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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Asien / Asia

  • Security to drive govt IT spending in Asia Pacific

    Security will be a key driver of IT spending within the government sector over the next few years.

    According to Nathan Midler, research manager of Internet and Government at the International Data Corporation (IDC) Asia Pacific, government IT spending in the Asia Pacific (excluding Japan) is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 12.1 per cent between 2002 and 2007.

  • Singapore has been named the smartest city in Asia

    Singapore is the only Asian city among the top five smartest cities in the world in 2024.

    The index, produced by the Swiss business school Institute for Management Development (IMD), lists 142 cities in all, ranking them on the basis of how they use advanced technology for improvement in the lives of the citizens.

    The IMD said that its Smart City Index (SCI) “has now reached what can be considered as its stable configuration” following the methodological changes made in 2023.

  • Smart cities can serve citizens better after significant rise in urbanization in Asia

    With May’s major flooding in Ratnapura, a city in Sri Lanka, and its disastrous consequences still fresh in our minds, it reminds me of a similar occurrence, this time in the city of Buenos Aires . The cosmopolitan capital of Argentina, too, is not a stranger to floods as it is built on nine streams. In 2013, a disastrous flood and endless rain caused over 50 casualties and thousands of evacuations.

    The above two scenarios are pretty similar. However, perhaps locally we should be looking to and learning from what has gone before. Following the weather event, the local Buenos Aires government proactively embarked on a project to leverage big data and gain insights into rainfall and water levels during stormy seasons, leveraging on Oracle’s business intelligence capabilities.

  • South Asia: Technology for better service

    The rapid spread in the use of technology, particularly the information and communication variety, is creating a silent revolution within the economic and societal landscape of South Asia.

    The role of technology, however, is often assessed by the overall enhancement in productivity and increase in national incomes. The potential role of technology in improving the lives of ordinary people — from reducing poverty, upgrading the delivery of public services to the enhancement of human development — is often hidden and unrecognised.

  • South Korea has the most effective e-governance in Asia

    South Korea is most effective in e-governance in Asia while Laos the least effective, according to the recent survey by UN Data Center.

    According to the UN report, the e-government survey measures e-government effectiveness in the delivery of public services and identifies patterns in e-government development and performance.

  • Telmin adopts Asean ICT Masterplan 2015

    The 10th Asean Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (Telmin) yesterday adopted and launched the Asean ICT Masterplan 2015 (AIM 2015).

    A symbolic launching ceremony was held at the Royal Chulan Hotel here where all the 10 Asean ministers or their representatives, were invited to place their right palms on a panel dubbed “the circle of solidarity” which have each country’s flag, witnessed by about 500 guests.

    The ministers later received the AIM 2015, titled “We’re Stronger When We’re Connected” from Malaysian Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.

  • TH: Prime Minister urges Asean digital cooperation

    Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is urging Asean nations to work together to further develop the region’s fast-growing digital economy, which is expected to be worth more than US$360 billion (13.32 trillion baht) by the end of this year.

    The prime minister made the call at the Asean Business and Investment Summit (Abis) 2022, which he attended via videoconference on Thursday.

  • The Digital Accelerator: Revving Up Government in Asia

    Asia’s digital revolution shows no signs of slowing down. From e-commerce giants, like China’s Alibaba and Japan’s Rakuten, to ride-hailing and digital payment tech startups, like Indonesia’s Go-Jek and India’s Paytm, and the widespread use of industrial robots for manufacturing, digitization is changing the way the region’s businesses operate.

    It is also transforming the way governments operate. Thanks to digitization, policymakers have greater access to timely and accurate data. With better information, governments can design and implement better policies, such as improving tax compliance and the efficiency of government spending.

  • The importance of central direction for Asian e-government

    V. Mathivanan, Chief Executive Officer of Singapore-based CrimsonLogic, gives an industry perspective on the prospects for e-government adoption in Asia.

    "IT should be viewed as an enabler of public sector productivity, it makes it easier to automate processes and widen access to services," says V Mathivanan, Chief Executive Officer of CrimsonLogic. "However this has to be closely coupled with the willpower to improve the public administration, as well as the determination to streamline the processes, which is the very best hurdle to be overcome."

  • UN ruft asiatische Länder zur Unterstützung des OpenDocument Format auf

    Das International Open Source Network (IOSN) der UN ruft die Länder der Region Asien/Pazifik dazu auf, das OpenDocument Format (ODF) zu unterstützen. Laut IOSN-Manager Sunil Abraham haben die meisten Länder der Region das Format für Office-Anwendungen in ihren Interoperabilitätsrichtlinien berücksichtigt. Nun hofft er, dass die Länder ihre Unterstützung ausweiten und ernsthaft den Einsatz des ODF erwägen. Eine Vorreiterrolle spielt dabei Malaysia. Das dortige für Standards zuständige Gremium hatte sich Ende Juli für das ODF als offiziellen nationalen Standard ausgesprochen.
  • UN: Asiatische Länder sollen OpenDocument nutzen

    Langzeitarchivierung mit offenen Formaten

    Das International Open Source Network der Vereinten Nationen hat die Länder im Asien/Pazifik-Raum dazu aufgerufen, das OpenDocument-Format zu unterstützten. Die meisten Regierungen hätten sich bereits zu offenen Standards bekannt, nun sollten sie es auch einsetzen.

  • Unlocking Citizen-centric Smart Cities in Asia

    Asia’s city leaders are among the world’s most forward-thinking when it comes to smart cities. In fact, the Asia-Pacific region is set to account for 40% of the global smart city spending, or $800 billion by 2025 and 80% of all economic activities is expected to shift to cities in the years to come.

    Rapid urbanization, demographic shifts, climate change and advancements in technology have all been drivers for disruption for a need for smarter cities. This transformation has been further accelerated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which revealed vulnerabilities, but also prompted cities to seek out new technologies to help them deal with COVID-related disruptions.

  • What web speed means for Asia's public sector

    Of the top 100 cities with the world’s fastest internet speeds, 73 are in Asia, a report from Akamai has revealed. What are the implications of high-speed connectivity for government services?

    Korea and Japan racing ahead

    Of the top 100 cities by average internet connection speed measured by Akamai, which serves around 20 per cent of the world’s web traffic, 61 cities are Japanese and 12 are Korean. Hong Kong also makes the list.

    By contrast, only 12 US cities and 12 European cities feature in the table, published in Akamai’s Q1 2010 State of the Internet report.

  • Why Asian governments are going mobile

    Asian administrations are setting the pace for mobile government applications globally.

    Governments in the region are beginning to see tangible productivity gains from their mobile government applications. On one hand short message service (SMS) alerts are creating cheaper, faster, more responsive communication channels, and then on the other, handheld computers are extending the value of fixed enterprise systems beyond the walls of the office and out into the field. In both scenarios increasingly mobile services and employees are bringing government closer to citizens.

  • Why is e-government not taking off in Asia?

    There are two factors hampering e-government projects from taking off in Asia: money and the lack of it, technology vendor Sun Microsystems said in a briefing this week.

    As more Asian governments realize the benefits of e-government, technology vendors recently admitted that they’re still having a hard time selling to public servants.

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