme and geographical location, in addition to providing a search feature.

Apart from the geo-location feature, this app can be used online and offline (without an Internet connection) and is intended for both citizens and businesses.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 28.09.2011

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