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Montag, 10.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The government is moving ahead with the so-called “Digital Lëtzebuerg” platform to develop a comprehensive digital strategy for the ICT sector, but also related industries.

Prime Minister Xavier Bettel in June this year first presented “Digital Lëtzebuerg”, which aims to keep Luxembourg attractive for existing ICT companies while also attracting new businesses, making the Grand Duchy an innovative hub in the sector.

The new platform has been created to coordinate efforts between ministries, ensuring that different policy sectors work towards the same goal, which will enable the government to promote Luxembourg as a destination for digital business abroad.

Ecotechnologies, biotechnologies, logistics, the financial sector, but also traditional industrial sectors will be among the target areas, Bettel explained on Monday, while “Digital Lëtzebuerg” will also aim to improve areas, such as e-government and e-skills among the workforce.

“Digital Lëtzebuerg” has been designed as an eight-step programme, with the platform to create an inventory of existing mechanisms and planned projects, to then analyse and evaluate future areas of development before defining a global strategy.

This will be implemented with significant follow-up, while at the same time the message Luxembourg wants to convey abroad will be defined, along with target countries and audiences, before a final stage of promotion.

Details as project develops

The platform is placed under a triple presidency of the Prime Minister, Economy Minister Etienne Schneider and Finance Minister Pierre Gramegna. A coordination unit meanwhile will gather the work done by several other working groups in the field of FinTech, cybersercurity, e-government, e-skills, infrastructure, promotion and developing Luxembourg as a content hub.

Also among the working units is a group dedicated to supporting innovation, which will have three key missions – public aid for start-ups, generating a favourable environment for venture capital and seed funding, as well as facilitating the creation of new enterprises and simplifying interaction with administrations.

How exactly the “Digital Lëtzebuerg” platform will continue to develop, however, was not announced by the Premier on Monday.

Details of the project will be announced as they developed, Bettel said.


Quelle/Source: Luxemburger Wort, 21.10.2014

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