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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

CA: Kanada / Canada

  • CA: Nova Scotia: First Nations to get e-health registry

    A new electronic registry aims to shed light on the health-care challenges faced by First Nations people in Cape Breton.

    The registry will provide timely and accurate information on such things as incidences of disease and injury, Health and Wellness Minister Maureen MacDonald said Wednesday at a signing ceremony with Cape Breton chiefs.

    "An agreement like this is unprecedented in Canada, and speaks to the strong commitment of everyone here today to improving the health of First Nations individuals in Cape Breton and across the province," MacDonald said at the legislature in Halifax.

  • CA: Nova Scotia: Governance study finishing touches will come soon, Warden says

    Municipal leaders are expected to soon put the finishing touches on their request for a governance study.

    Municipality of County Warden Ron Baillie said Wednesday that request for proposals for a governance study is on the agenda for a shared services meeting Sept. 9.

    Mayors and the warden, along with each CAO, usually attend the shared services meetings and since all the players involved will be in attendance, governance will be discussed.

  • CA: Nova Scotia: Mahone Bay lists possible shared services

    Mahone Bay has identified six areas where it would like to talk about more municipal co-operation.

    Town council debated the merits of making a list September 26 after receiving a request from the Municipal Joint Services Board.

    That board, which currently only oversees waste management, asked the three participating municipal units for a prioritized list of services they "would like to see investigated" for possible movement.

  • CA: Nova Scotia: Municipalities pondering shared services for rec departments

    As soon as next year, Pictou County could be operating its recreation departments using a shared services model.

    A shared services committee, including council members and CAOs from Pictou County’s six municipalities, has been meeting every two to three months for the last year and a half and have talked to recreation directors from all the towns to see how they could work together.

    “It came out of the mayors and wardens meetings,” says New Glasgow councillor Troy MacCulloch who chairs the committee. “The idea was to start looking at things that as a county we can start sharing.”

  • CA: Nova Scotia: Municipalities to start sharing staff for some services

    Local towns will be sharing staff to look after their land-use planning and building inspections.

    The towns of Trenton, Westville and Stellarton will be hiring one building inspector and one planning development officer while Pictou and New Glasgow will be hiring one person for each position as well to be shared between the two towns.

    The Municipality of Pictou County will be looking after hiring fire inspectors that will cover five areas.

  • CA: Nova Scotia: Province Supports Shared Service Review

    The province is investing $50,000 in a shared services and governing review by three South Shore municipalities planning for the future.

    Today, June 20, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, the Town of Bridgewater and the Town of Mahone Bay announced that they are partnering to explore options to work more collaboratively to deliver municipal services to residents.

    “All levels of government are looking for ways to live within their means while still delivering the services and programs that families depend on,” said Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations Minister John MacDonell. “Partnering to provide shared services has potential to keep our communities sustainable, and we are pleased to support this review.”

  • CA: Nova Scotia: Province's telehealth line turns 3

    On average, Nova Scotians call the 811 line 360 times a day

    Nova Scotia's telehealth line handed more than 130,000 calls in its third year of operation, according to the department of health.

    HealthLink 811 is a free service providing callers with access to registered nurses 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The 29 nurses answer general health questions or, if warranted, advise callers to head to an emergency room.

    The service is three-years-old and the minister of health got the help of a one-year-old to mark the occasion Thursday.

  • CA: Nova Scotia: Shared services review seeks ways to save money

    The province is asking for help in finding savings in areas like information technology and human resources at school boards, across government departments and in five Crown corporations.

    The Treasury Board wants a consultant to do a shared services review, which the government expects will result in options for saving money and improving services, programs and accountability.

    Besides information technology and human resources, the review will also examine financial services, and building infrastructure and asset management. A request for proposals issued Tuesday said busing for school boards is included.

  • CA: Nova Scotia: Survey in works on residents’ feelings about local governance

    The survey has begun.

    The News has hired Corporate Research Associated to survey residents in an effort to find out if people support the idea of a governance study, amalgamation, sharing services or keeping the status quo when it comes to running the municipal units.

    While the issues do get complicated, here are some simple notes about each item.

    Governance study: This has been initiated by municipal councils, supported by municipal councils, defeated by municipal councils for various reasons but mostly they all focus on the cost and how much each council and the province should pay.

  • CA: Nova Scotia: Three councils eye shared services

    Three Lunenburg County municipalities unanimously accepted a report Monday evening that recommends they create a board to provide joint services, then look at amalgamation after that board has been up and running for three years.

    The three councils did not endorse the report, District of Lunenburg Mayor Don Downe emphasized — rather they accepted it so that residents can look at it and say what they want.

    The Regional Governance and Shared Service Delivery Review was carried out for the District of Lunenburg and the towns of Bridgewater and Mahone Bay by Marathon Human Resources Consulting Group Ltd. of Dartmouth.

  • CA: On Track To Provide Better Health For All Ontarians

    McGuinty Government Releases e-Health Progress Report

    More than 7,000 doctors, who care for 6.5 million Ontarians, now manage their patients' health information with an electronic medical record.

    That is just some of the significant progress outlined in the 2011 eHealth Progress Report.

  • CA: Online patient records enhancing care for 2 million Ontarians

    eHealth Ontario invests $5M in ClinicalConnect

    Waterloo - More people across the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant and Waterloo Wellington Local Health Integration Networks now have access to better quality and more efficient health care.

    Thanks to a five million dollar investment from eHealth Ontario, ClinicalConnect is expanding to better serve more patients in the WW and HNHB LHINs. Now, more than 2,500 health care providers, such as doctors, nurses and pharmacists in both LHINs can exchange secure patient information much faster.

  • CA: Ont: More than 75% of North East LHIN’s Family Physicians Now Using Electronic Medical Records

    Northeastern Ontario’s transformation from paper medical records to electronic medical records (EMRs) is spreading rapidly, improving quality patient care across the North East LHIN region. Our region boasts great stats for this eHealth initiative: more than 75 per cent of our family physicians use electronic records, all our six nurse practitioner clinics have gone electronic, and all 25 of our hospitals are in various stages of becoming totally electronic.

    “Given our region’s significant geography, information technology and information management are key resources to connect patients with care,” says Louise Paquette, CEO, NE LHIN. “Technology is the enabler for improving care coordination, navigation and access for fellow Northerners.”

  • CA: Ontarians are getting digital ID this fall: All you need to know

    After an increasing number of Canadians and businesses moved online throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, three-quarters of the population feels it’s important to have a secure and privacy-enhancing digital ID to safely make transactions online.

    Moreover, a survey from Digital ID and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC) has revealed that the majority of Canadians believe it is important for federal and provincial governments to move quickly on enabling digital ID in a safe and secure manner.

  • CA: Ontario eHealth class action certified

    An Superior Court judge has certified three of four claims brought by employees of beleaguered eHealth Ontario.

    The case, Perrenoud v. eHealth Ontario, deals with eHealth’s decision to cancel employees’ performance awards and merit increases for the last two fiscal years. The cancellation followed on a request for review from the Minister of Finance.

    The defendants opposed certification on the basis that eHealth had no contractual obligation to pay the awards and increases. The defendants also raised some technical objections to the common issues raised by the plaintiffs, but found they were not fatal, and allowed the plaintiffs to amend.

  • CA: Ontario launches consultations as it looks to create new policy framework on privacy protection

    The Ontario government has launched consultations aimed to improve the province’s privacy protection laws. The consultations will be conducted through an online survey, written submissions and web conferences.

    The consultations will include individuals and businesses from the province’s tech, finance, and service sectors, as well as the information and privacy commissioner of Ontario. All parties have been asked to provide input on how the province can improve transparency concerning the collection, use, and protection of personal information online.

  • CA: Ontario Telemedicine Moves into Homes

    The Ontario Telemedicine Network, which includes all 60 hospitals in the province and more than 1,100 other sites, will expand its reach into patient homes.

    The network will implement video conferencing technology from Hackensack, N.J.-based Vidyo Inc., enabling patients to consult with their clinicians via laptop and desktop computers in the home linked to the Internet. The rollout will take three years and also include additional providers.

  • CA: Ontario to create Data Authority to securely house provincial information

    As the province overhauls its data infrastructure, Ontario is putting the call out to public organizations and businesses to help it create a new provincial data authority.

    Ontario is putting extra focus on ensuring that information collected is “private, secure, anonymous and cannot identify people individually,” according to Finance and Data Transformation Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy, who on Friday announced the latest step in the province’s digital transformation strategy.

  • CA: Ontario will fund new e-health centre at Mohawk

    The Ontario government is set to announce $800,000 Friday in funding toward a new health and technology centre at Mohawk College — “the culmination of a dream,” said vice-president, academic, Cheryl Jensen.

    The mobile and electronic health development and innovation centre (MEDIC) will be open to students, faculty and industry partners as a place to develop and showcase the college’s works in the electronic health technology field.

  • CA: Ontario: $466,492 in federal dollars earmarked for host of Sault-area projects

    Efforts to attract private-sector investment — particularly in the IT sector — got a plug Monday in the form of FedNor funding.

    Sault Ste. Marie MP Bryan Hayes announced Monday $466,492 in federal dollars for a host of projects, including $185,000 for the Sault Ste. Marie Economic Development Corp., to attract businesses in the information and communication technology (ICT) and digital gaming sectors, as well as gauge the feasibility of establishing an ICT hub and shared data services facility.

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