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Thursday, 18.04.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • CA: Saskatchewan government lags online, prof. says

    The government of Saskatchewan could win some friends by getting a Facebook account, an expert on digital media says.

    Ian Wilson, who runs the Stratford Institute for Digital Media at the University of Waterloo, ranked the province 10th out of 13, when it comes to its overall online presence.

    "Saskatchewan has some distance to go," Wilson told CBC News Wednesday, talking about the findings of a nationwide study of government online. "There's plenty of room for change and improvement in how the government of Saskatchewan provides services, informs citizens and engages them in discussions."

  • Cabinet Secretary of India calls for bench marking of public services in SAARC region

    The Cabinet Secretary of India, Shri K.M. Chandrashekhar has called for bench marking of public services in the SAARC region and to make them user friendly by adopting e-governance. He said that because of commonality of culture, administrative experience and other features joint efforts should be made to identify the services to be delivered and third party evaluating mechanism should be adopted. Inaugurating the SAARC Workshop on e-Governance here today, the Cabinet Secretary stressed on pooling of experiences in the field of ICT enabled service delivery. He said, this would definitely bring about sea changes in administration and service delivery mechanism. He said that there is a vast area of cooperation exists among the countries in the region. Attempts should, therefore, be made to maximise success in government programmes and to overcome areas of weakness.

  • Chile leads Latin American and Caribbean in UN e-government ranking

    Chile is the leading Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) country in the United Nation's (UN) 2012 global e-government survey, and was ranked number 39 worldwide.

    Colombia, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil were other highly-ranked countries in Latin America and were all rated among the top 60 countries worldwide for e-government.

    The highest-ranked Central American country was Panama, at number 66 worldwide, followed by El Salvador and Costa Rica.

  • China: Shanghai e-government ranked third in a global evaluation

    Shanghai’s digital government ranked third among 81 cities in a comprehensive evaluation on municipality websites for the year 2003 co-sponsored by the United Nations.

    Among the websites of cities having a relatively high proportion of individual Internet users, Shanghai’s official website ranked second for usability, sixth for service quality, eighth for security and ninth for both integrity of content and public participation.

  • China's e-government development ranks 78th

    China has made steady progress in overall e-government development, and the nation's e-government development ranked 78th this year, reveals a UN survey recently.

    The survey said that this is no small feat since it is a country of 1.2 billion people and a large land mass – both of which require more effort from the government, especially if the population is widely dispersed, than would a country with a small population living within a limited area.

  • Chinese municipal websites: poor service delivery

    An independent think-tank has handed bad reports to local governments on the mainland for their websites' ability to deliver services.

    Feng Xiao Zhe, CEO of Beijing-based Wasaitahan Investment Corporation, has described the majority of China's government websites as 'window-dressing'.

  • CN: Government Efficiency Rankings: Hong Kong tops chart

    A leading business school in Switzerland has released the results of its research in its “World Competitiveness Yearbook 2011”, which places Hong Kong at the top of government efficiency rankings, followed by Singapore and Switzerland.

    The metric seeks to quantify the “extent to which government policies are conducive to competitiveness” within a country.

    Explaining the results of the rankings, IMD Professor Stéphane Garelli, Director of IMD’s World Competitiveness Center, said, “‘World Competitiveness 2.0’ is thus characterised by a greater self-reliance of countries. It increasingly emphasizes re-industrialization, exports, and a more critical look at delocalization. This trend is triggered by the rise in commodity and transport prices and higher labor costs in emerging economies.”

  • Colombia leads Lat Am in 'internet governance'

    A United Nations (UN) report ranks Colombia as the most advanced country in "online governance" or E-Government in all of Latin American and the Caribbean.

    The ranking is a vast improvement from the previous UN ranking of E-government, which put Colombia in seventh place regionally. In addition, Colombia's global ranking improved from 52nd to 31st place, according to a press release from the office of the Colombian presidency.

  • Colombia: Regional Leader

    According to the annual UN report on e-government, Colombia ranks first in Latin America and the Caribbean

    The United Nations(UN) launched its global report on e-government in which Colombia ranks as the most advanced nation in Latin America and the Caribbean in this area, climbing from seventh place to first. Also in the global ranking, it went from No. 52 to 31, rising 21 spots from the previous ranking.

  • Czech Republic: Report gives gov't poor marks

    Watchdog blasts state for corruption, nontransparency

    If the government were a student, it probably would not be getting any merit scholarships.

    A year after helping the new government draft its official agenda following its belated formation in January 2007,, a civic group for increased government effectiveness, issued its annual “report card” Jan. 4, evaluating the government’s first year in power.

  • DACH-Region für elektronische Zukunft gerüstet

    Österreich schlägt Deutschland wegen E-Government-Vorsprung

    Die DACH-Region (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz) liegt unter 70 Ländern im Bereich der E-Readiness im erweiterten Spitzenfeld, absolut top sind derzeit die USA. Das geht aus dem "E-Readiness Ranking 2008" hervor, dass die Economist Intelligence Unit mit Unterstützung von IBM erstellt hat. "E-Readiness ist eine Summe von Eigenschaften, die darstellen, wie gut der Umgang mit elektronischen Medien in einem Land ausgeprägt ist", erklärt Robert Kernstock, IBM Managing Consultant Public Sector, im pressetext-Interview. Das Gesamtbild aus der Bewertung von sechs Einzelkategorien gibt Aufschluss darüber, wie gut Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) eines Landes zum Wohle von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft genutzt werden kann.

  • Dänemark bleibt Technologieführer

    Österreich rangiert im "Global Information Technology Report" des Weltwirtschaftsforums [WEF] auf Platz 15.

    Dänemark konnte sich auch 2007 wieder die Spitzenposition im weltweiten Wettbewerb um die Technologieführerschaft sichern und stellt gemeinsam mit Schweden und der Schweiz auf den Plätzen zwei und drei die Führungsspitze im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien [IKT].

  • Dänemark nutzt IT am besten

    Leichte Verbesserung für Deutschland

    In Dänemark wird nach einer Studie die Informationstechnologie (IT) im weltweiten Vergleich am wirksamsten genutzt.

    Deutschland hat sich in der Rangfolge der technologisch innovativsten Länder der Welt in diesem Jahr vom 17. auf den 16. Platz leicht verbessert. Das geht aus dem am Mittwoch vorgestellten Welttechnologiebericht 2006-2007 des Weltwirtschaftsforums (WEF) in Genf hervor. Auf Dänemark folgen Schweden, Singapur und Finnland auf den Plätzen zwei bis vier, während die USA als bisher Erstplazierte auf den 7. Rang abrutschten.

  • DE: Online-Portale von Städten und Gemeinden ausbaufähig

    Die Vorteile der Internet-Nutzung in der öffentlichen Verwaltung werden von zahlreichen Kommunen nur unzureichend genutzt. Eine am Dienstag veröffentlichte Untersuchung der Unternehmensberatung McKinsey in 200 deutschen Städten und Gemeinden ergab erhebliche Unterschiede in der Qualität der für die Bürger bereitgestellten Online-Angebote, etwa um bestimmte Amtsgeschäfte am heimischen Computer zu erledigen. Dieses Ergebnis zeige, dass es beim sogenannten E-Government ein einheitliches und gemeinsames Vorgehen im Bund oder zumindest auf Landesebene geben müsse, erklärte McKinsey-Beraterin Katrin Suder.

  • DE: Nur wenige Kommunen in Deutschland beim Thema E-Government top

    Großstädte haben online die Nase vorn, vereinzelt auch gute Angebote in mittelgroßen Städten – 200 Kommunen deutschlandweit untersucht

    Großstädte bieten ihren Bürgern umfangreicheren Onlineservice als kleinere Kommunen. Doch auch in vielen Metropolen ist das Internetangebot der Verwaltungen noch deutlich ausbaufähig. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine aktuelle Studie von McKinsey & Company mit dem Titel "Die kommunale E-Government-Landschaft in Deutschland". Berlin, Hamburg, Nürnberg, Bonn und Düsseldorf sind nach Analyse der Berater die Vorreiter beim Thema E-Government. "Sie bieten ihren Bürgern das beste Angebot, verschiedene Amtsgeschäfte am heimischen Computer zu erledigen", sagt Katrin Suder, Leiterin der Public Services Practice bei McKinsey. Großstädte wie München, Köln, Frankfurt oder Stuttgart schneiden hingegen in der Bewertung ihrer Onlineangebote deutlich schwächer ab. Weitere Großstädte wie Bremen, Duisburg, Magdeburg, Bochum oder Potsdam landen im E-Government-Ranking noch weiter hinten. Insgesamt untersuchte McKinsey das Onlineangebot von 200 Städten und Kommunen in Deutschland.

  • Denmark is world's leading internet nation

    A new report from the Boston Consulting Group shows that Denmark is the most internet intensive country ahead of strong Asian players.

    Danes have adopted the possibilities of the Internet faster than other countries, which now positions the country in top of BCG’s e-Intensity Index based on various parameters such as technical infrastructure, applications, services and user behavior.

    At this point, the internet contributes to Danish economy with an estimated 5.8 per cent of the GDP, but the internet economy in Denmark is expected to continue to outstrip growth in traditional industries with a growth of 8 per cent annually. This is one of the conclusions in the Boston Consulting Group’s report.

  • Denmark receives digital recommendations from the UN

    The USA is no longer the world's leader within digital administration. Sweden and Denmark are now ranking number one and two and Norway three in e-government according to a survey by a special working group from the United Nations. In the survey the Danish citizen portal is pointed out as a world leader.

    “This strong ranking is an important recognition of the Danish government’s efforts. Citizens and companies are to communicate digitally easily and efficiently with the public sector,” says Minister of Science and Technology Helge Sander (V) to Børsen Business Daily.

  • Denmark tops global IT rankings

    The World Economic Forum has placed Denmark at the top of its annual rankings as the world's most wired nation

    Denmark was crowned as the global IT king by the World Economic Forum Wednesday, topping the organisation's 2006-2007 rankings as the most network ready nation.

  • Denmark tops the World Economic Forum's Global IT Index

    For the first time, Denmark tops the rankings of The Global Information Technology Report 2006-2007’s “Networked Readiness Index”, as a culmination of an upward trend since 2003, writes the World Economic Forum in a press release.

    Denmark is moving up two positions from last year.

  • Denmark: world's most networked-ready country

    For the first time, Denmark has come top of the 'Networked Readiness Index' produced by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

    According to the WEF, Denmark's climb to the top can be traced back to its excellent regulatory environment, together with the government's leadership and vision in leveraging information and communication technologies (ICT) for growth, and promoting its penetration and usage.

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