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Saturday, 14.12.2024
Transforming Government since 2001


  • FBI Director Outlines Public-Private Plan to Improve Cybersecurity

    Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Robert S. Mueller III outlined a plan to strengthen private and government cooperation to improve security of the nation's information infrastructure in a speech to the Informational Technology Association of America (ITAA) October 31. Mueller said the FBI has made cybercrime its number one criminal priority in anticipation of dramatic increases in what he described as "Internet-enabled crimes," that is, traditional crimes such as fraud, identity theft, copyright infringement and child pornography that have migrated online.
  • Feindlicher Angriff

    Das Internet ist zu einer wichtigen Säule unseres Lebens geworden. Wird dieses Netz lahm gelegt, sprechen Sicherheitsexperten in den USA gar schon von einer akuten Gefährdung der Freiheit des christlichen Abendlandes, so IBM Deutschland-Chef Erwin Staudt.
  • GCC IT meet calls for unified policy on cybersecurity

    The Third GCC eGovernment Award, Conference and Exhibition has presented a set of recommendations to boost the drive toward comprehensive eGovernments and eventually smart governments.

    Represented by a number of government entities, Oman has made a remarkable presence at the event, which took place in Dubai, winning seven awards in 14 categories for various eGovernment initiatives, services and projects.

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): What it means for India and the World

    GDPR will strengthen data protection measures of enterprises and empower them and their customers, if followed in the right word and spirit

    The European Union (EU) has taken the lead in amending its existing data protection laws through the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that comes into effect from 25 May, 2018. But what are the road map of this regulation and how will it impact India enterprises?

  • Ghana’s Data Protection Law in the Digital Age

    There is this Ghanaian proverb which admonishes: “When the rhythm of the drum beat changes, the dance movement must also change accordingly.”

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionalised the way mankind has been doing things from birth to death. So, any nation that fails to change in accordance with technology should not blame Jesus if its citizens’ biometric data are not recorded and stored in the database in the kingdom of heaven. But the heavenly database which is known as “Akashic” record requires neither laptop nor digital camera to process philosophically.

  • GI fordert Umsetzung von OECD-Richtlinien zur Netzwerksicherheit

    Die Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) fordert die Bundesregierung auf, die OECD-Richtlinie zur Sicherheitskultur im Internet schnell umzusetzen. "In Zeiten terroristischer Bedrohungen auch im und durch das Internet wird eine Sicherheitskultur im Netz immer wichtiger", begründet die GI ihr Anliegen. Die OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development) hat im Sommer 2002 eine Sicherheitsrichtlinie für Informationssysteme und Netzwerke verabschiedet. Darin werden die rund 30 unterzeichnenden Nationen aufgefordert, in ihren Ländern die Sicherheit in der Informationstechnologie zu stärken und eine groß angelegte Kampagne für mehr IT-Sicherheit zu starten.
  • IN: The State Of Data Centres And Data Security, In Conversation With Sudhindra Holla

    From protecting the data centre building to securing the firmware, an integrated effort to mitigate risks is important.

    Axis Communications offers intelligent solutions based on sight, sound and analytics to improve security and optimise business performance for a broad spectrum of industry segments and applications to enable a smarter and safer world. Headquartered in Sweden, the company has been operating for over 35 years.

    Analytics India Magazine got in touch with Sudhindra Holla, Director, Axis Communications, India & SAARC, to understand how the company combines human imagination with intelligent technologies and offers solutions based on analytics, sound and sight to optimise business solutions.

  • IN: Andhra Pradesh Government launches State Data Centre

    Spread across 9000 square feet, the Data Centre has a storage capacity of 50 TB

    Wipro Infotech recently announced today the launch of the Andhra Pradesh State Data Centre, a Mission Mode Project under the national e-governance plan. The Data Centre was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Kiran Kumar Reddy in the presence of Sanjay Jaju., IAS, Secretary to Government -IT&C and Sanjay Kumar., IAS, Managing Director of Andhra Pradesh Technology Services (APTS). APTS is the nodal agency for the State Data Centre project initiated by IT&C.

  • IN: Framework for Karnataka Resident Data Hub by March

    The framework for the establishment of Karnataka Resident Data Hub will be ready in two districts by March.

    The hub, which is based on the data collected under the Unique Identification Authority of India's Aadhar scheme, will help in the effective implementation of social security programmes in the State, according to Dr D.S. Ravindran, Chief Executive Officer of E-Governance Cell of the Karnataka Government.

  • IN: Karnataka: State planning to create a resident data hub

    Data collected for issuing UID will be used

    Speaking to presspersons on the sidelines of a workshop for officials on Aadhaar, brand name of the UID, he said the department in the first phase had planned to link the data collected from residents of Mysore and Tumkur districts, on a pilot basis, to the hub.

  • IN: Sachin Pilot inaugurates Nagaland State Data Center

    Nagaland State Data Centre in Kohima is established at a cost of Rs 30.68 crore. This data center would enable consolidation of services, applications and infrastructure to provide efficient electronic delivery of different kinds of services. Under the SDCs scheme, data repositories/data centers are being created in various States/ UTs so that common secured data storage can be maintained to serve a host of e-Governance applications.

    Sachin Pilot, the Union Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology inaugurated the Data Center. He also announced the launch of the UIDAI Aadhaar scheme in Nagaland. Under this scheme, each resident of India will have a unique identity number. Pilot said that through a unique identity it willbe possible to provide improved service and more transparent and effective governance for every resident of Nagaland. Pilot said, “UIDAI is partnering with institutions such as the Department of Post and public sector banks to achieve a target of 60 crore Aadhaar numbers by 2014”. Over 2.8 crore unique identity numbers have already been issued.

  • IN: Sachin Pilot Inaugurates Nagaland State Data Centre

    UIDAI AADHAAR Scheme in Nagaland Launched

    Sh. Sachin Pilot, the Union Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology inaugurated the Nagaland State Data Centre in Kohima today. Speaking on the occasion Sh. Pilot said that the Centre, established at a cost of Rs 30.68 crores, will enable consolidation of services, applications and infrastructure to provide efficient electronic delivery of different kinds of services. Under the SDCs scheme, data repositories/data centres are being created in various States/UTs so that common secured data storage can be maintained to serve a host of e-Governance applications.

  • IN: Uttar Pradesh data centre likely to be ready by Sept

    E-governance in Uttar Pradesh will soon get a shot in the arm, when the state data centre (SDC), being set up by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), starts functioning.

    SDC, which was earlier expected to be up and running by June, has been delayed by two months. “Much work on SDC has been done and the remaining task is underway on war footing. We are confident it would be complete by August-end or early September,” UP Development Systems Corporation Ltd (UPDESCO) managing director Narendra Singh Kushwaha told Business Standard here.

    SDC entails an investment of about Rs 20 crore. All data pertaining to different government departments will be centralised in SDC.

  • India: Himachal CM Lays Foundation of State Data Centre

    To improve e-governance and create a resource data centre, chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal laid the foundation stone for a Rs 6.47 State Data Centre (SDC) at Mehli, a Shimla suburb on Tuesday.

    Speaking at a function of throwing open an SMS gateway for providing public services such as copying agency, electoral rolls and arms licenses, the chief minister said e-Samadhan was making headway in providing transparent and responsive governance.

  • India: State Data Centre in Haryana by 2010

    It will be apart of the Government of India's initiative to boost e-Governance and funds for it will be made available from two different agencies

    Chandigarh : A State Data Centre (SDC) for Haryana will be set up by March next year at an estimated cost of Rs 50.68 crore, a spokesman of the Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation (Hartron) said.

    Out of the total cost, Rs 13.50 crore will be contributed by the Department of Information Technology, Government of India and the balance will be met through additional central assistance for National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) provisions of Planning Commission.

  • Innenminister Schily fordert mehr IT-Sicherheit

    Staat und Konzerne sollen investieren

    Der deutsche Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily [SPD] hat Bundesländer und Konzerne aufgefordert, die Sicherheit ihrer Rechner und Netzwerke zu verbessern.

  • Innenminister Schily: Unternehmen und Länder vernachlässigen IT-Sicherheit

    Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily (SPD) hat Bundesländer und Konzerne aufgefordert, die Sicherheit ihrer Rechner und Netzwerke zu verbessern. "Viele Unternehmen investieren zu wenig in die IT-Sicherheit, angefangen vom Personal bis zu Hard- und Software", sagte Schily im Interview mit dem Nachrichtenmagazin 'Focus'. In den Bundesländern müsse vor allem das Netz sogenannter Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT), die sich auf Computersicherheit spezialisiert haben, ausgeweitet werden.
  • Innenministerium kritisiert TCPA- und Palladium-Nachfolger

    In Bonn läuft derzeit der dreitägige Kongress IT-Sicherheit im verteilten Chaos des Bundesamts für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI). Zur Eröffnung setzte Göttrik Wewer, Staatssekretär im Bundesinnenministerium, deutliche politische Akzente für eine IT-Sicherheitspolitik. Wewer erklärte "eine klare Absage an jegliche Kryptoregulierung".
  • Ins Internet - Mit Sicherheit

    "Das Internet ist eine Vernetzung zwischen Computernetzen - also ein Computernetz-Netz." Oder: "Computer benehmen sich oft anders, als Sie es gerne hätten." Oder: "Internetsurfen ohne Browser ist wie Autofahren ohne Auto - es funktioniert einfach nicht. Solcherlei und ähnliche Erklärungen von Computer und Internet für den Hausgebrauch finden sich seit Neuestem auf der Webseite
  • Internet-Sicherheit: die Bedrohung wächst

    Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr ist die Zahl der bekannten Sicherheitslücken um 65 Prozent gestiegen. Vor allem „Würmer“ wie Nimda, Klez oder Spida nutzen Schwachstellen gnadenlos aus.
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