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Thursday, 14.11.2024
Transforming Government since 2001


  • AE: Abu Dhabi centre offers useful information

    Single number for all government service enquiries

    Mariam started work at 8am on a Saturday morning. Within the next hour, she had received more than 10 calls from concerned residents about how to process visit visas, how to access building services, and a handful of complaints.

    All of this is part of a regular workday for Mariam, a 22-year-old from Egypt (whose name has been changed to protect her identity) who currently works at the Abu Dhabi Government Contact Centre.

  • Bahrain provides egov services through new contact centre

    Bahrain launched its National Contact Centre, offering e-government integrated services to the public and private sector.

    Operated by the newly formed company, Silah Gulf, the centre offers the same comprehensive services at an elevated level of quality to all ministries, government and private sectors on both local and regional levels through an easy to dial number on a 24 hour basis.

    The National Contact Centre is considered as a channel that permits the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Government to expand the services it offers to its citizens, residents, visitors and businesses by ensuring the prompt as well as simple access. It is part of the main national strategic objectives of the eGovernment Authority that strives to facilitate and to enable citizens to interact with the government through telephone calls, post, emails and by fax.

  • Bayern: Vorreiterrolle für Würzburger Bürgerbüro

    Zwölf Wochen gibt es das neue Würzburger Bürgerbüro nun schon. Die "iKommune Würzburg" entwickelt sich zum Erfolgsmodel. 150 Teilnehmer zählte ein Kongress, in dem die Mainfrankenmetropole ihr Projekt vorstellte.

    Zwar heißt es auch im neuen Bürgerbüro zuerst einmal eine Nummer ziehen, danach hat sich der Ämterdschungel in Würzburg allerdings gelichtet. Von A wie Aufgebot bis Z wie Zulassung, alle Bürgeranliegen werden von einer Stelle bearbeitet.

  • BH: National Contact Centre Responds to 150,000th Call

    The National Contact Centre (NCC) for the Kingdom of Bahrain recently celebrated a major milestone by responding to its 150,000th call. Silah Gulf (Silah), a multi-award winning business process outsourcing (BPO) and customer experience provider, operates the 8000 8001 hotline.

    In the last 18 months, the NCC has received over 165,074 calls in total and has responded to an average of 94% of these calls (154,842 calls till 22 Feb 2011). This rate of service makes it one of the top performing contact centres in the region.

    As per current statistics, calls peak between 8AM and 2PM during weekdays, i.e. normal working hours for a ministry in Bahrain, even though the contact centre is open 24 hours 7 days a week.

  • Bhutan: One per gewog target out of reach?

    Financial constraints put a question mark on this ambitious but important project

    A government objective of establishing community centres (CCs) in all gewogs by 2013 may not happen, it was revealed at the mid-term review of the ministry of information and communications (MoIC) on Wednesday.

    The department of information technology and telecom (DITT) informed the government that Nu 256M more was needed to complete the objective. The department’s director, Phuntsho Namgay, called it a “serious constraint” and a financial requirement that would have to be fulfilled for the objective to be completed.

  • Brandenburg: Amt Schenkenländchen eröffnet Bürgerbüro und bietet Einwohnern damit besseren Service

    Immer wieder öffnen und schließen sich die Schiebetüren des Amtes Schenkenländchen. Eine Bürgerin möchte ihre Grundstückssteuer bezahlen. Ein Herr gibt einen Bauantrag ab.

    Nach einmonatiger Anlaufzeit wurde gestern feierlich das neue Bürgerbüro in Betrieb genommen. Amtsdirektor Ulrich Arnts übergab den Frauen eine große Blumenschale und wünschte ihnen viel Erfolg bei ihrer Arbeit.

  • Brandenburg: Potsdam: 1,5 Millionen Vorgänge bearbeitet

    Kürzere Wartezeiten, viele Dienstleistungen: Positive Bilanz nach fünf Jahren Bürgerservice

    Fünf Jahre nach Einführung des Bürgerservice im Stadthaus hat die Beigeordnete für Soziales, Elona Müller, gestern eine positive Bilanz gezogen. Das Ziel, möglichst viele Bürgeranliegen zu bündeln, sei erreicht worden, so Müller. 1,499 Millionen Anfragen und Anträge haben die 34 Mitarbeiterinnen des Bürgerservice seit dem 26. Juni 2000 bearbeitet, davon haben sie 528 500 Vorgänge schriftlich erledigt und 970 500 Anliegen direkt im so genannten Front Office im Stadthaus.

  • Brandenburg: Potsdam: 34 Frauen, 1 500 000 Vorgänge

    Bürgerservice im Stadthaus feiert fünften Geburtstag

    Im fünften Jahr des Bürgerservice im Stadthaus steht noch eine Herausforderung an: Ab 1. November sollen die von der Bundesregierung beschlossenen Reisepässe mit gespeicherten geometrischen Daten ausgegeben werden. Dies teilte gestern die Leiterin des Bürgerservice, Kristina Trilk, während eines Pressegesprächs zum fünften Geburtstags des öffentlichen Amtes mit: „Wir sind sehr optimistisch, diese neue Umstellung ohne Probleme zu schaffen.“

  • Casting the web over rural India

    E-kiosks for services like bill payment and job queries are mushrooming all over rural India. Pradipta Mukherjee visits one such centre in a Bengal village.

    Gorachand Banerjee runs a common service centre in Kapasaria village in Chanditala 2 block, 20 km away from Kolkata.

    Banerjee, who has studied till class X, is today a village level entrepreneur under the common service centre scheme of the Government of India.

  • DE-BB: Behördennummer 115 ab sofort auch in Potsdam erreichbar

    Mit der Landeshauptstadt geht heute die erste Kommune Brandenburgs an den Start.

    Ab sofort kann die Einheitliche Behördennummer 115 auch in der branden-burgischen Landeshauptstadt Potsdam gewählt werden. Damit ist ein weiterer Meilenstein auf dem Weg zur bundesweiten Erreichbarkeit der Einheitlichen Behördennummer geschafft. Cornelia Rogall-Grothe, Staatssekretärin im Bundesinnenministerium und IT-Beauftragte der Bundesregierung, unterzeichnete heute gemeinsam mit Oberbürgermeister Jann Jakobs die 115-Charta im Potsdamer Stadthaus. Ziel des neuen Services ist es, Bürgerinnen und Bürgern den Zugang zur Verwaltung spürbar zu erleichtern. "Mit der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam wird heute die erste Kommune in Brandenburg für die 115 freigeschaltet. Ich hoffe, dass der heutige Start in Potsdam auch weitere Kommunen in Brandenburg und auch das Land selbst animiert, sich dem 115-Verbund anzuschließen", so Rogall-Grothe.

  • DE-BB: Neuruppiner können Fahrzeugpapiere im Bürgerbüro ändern lassen

    Mehr Bürgernähe bei Aufgaben der Kreisverwaltung macht Schule. In Neuruppin können Bürgerinnen und Bürger ab morgen bei einem Umzug parallel zur Adressänderung im Personalausweis auch ihre Fahrzeugpapiere umschreiben lassen, wie Innenministerium, Landkreis Ostprignitz-Ruppin und Stadt Neuruppin heute mitteilten. Auch Fahrzeugabmeldungen können dann im Bürgerbüro der Stadt vorgenommen werden. Fahrzeughalter sparen durch diesen neuen Service Zeit und Wege, denn der Gang zur Kreisverwaltung entfällt.

    Neuruppin ist nach Wittstock die zweite Stadt des Landkreises, die den Service anbietet. In Wittstock können die Fahrzeugpapiere auch im Mobilen Bürgerbüro direkt in den Ortsteilen geändert werden. Ostprignitz-Ruppin ist bislang der einzige Landkreis in Brandenburg, in dem kreisangehörige Kommunen Änderungen in Fahrzeugpapieren vornehmen können. Wegen des Pilotcharakters hat das Innenministerium das Vorhaben durch die Finanzierung der Software unterstützt.

  • Hessen: Main-Taunus-Kreis: Informationen künftig aus einer Hand

    Kreishaus richtet Informationscenter ein

    Nach dem Prinzip "Kompetenz auf schnellstem Weg" soll im Kreishaus ein neues Wissens- und Informationscenter für Bürger eingerichtet werden, teilt die Kreisverwaltung mit. Wie Landrat Berthold Gall berichtet, ist der Umbau des Kreishaus-Foyers Teil einer umfassenden Modernisierungsstrategie der Kreisverwaltung. Der Bürgerservice soll zum neuen Jahr im Kreishaus-Foyer erweitert und den Erfordernissen moderner Kommunikation angepasst werden. "Noch besser erreichbare Mitarbeiter, noch schneller verfügbare Information, noch höhere Qualität der Auskunft" seien die Ziele, so der Landrat.

  • IN: Digital Telangana Centres to come up in 1000 panchayats by Jan'16

    The Telangana government has opened 'Digital Telangana Centres' managed by women in 100 panchayats across the state and plans to open such Centres in 1,000 others by January, an initiative in which several banks and insurance firms have evinced interest.

    "The 'Digital Telangana Centres' or 'e-Panchayats' programme of the state government, which offers e-governance facilities to villagers, was launched on October 2 in Nalgonda district and it currently runs at 100 panchayats. We plan to scale it up to 1,100 by January," Telangana Information Technology (IT) Secretary Jayesh Ranjan told PTI.

  • IN: E-governance@CSC still far off for villages

    After four years and several missed deadlines, the R5,742-crore project to set up 1.26 lakh common service centres (CSCs) across the countryside is plodding along, thanks mainly to lukewarm interest from the private sector and poor access to internet and electricity. Until March 2011, only 94,786 CSCs were set up, or only 75% of the target. What’s worse, even functioning CSCs are anything but successful.

    When the ambitious project was launched, private firms bid so aggressively that there was negative viability gap funding. Bidders offered revenue support for a four-year period that would set-off against revenue generation through e-governance services. However, that has not happened, as Meena Chaturvedi, CEO of Srei Sahaj e-Village explains: “There is an inherent resistance within the government to give government-to-customer (G2C) services as it will bring transparency into the system. The problem is that services are not coming, besides electricity and connectivity issues. In fact, companies did not understand the rural market at all before getting into the scheme.”

  • IN: Jammu & Kashmir to set up 4000 Common Service Centers

    As part of the e-Governance initiative, these centres will provide multiple facilities to the people living in remote and rural areas

    Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir is planning to set up 4000 Common Service Centers (CSC) across the state to provide multiple facilities to the people living in remote and rural areas.

    State Information Technology Minister Syed Aga Ruhullah Mehdi announced it while chairing a meeting of the officers convened to identify the services to be kept available at CSC by different departments.

  • IN: Jammu & Kashmir: ‘Limited role’ in extending services to Khidmat Centres, says J&K Bank

    A day after hundreds of Khidmat Centre holders or Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLE) held protest demonstrations and faced arrest while demanding release of service, Jammu and Kashmir Bank has came with a clarification saying that it has ‘limited role’ in extending the services.

    “J&K Bank’s role in the project (Common Service Centre, a government of India scheme under National e-Governance Plan) is limited and well defined. Technically speaking bank’s role as Service Centre Agency is confined to develop, design, build, rollout and establish the CSCs,” a spokesperson of the bank said in a statement issued to press.

  • IN: Jammu and Kashmir: Rejuvenate CICs as information hub: Omar

    Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah Monday highlighted the need for rejuvenating Community Information Centres (CICs) to make them hub of Information collection and dissemination. He directes for merging their functioning with the established Panchayat Raj System in the state.

    Addressing a high level meeting to discuss the issue of strengthening and upgrading CICs here, the Chief Minister asked the Information Technology and Rural Development Departments to jointly work out a viable model to use the CICs as block centres for dissemination of vital information to the people in rural areas particularly agriculturists.

  • IN: Karnataka: Call centre to give Services Act a push

    Starting March 1, the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms (DPAR) and the Centre for e-governance will operationalise a call centre to provide information to the public about government departments.

    The calls to the unique number dedicated to provide government services to citizens will be attended by trained professionals proficient in three languages. The initiative is in conformity with the Karnataka Guarantee of Services to Citizens Act (KGSCA), 2011 and the call centre will provide details pertaining to 11 departments and 151 services that fall under the Act. The centre will operate out of Bangalore, but will cater to callers across the State.

  • IN: Karnataka: Getting a passport just got easier

    The Bengaluru Passport Office was established in 1978 at Koramangala and it initially covered all districts of Karnataka. The Passport Office is open from Monday through Friday, except on public holidays. Applications can be submitted directly at counters from 9.30 am to 12.00 noon on working days. Appointments to meet officers are given from 9.30 am to 12.00 noon at the enquiry counter.

    With the launch of Passport Seva Kendras (PSK) at two other locations in Bengaluru (one in Mangalore) issuing and renewals of passports have become faster. The on-going reforms in delivery of passport services are envisioned under the Passport Seva Project - a citizen-centric e-governance initiative as part of the National E-Governance Plan. The pilot project was launched in Bengaluru and Chandigarh in May and August 2010 respectively and became a huge hit. More than 30 lakh passport related services have been rendered under the new system.

  • IN: Madhya Pradesh: Cabinet okays 400 public service centres

    The State Cabinet here on Monday decided to set up 400 public service centres. Out of these, 313 service centres will be opened in development blocks and 87 in urban areas. After opening of these centres, citizens will not have to do rounds of Government offices for moving their applications.

    These centres will be set up under Private-Public Participation (PPP) mode. Applications for delivery of Government services will be accepted at these centres with fees. The receipts of applications issues by these centres would be deemed to be issued by the designated officer. Selection of private participant for PPP mode, place etc. for running the centre will be made by the District e-governance Society. The software for proper running of these centres is being developed by NIC.

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