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Saturday, 27.07.2024
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CU: Kuba / Cuba

  • Vietnam shares big data analytics expertise with Cuba

    The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) and the Cuban Ministry for Communications held an online training course: “Designing and developing big data systems” for Cuba. It was officially opened at Hanoi and La Habana. The training course took place within a week with the coordination of the Embassy of Cuba in Vietnam and two of Vietnam’s leading ICT groups: VNPT and Viettel.

    According to a press release, the objective of the course was to provide advanced knowledge about big data such as analysing, designing, and developing big data systems for IT application and e-government development in regulatory agencies.

  • Close Cuba this year with advances in computerization of society

    The adoption and implementation of a policy for the computerization of the Cuban society marked the life of the country in the past year, assured in this capital vice-titular Wilfredo González, of the Ministry of Communications (MINCOM).

    In dialog with the Cubahoy portal of the social network Youtube, the deputy minister reiterated that there is no limitation from the political point of view for the access of Cubans to the Internet, and if a country will continue to move forward in this process.

  • CU: Develop in Camagüey e-government projects

    Members of the Union of Cuba (UIC) in the province of Camagüey develop projects that contribute to the modality of e-government, one of the main goals of the strategy of computerization in the territory.

    Designed to facilitate the process of the population, initiatives will be complementary to the first stage of the expansion of access to information and communication technologies (ICT), which in Camagüey initially focused toward the culture and recreation.

  • CU: E-government in Havana?

    How can we “participate in the construction of public policies” if they are not published? Are they secret?

    The electronic city, the intelligent city! Have we reached the future? We thus witness with amazement the increasing computerization of life in the cities. They are filling up with all kinds of sensors, GPS, cameras, which allow the public administration to monitor traffic, traffic lights, pollution, accidents, procedures, transactions…and also the citizens. These, in addition, carry their “smart” phone that makes it possible to know in real time where we are, when buses, trains, taxis arrive…we have access to infinite information, we communicate with everyone and enjoy e-commerce, e-banking, e-government….

  • CU: European Union and Cuba promote smart city model project

    The European Union (EU) and the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana (OHCH) are promoting a project to implement a smart city model in the Cuban capital, said Nelys García, director of the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana.

    Invited to participate in the civil society forum "EU-Latin America and the Caribbean, partners for change", which will end this Friday, the director of International Cooperation of the Office commented that the event represents a space to address bi-regional collaboration initiatives.

  • CU: First National Workshop on Computerization and Cybersecurity Underway in Havana

    Discussions of the First National Workshop on Computerization and Cybersecurity, headquartered in Havana, are resumed today at the Research Center of Integrated Technologies (CITI by its Spanish acronym), at Jose Antonio Echeverria Higher Polytechnic Institute.

    Since Wednesday, the event brings to the table discussions on important issues such as the computerization of Cuban society as a guarantee of welfare and sustainable development for the nation.

  • CU: Matanzas: Varadero to Become a Smart City

    Attractive business and exchange opportunities have been identified by the directors of the local Parque Científico Tecnológico de Matanzas (PCTM), as part of the sessions held at the XIII International University Congress 2022 event, and as a way of shortening the distance between the university and the business sector.

    Constituted as a Mercantile Company, the high-tech institution from Matanzas city, develops as its mega project, the conversion of the Varadero resort into a digital city as part of the necessary and innovative transition towards the Smart City; where they are managed and even programmed through the use of artificial intelligence and the related services and processes of that territory.

  • Cuba goes open source

    After throwing off one dictator Cuba tries it again

    The government of Cuba has announced plans to take the whole country open source as soon as possible.

    Communications Minister Ramiro Valdés announced the plan at a conference in Havana, and said that Microsoft had cooperated with government agencies and intelligence services in the past.

  • Cuba libre: Inselstaat setzt auf Linux

    Migrationspläne für die öffentliche Verwaltung

    Kuba will künftig voll auf Linux setzen. Der karibische Inselstaat will seine Verwaltung von Windows komplett auf Linux umstellen, schreibt das in Kuba erscheinende linientreue Blatt Juventud Rebelde, die Zeitung der Jugend der Kommunistischen Partei Kubas.

  • Cuba's President Ratifies Commitment to E-Government

    Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel ratified Monday e-government as a priority for strengthening ties with the population and boosting Cuba''s socioeconomic development.

    The President, speaking at the National Assembly of People's Power's Service Attention Commission, stressed that this kind of management represents a key component of society's computerization, along with electronic commerce.

  • Cuban Authorities to Develop E-Commerce

    Local media reported that Cuban authorities'' interests and strategies are aimed at develcarrying out to develop e-commerce in the country as a fundamental element for the immediate future.

    Cubadebate is one of the website that reflects such a decision and its potentialities, especially in the face of new economic methods in Cuba.

  • Digital transformation in Cuba promotes greater citizen participation

    The digital transformation in Cuba is a government pillar aimed at increasing popular participation and interaction between citizens and the government, an authorized source said here.

    According to Cuban deputy prime minister, José Luis Perdomo, the process is based on the integration of what has been done to date in terms of computerization, and in order to strengthen the services provided by companies, government entities and the public administration, among other instances.

  • Havana should be leader in computerization in Cuba, says Diaz-Canel

    Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel said that Havana should be at the forefront of computerization in the country, local media reported today.

    Speaking in the meeting for the Havana support program, the Cuban president specified two pivotal development areas: E-Government and E-Commerce.

    At the meeting, where Prime Minister Manuel Marrero and the President of the National Assembly of People's Power, Esteban Lazo, were also present, it was learned that in the first quarter of 2021 the new version of the Citizen's Portal of the capital must come out.

  • Kuba setzt auf Linux

    Die kubanische Regierung hat beschlossen, alle PCs der öffentlichen Verwaltung auf Linux zu migrieren. Das meldet Juventud Rebelde, die Zeitung der Jugend der Kommunistischen Partei Kubas. Dem Bericht zufolge teilte Roberto del Puerto, Staatssekretär für Informatik, auf einer Konferenz in Havanna diese Entscheidung mit. Bislang laufen alle Verwaltungsrechner des Inselstaates unter Windows. Der Wechsel werde schrittweise verlaufen, heißt es weiter. Wie die Zeitung weiter berichtet, zählt die Linux-Gemeinde auf der Insel zurzeit 1500 Nutzer, die eine eigene Linux-Distribution entwickelt haben.
  • Kuba setzt auf Linux

    Im Kommunismus gehört alles allen (zumindest die Produktionsmittel), Privateigentum daran ist verpönt. Da ist es nur konsequent, dass das realsozialistische, von einer kommunistischen Partei regierte Kuba den Worten des Ober-GNU und Gründers der Free Software Foundation (FSF) Richard Stallman Gehör schenkt und gemeinsam mit Venezuela alle Behörden-PCs von Windows auf das frei erhältliche und quelloffene Linux umstellen will – Schritt für Schritt. Das geht aus US-Medienberichten über die International Conference on Communication and Technologies hervor, die am vergangenen Mittwoch in der kubanischen Hauptstadt Havanna stattgefunden hat.

  • Kuba startet Linux-Migration

    Die Volkswirtschaft will Microsoft komplett den Rücken kehren und hat bereits 1.500 Rechner auf Open Source umgestellt.

    Kuba, eine der letzten bestehenden sozialistischen Volkswirtschaften, will seine Regierungsrechner schrittweise auf das freie Betriebssystem Linux umstellen und Microsoft den Rücken kehren.

  • Kuba wechselt auf Linux

    No pasaran: die Revolution ergreift den Desktop, Kuba will Windows abschaffen.

    Die letzte kommunistische Bastion beider Amerikas macht ihrer 'glorreichen Geschichte' alle Ehre: nach revolutionärem Beschluss der Regierung unter Fidel Castro wird Windows abgeschafft.

  • Kubanische Regierung will zu Linux wechseln

    Pressemeldungen zufolge will die kubanische Regierung tausende von Rechnern auf Linux migrieren.

    Anlässlich einer Technologie-Konferenz in Havanna, zu der Richard Stallman als Redner eingeladen war, bestätigten mehrere Minister der kubanischen Regierung die geplante Abkehr von Microsoft. Microsoft gilt in Kuba als Vertreter der verhassten Regierung der USA, die mit dem seit 1960 bestehenden Wirtschaftsembargo dem Land beträchtlichen Schaden zugefügt hat.

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