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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Digital Divide

  • Weltbank will die digitale Spaltung überwinden

    Auf dem ersten ICT Development Forum der Weltbank diskutieren heute auf dem Petersberg bei Bonn Politiker, Wissenschaftler, Entwicklungsexperten sowie Vorstände von Wirtschaftsunternehmen. Erwartet werden unter anderem James D. Wolfensohn, Peer Steinbrück und Jorge Quiroga, ehemaliger Präsident von Bolivien. Das Forum soll künftig jährlich abgehalten werden.
  • Weltweit nur zehn Prozent online

    In Industrieländern sind es 44 Prozent | Haupthindernisse sind Preis und Bildung | 650 Millionen Menschen weltweit online | Medien Radio, Fernsehen und Telefon noch vorne
  • Weniger als vier Prozent der Afrikaner sind online

    Noch nicht einmal ein Prozent der Bewohner Afrikas verfügt derzeit über einen Breitband-Internetanschluss, 70 Prozent des afrikanischen IP-Verkehrs wird kostspielig über andere Erdteile geroutet. "Umgehende Maßnahmen" zur Besserung der Situation fordert der aus Mali stammende Generalsekretär der International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Hamadoun Touré. Dies berichtet die BBC von der Connect Africa, die bis zum 30. Oktober in Kigali, der Hauptstadt von Ruanda, stattfindet.

  • Why Are 4 Billion People without the Internet?

    Three obstacles to extending the reach of the Web — and thereby reducing poverty in developing countries — can be fixed.

    One of the most effective ways to reduce poverty in developing countries is to extend the reach of the Internet. Over the last 20 years, the online world has created millions of jobs and billions of dollars of economic activity. Entire new sectors have emerged, such as e-commerce, social media, and data analytics. In developing countries, the Internet is even more powerful than it is elsewhere. It can connect people who have known only subsistence to the modern economy, and provide them with opportunities for social and economic advancement. Yet most people in developing countries, some 56 percent of the world’s population, still do not use the Internet.

  • Without bridging the digital divide eGovernance projects will not be effective

    eGovernance, especially in developing countries, is looked upon as means to change the very concept of eGovernance resulting in empowerment of the citizens and increased transparency in public dealings by the governments; increased efficiencies in delivery of public goods is an inherent underlying assumption. The big question is that what actually we want to do by adding the letter ‘e’ in front of various words. The main objective of it is just only computerizing the manual process running from last so many numbers of years or we want to improve it without changing the way of processing. The term ‘eGovernance’ is one such term. eGovernance allows direct participation of constituents in government activities. The main objective of the eGovernance models is that better use of information and makes a clear transparency in government-people transactions. It also creates a platform for profitable participation of government in business transactions. Customer relationship management gives better service to the citizens in less time and costs as well as better utilization of space by paperless work environment. Different departments of the government can also communicate very effectively which infect give benefits to the society and helps in the growth of a new economy. Also, a citizen can avail multiple government services from a single point. While looking at these advantages from the eGovernance, we also have to take care about all challenges which play a big role in success of eGovernance system. Some of these challenges are Lack of Integrated Services, Lack of Communication between different Departments, Lack of Key Persons, Population, Establishing Person Identities, and Different Languages.

  • WORLD: Summit hears advice on bridging digital divide

    Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have resulted in rapid economic growth and improved the living standards of many people in developed countries.

    But less developed countries as well as minority groups are being increasingly left behind by this technologically revolution.

  • ZA: Bridging the digital divide in public education is a collective effort

    In March 2020 SA faced an unprecedented challenge as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic. With the imposition of a nationwide lockdown, almost every human endeavour switched from being physical to virtual. For many the conversion was effortless. For others, however, the switch to a predominantly digital world only served to further deepen prevailing divides.

    As a corporate social investment (CSI) practitioner with a keen interest in facilitating the active economic participation of people through education, I am constantly struck by the frustratingly slow pace of meaningful change in many South Africans’ lives. Notwithstanding the grave socioeconomic implications of certain Covid-19 decisions, the pandemic provides an opportunity for meaningful engagement around innovative options to bring about much-needed, broader societal transformation.

  • ZA: We must connect the missing middle

    Increased broadband connectivity has a meaningful and direct impact on the economic prospects of individuals, communities and countries at large. A World Bank study estimated that a 10% increase in broadband penetration in low and middle-income countries can result in a 1,38% increase in economic growth.

    At home, Statistics SA’s General Household Survey released in December last year found that 8,3% of households in South Africa had access to the internet via copper or fibre. This is not to say that the rest of the country is not interested in connecting – the same survey found that almost two thirds of South Africans access the internet via a mobile connection.

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