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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

BE: Belgien / Belgium

  • BE: Launch of a website dedicated to electronic invoicing

    In January 2013, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Steven Vanackere, and the Minister for the Budget and Administrative Simplification, Olivier Chastel, announced the launch of a website on electronic invoicing to encourage its use and reach the EU target of making 50 % of invoicing electronically by 2020.

    Electronic invoicing constitutes a priority in the context of simplifying public administration. It is a modern, convenient, economical and reliable tool that not only allows public authorities to make savings on operating costs but also companies to reduce their administrative burdens.

  • BE: New identity and access management platform for public eServices

    In March 2013, the Federal Government announced the creation of a new management system for secure access to online public services and eGovernment applications.

    To be able to access the electronic public administration services, users must authenticate themselves and their access permission must be verified. Currently, there are several parallel systems to do this. The Federal Government will soon create an integrated system suitable for all user groups and all eGovernment applications. This system will be safer, more user-friendly and more efficient for the public administration.

  • Gemalto develops authentication for Belgium’s mobile ID scheme

    Digital security firm Gemalto has enabled Belgian mobile ID scheme itsme to enroll 350,000 users and securely process one million transactions per month for both private and public online services – making it one of the most successful mobile ID applications in Europe within one year of launch. As well as bringing greater convenience to consumers, itsme provides merchants, government, and financial institutions with strong, multi-factor authentication that is fully compliant with PSD2, GDPR and is certified for eIDAS.

    itsme was developed by Belgian Mobile ID, a consortium of Belgium's leading banks and mobile network operators, in close collaboration with Gemalto. It has been officially recognized by the Belgian government as a way for citizens to connect to numerous online public services, including taxation, pensions and health, as well as online banking and mobile operator services. In its first year the app is already being used widely, with the average user completing six banking transactions and three e-Government transactions each month.

  • 26 percent of Belgians never use internet

    A survey published by the Federal Government's General Directorate of Statistics and Economic Information reveals that almost a fifth of all Belgians have never used a computer.

    The survey also found that a staggering 2.6 million Belgians (a quarter of the population) had never used the internet.

  • BE: Citizen participation via smartphone takes off with "Brussels By Us" pilot project

    Brussels residents and visitors will soon be able to share their opinions and recommendations on the city in three of the capital’s districts through the application "Brussels By Us." The Regional State Secretary for Digital Transition Bianca Debaets (CD&V), the Computer Center for the Brussels Region (CIRB) and VUB university’s SMIT research laboratory presented Friday their citizen participation project.

    The Northern District, the pedestrian sector and the university U-Square site, on the Ixelles barracks grounds, are the three districts elected for testing. Each site has its own features, public and challenges.

  • BE: Employer organization claims that hundreds of millions can be saved in public services

    Belgium spends more than its neighbors on public services.

    Echo reported on Friday (10 June) that substantial savings can be made in public services according to the Belgian Federation of Enterprises (FEB).

    FEB represents more than 50 000 companies in Belgium, accounting for 75% of employment in the private sector.

  • BE: 'Coming2Belgium' informs newcomers of their social security rights and obligations

    Coming2Belgium is a newly available eGovernment service intended to help anyone moving to Belgium in order reside, work or study to find their way around the Belgian social insurance system based on their individual situation.

    Coming2Belgium is aimed not only at foreigners who wish to settle in Belgium for a while, but also at Belgian citizens who come back to their home country after residing abroad for a long time. On the contrary, the online service has not been designed for holidaymakers or people planning a short stay.

  • BE: A web service for public sector staff to sign and validate official eDocuments

    In the context of eGovernment services development, all Belgian public institutions and their partners whose users must be able to place legally valid eSignatures on electronic documents through their eIDs can now use the 'Digital Signature Service' (eID DSS).

    eID DSS is a web service that enables its users to place signatures on all common file formats such as XML, ODF and OOXML as well as to validate signed files.

  • BE: eHealthBox goes live

    As part of its mission to promote, support and provide secure electronic communication among all healthcare stakeholders, the Belgian eHealth platform has been developing eHealthBox, a secure electronic mailbox.

    eHealthBox is a free service that will allow receipt of official announcements, forms or specific notifications. In addition to simplifying the administrative burden and reducing paper waste, the value of eHealthBox mainly lies in the speed and authenticity with which information is communicated, and the secure access to this information. The project is currently limited in its functions, as only public partner institutions are able to publish their documents for consultation.

  • BE: eRegistry application allows the online registration of non-profit organisations

    Thanks to a new application called ‘eRegistry’, citizens can set up a non-profit organisation-NPO (Association Sans But Lucratif, ASBL, in French) online. Users are expected to save money on travel costs, while enjoying simplified administrative procedures.

    This new application is the result of collaboration between the Federal Department of Justice and the Administrative Simplification Agency. The Minister of Administrative Simplification, Olivier Chastel, positively commented on this initiative: "The online communication between citizens and registries simplifies the work. eRegistry is easy to use and so from now on the long trips to the Registry Office belong to the past. Citizens will spare the plethora of paper-based administrative burdens.”

  • BE: Federal government makes open data available online

    The federal government departments and institutions have recently made open data available on '', the government's open data portal.

    The federal public service has made a list of data sets accessible as open data on the portal aimed at enabling developers to create useful applications for businesses or citizens by using the information provided. Specifically, the site mostly contains links to data supplied by authorities, public bodies and organisations targeting developers and open data researchers. Each federal department or federal government institution itself determines the terms and conditions governing access to and use of the data.

  • BE: Flanders project to digitise planning applications to be tested in Antwerp

    Philippe Muyters, the Flemish Minister for Finance, Budget, Work, Town and Country Planning and Sport, announced in March 2011 that the project Digital Planning Application (Digitale Bouwaanvraag, in Dutch) would launch a field trial in conjunction with the City of Antwerp.

    Digital Planning Application is a project of the Flemish Government which aims to digitise the application for planning permission for building construction work in the Flanders region so that they can be made over the Internet. Currently the application process is done using paper forms. This is a complex procedure, however, and depending on the situation it may require as many as eight separate copies of the form being sent to different agencies.

  • BE: New eServices on personal data for the use of public authorities

    At the beginning of April 2012, the following new electronic services were launched: Get Person2.0, Search Person By Name 2.0 and Search Person By Address 2.0, in order to facilitate the work of public administrations.

    These services, which make use of the National Register of Natural Persons (Rijksregister) services, are a major addition to the services that are already provided by the MAGDA (Maximale Gegevensdeling Tussen Administraties or Maximum Data sharing between Administrations) Platform. They are the first examples of services that make use of the improved capabilities of the MAGDA 2.0 SOA infrastructure, which was put into production last year (2011).

  • BE: New version of eID site goes live

    A revamped version of the Belgian eID website was released on 31 January 2012 by the Federal Public Service for ICT (Fedict).

    The upgraded website, which is based on the eID pictogram, meets the needs of current and future holders of the national eID, which is obligatory for Belgian citizens over the age of 12. The eID serves as proof of identity, enables secure access to online government applications, and is used to sign electronic contracts and to request official documents or forms online.

  • BE: Nokia Brings IoT and AI to Bear on Vehicle-Based Noise Pollution in Genk Smart City Trial Program

    Following the announcement of a waste-management trial in Melbourne, Genk is to get Scene Analytics to crack down on vehicle noise.

    Nokia has announced a trial smart city program designed to combat vehicle-based noise pollution in the Belgian city of Genk — by analyzing audio and video using its machine learning analytics platform.

  • BE: Online declaration of work accidents

    On 6 July 2012, the Council of Ministers approved a project enabling online declaration of work accidents.

    The purpose of the Belgian Workers' Compensation Fund (Fonds des Accidents de Travail - FAT, in French) is to collect data about all accidents concerning both the private and the public sector. This collection constitutes a European requirement. Public service data are currently provided in several - often outdated - ways, thus greatly reducing the quality and the completeness of information.

  • BE: Portal on Public Sector Information re-use launched

    The Belgian Federal Agency for Administrative Simplification (ASA/DAV) recently deployed a Public Sector Information (PSI) portal. It allows users to find a wide range of information and data which has been issued by the federal public services and can be re-used by third parties for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

    The portal's overall objective is to make PSI more widely usable and accessible; however, re-usable information per se is not directly available on the site. Thus, information is organised into virtual file cards providing: a description of available information; conditions governing re-use; the name of the administration; and contact details. Furthermore, it aims to centralise the available information so as to facilitate (information) search for data operators and to encourage profitable PSI re-use. Priority is given to data search.

  • Belgian parliament approves eID law

    The Belgian parliament has approved legislation on electronic identification

    The new law is aimed at making it easier for the public to contact public authorities and access e-government services, reports TelecomPaper.

    The law also implements the eiDAS regulation on facilitating cross-border access to public services in the EU.

  • Belgians in cunning misspelt ID card plan

    A new Belgian electronic ID card contains typos introduced purposely to confound potential fraudsters, Luc Vanneste, General Director Population and Institutions of the Belgian Home Office, proudly announced this week.

    To trick fraudsters, the Home Office has introduced three circular arcs on the card - just beneath the identity photos - where you will find the name of the country in the official languages spoken in Belgium - French, Dutch and German, as well as in English. But instead of 'Belgien' in German, the ID card incorrectly uses the name 'Belgine' and instead of 'Belgium' in English, the card reads 'Belguim'. Vanneste has promised other errors will be printed on the card to "further confuse fraudsters". With any luck, these will not be revealed.

  • Belgien setzt auf das Open Document Format

    Ende vergangener Woche hat der belgische Ministerrat eine Entscheidung veröffentlicht, nach der das Open Document Format (ODF) als Standard für den einheitlichen Datenaustausch zwischen den Behörden genutzt werden soll. Entgegen früherer Berichte, in denen von September 2008 als Ende der Umstiegszeit von bisher verwendeten Formaten die Rede war, will die belgische Regierung den Standardisierungsprozess bei der International Organization for Standardization (ISO) abwarten.
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