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Tuesday, 11.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

In an effort to boost security under the Smart City project, Davanagere City has in-stalled a high-definition camera on a street corner. These automatic cameras are a part of a comprehensive surveillance system that spans the city.

Davanagere: In an effort to boost security under the Smart City project, Davanagere City has in-stalled a high-definition camera on a street corner. These automatic cameras are a part of a comprehensive surveillance system that spans the city. Serving as a deter-rent to criminals, these cameras have proven to be instrumental in solving various cases, significantly assisting the police department in keeping crime in check.

As part of the Smart City ISIT project, the first phase saw the installation of 550 cam-eras, followed by an additional 140 in the second phase. Currently, over 380 of these cameras are operational. They feature automatic capabilities and high-definition quality, with the ability to capture visuals and photos from considerable distances.

Superintendent of Police Uma Prashanth commented on the initiative, stating, “These cameras are vital for maintaining law and order in the area. To date, we have solved over 250 cases with the help of these cameras, including 45 cases involving women and children, 170 illegal activities, property recovery cases, fake number plate issues, mobile thefts, as well as six chain-snatching incidents, four homicide cases, and over 30 cases related to hit-and-runs. Our well-equipped command room is key in facilitat-ing immediate information flow whenever an incident occurs, making it extremely beneficial for our operations.”

Virresh Kumar, Managing Director of the Smart City project, highlighted the project’s recognition, stating, “The ISIT project has received four national awards. The acco-lades reflect how we manage the Integrated Command Control Center and how we have opened it up for public use.”

Currently, there are 220 cameras operational from the first phase of the ISIT project, with another 200 set to be added in the second phase, bringing the total to between 380 and 500 cameras in service. The camera system has received awards from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in Delhi, including the I Triple C Cycle NAF 2.0 Award, the Digital Bharat Summit Special ISIT Project Award, an award in Hyderabad for the ISIT Project, and recognition for Smart Mobility from Kochi Metro.

The implementation of these high-definition cameras marks a significant stride toward enhancing public safety and improving overall urban infrastructure in Davanagere.


Quelle/Source: The Hans India, 11-01-2025

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