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Montag, 10.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
In early February 2013, the revamped version of the eGovernment portal Guichet.lu as well as the MyGuichet platform went live.

The updated portal offers enhanced new features. The most visible improvements involve graphics. The home page has been redesigned, putting a particular focus on the latest and more relevant news for users.

Additionally, the presentation of some 800 texts on various administrative procedures has been revised to allow users to perform time-efficient searches. For readability purposes, the available information has been grouped and categorised. A new search engine enables users to easily find what they need by using keyword searches.

From a technical point of view, the portal uses the latest technologies, including responsive design, which offers enhanced browsing capabilities for desktop computers, tablets or smartphones.

The redesign of guichet.lu has been accompanied by the launch of the new interactive platform MyGuichet, which facilitates users in carrying out their public administration formalities electronically. Available in French, German and English, this new application also allows users to increasingly handle their administrative affairs from any location round the clock in a simple and secure way.

Every MyGuichet private or professional user possesses a secure area, which is accessible after being authenticated by LuxTrust, a Luxembourgish certification authority. From this eSpace, users can manage their data, which can then be used to pre-fill certain forms. The online filing of the tax return is the best known example so far, but other services such as applications for a business permit or for an extract of a criminal record have also become available.

Moreover, the new platform replaces the old transactional part of the site, and all current holders of this section have been automatically transferred to a new secure eSpace on MyGuichet. No action is required on the users’ part, as their data has been migrated to the new space.

Users who do not have an account yet to carry out their administrative affairs online can create their own dedicated space on MyGuichet, provided they have an activated LuxTrust certificate.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 19.02.2013

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