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Saturday, 8.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Digitaler Ausweis

  • Sri Lanka: A question of identity!

    A recent news item said that the Government is planning to setup an electronic civilian security database to ensure security and public welfare.

    The manner in which the citizen information would be collected has not yet been revealed but some analysts believe that the reason for this concept is due to the present difficulty of obtaining citizen information through National Identity cards.

  • SYSTEMS Personalausweise bald auch via Internet

    Personalausweise sollen in Zukunft auch über das Internet beantragt werden können. "Die Technologie steht", sagte Walter Landvogt von der Bundesdruckerei am Dienstag auf der Systems in München. Der erste Antrag eines Personalausweises im Internet scheiterte allerdings erst einmal an technischen Problemen, wie dpa berichtet. Nach drei Versuchen brach Landvogt die Live-Demonstration auf der Messe zunächst ab. Dabei wollte der Oberbürgermeister der baden-württembergischen Stadt Kornwestheim, Ulrich Rommelfanger, vor mehreren Dutzend Zuschauern erstmals in Deutschland einen Personalausweis via Internet beantragen.
  • SYSTEMS: Erstmals Personalausweis live via Internet beantragen

    Ulrich Rommelfanger, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Kornwestheim, zeigte heute auf der Systems in München die Beantragung eines Personalausweises über das Internet. Wegen technischen Problemen musste die Präsentation jedoch nach drei Versuchen ergebnislos abgebrochen werden.
  • Systems: Personalausweis via Internet beantragen

    Während einer Demonstration auf der Systems sollte am heutigen Dienstag erstmals ein Personalausweis über das Internet beantragt werden. Nach Angaben der Agentur DPA scheiterte der Versuch des Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Kornwestheim, Dr. Ulrich Rommelfanger, an technischen Problemen.
  • Thailand: E-Passports ready for Boarding

    Trial of electronic passports among the general public will kick off today

    The Consular Affairs Department will today begin pilot testing electronic passports (e-passports) with the general public after commencing a similar test project with government officers on May 26.

    The department expects to issue 500 e-passports to government officers and another 500 to general citizens before the launch of the e-passports in August.

  • The end of passwords is nigh ...

    Company develops secure system for network authentication

    A UK company claims it has developed a more secure system than passwords that is just as simple and cheap.

  • Traveler Identity Cards Spark Debate at Smart Card Alliance Government Conference

    Conference Sets New Attendance Record

    Plans to use long read range RFID technology in a new border crossing card, the latest on the U.S. electronic passport and the re-emergence of a registered traveler program, were among the news highlights at the Smart Card Alliance's 5th Annual Smart Cards in Government Conference and Exhibition yesterday. Interest in government identity programs and technologies pushed attendance to a record level, attracting more than 600 government and technology leaders.

  • U.S. to ease biometric passport requirement for Europeans

    Officials in Europe expect the United States to ease its requirement that all 27 visa-waiver countries begin issuing biometric passports by Oct. 26.

    Only six of the 27 European Union countries and other allies that currently enjoy visa-free travel to the United States are expected to meet the deadline. But officials in the United Kingdom believe a compromise with the United States is imminent to avoid “a serious disruption in trans-Atlantic travel,” according to a June 9 report in the Financial Times of London.

  • UAE: Abu Dhabi: ID cards to adopt smart technology

    ID card holders will not need to swipe or insert the cards in card readers to use the services like e-Gate thanks to a contactless technology, a senior official told Gulf News.

    "Card holders have to just show the cards to card readers as Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) will soon adopt RF-ID technology (a contactless smart card technology) for new cards, said Darwish Ahmad Al Zarouni, General-Director of EIDA.

  • UAE: Saif opens ID card forum

    The UAE's new ambitious ID card and population register programme will forge a head with its plan to lay down the foundation for a bridge to a dynamic technological space that can contribute to building a flexible modern life, according to Lt.General H.H. Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Interior.

    ''Such a life will provide the ID card holders with easy movement, thus saving both time and energy, Sheikh Saif stated today on the occasion of the opening of the forum and exhibition of ID cards in the capital.

  • UK passport spec imminent

    The Government is about to release the specification for its e-passport chip.

    “We will be rolling out e-passports from the end of the year and our offices will be issuing them by the end of the second quarter next year,” said a spokesman for the Passport Office.

    Last week the German government announced Philips as the lead system provider for its e-passport project, and said it would be supplying a chip including 72kbyte of EEPROM.

  • UK: Biometric ID tests to continue

    The Home Office is pressing on with its plan for ID cards despite needing to run further tests of the technology

    Home Office minister Andy Burnham said that testing would continue after the bill becomes law, which the government hopes will be by late 2005 or early 2006.

    He was speaking on 25 May 2005, the day that home secretary Charles Clarke reintroduced the ID cards bill to Parliament. Its predecessor had been lost when the previous Parliament dissolved for the general election.

  • UK: Biometrische Ausweise kommen britische Bürger teuer zu stehen

    Für die geplante Einführung biometrisch gesicherter Personaldokumente in Großbritannien sollen die Bürger im Land kräftig zur Kasse gebeten werden: Im Rahmen einer Anhörung vor dem Home Affairs Select Committee teilte Innenminister David Blunkett jetzt mit, dass die Gebühren für neu ausgestellte Pässe mit biometrischen Daten wie Fingerabdrücke, Gesichtsmerkmale oder Iris-Scan ab 2007 umgerechnet 122 Euro betragen werden; bislang betrug die Antragsgebühr lediglich 60 Euro.
  • UK: Biometrischer Pass hat seinen Preis

    Die britischen Pläne für einen biometrischen Personalausweis werden den Staat bis 2008 voraussichtlich umgerechnet 922 Millionen Dollar pro Jahr kosten. In der Konsequenz wird sich der Preis für die Ausstellung eines neuen Passes wahrscheinlich mehr als verdoppeln.
  • UK: General Election debate misses purpose of ID Cards

    Information published by Government Departments since February shows that the database which underpins the ID Card is central to the Government's aim to deliver efficient and effective public services in general. This purpose, which is far wider than the narrow objective of establishing identity in order to access public services, has not been mentioned so far in the current General Election campaign. For example, the Labour Party Manifesto refers to ID Cards in the context of immigration, identity theft, illegal working, fraudulent use of public services and terrorism.
  • UK: Gov.UK plans cheap digital IDs for egovernment

    The Government is planning to offer citizens low-cost digital certificates to give them more convenient and secure access to online government services.

    Under the plans, digital certificates allowing individuals to prove their identity online - which today cost around £25 - could be made available for as little as £5.

    The move follows a growing realisation by the Government that the challenge of authenticating citizens online is now one of the biggest obstacles facing its eGovernment delivery programme.

  • UK: Government sweetens ID card pill

    Home Secretary Charles Clarke has outlined the planned cost of ID cards in a bid to pacify critics ahead of a commons vote on the ID Card Bill on 18 October.

    Standalone ID cards for those without passports will cost £30. Most people, however, will be required to pay £93 when they renew their passport and get an ID card at the same time, although the Home Office stressed that this figure is "indicative" rather than "final".

  • UK: ID card plan needs IT advice, say MPs

    Independent assurance group will help avoid technology pitfalls

    MPs are calling for an independent IT assurance committee to advise on the government’s national ID card programme.

    Planning of the proposals is patchy and projected costs are potentially unreliable, says the Science and Technology Select Committee.

  • UK: ID cards face axe as Blair majority slashed

    Plans will have to be adapted or canned, says government analyst

    The Labour Party's re-election in the UK means that most large public sector IT projects look safe, but controversial plans to introduce ID cards are likely to be axed, according to industry analysts.

    As Labour prepares for an unprecedented third term in power, Dr Eric Woods, government practice director at analyst firm Ovum, suggested that most of the government's major IT projects would have continued more or less unaltered even if there had been a change of government.

  • UK: ID Cards: BCS underscores potential risks of implementation

    The British Computer Society (BCS) has highlighted its perceived risks within the Government’s proposed ID Card scheme in its submission to the LSE (London School of Economics) Report: "The Identity Project: an assessment on the UK Identity Cards Bill and its implications".

    The BCS raises some key concerns surrounding the ID Card scheme and the high levels of risk attached to the implementation of a large and centralised government IT system as currently outlined in the bill. Furthermore, the Society exercises its primary concern that there appears to be no firm and fixed statement of what the system is meant to achieve, what success or failure criteria and scope limitations have been imposed.

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