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Monday, 20.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • How digital innovation leads to energy-efficient parking

    In an era where technology is transforming every aspect of our lives, the parking industry is also undergoing a significant revolution. The integration of digitization and advanced technologies has paved the way for energy-efficient solutions that address the pressing challenges of urban congestion and environmental sustainability. These innovations are reshaping the future of urban mobility, and taking the industry in a far more environmentally-friendly direction. As cities grow and vehicles increase, traditional systems for parking struggle to cope with the demand. However, digitization offers a transformative solution by leveraging technology to optimize operations, improve user experience, and reduce energy consumption.

  • AE: RTA announces digitised parking permits for senior Emiratis, people of determination

    The authority is keen on transforming its services into smart and proactive ones in line with the 'Smart City' initiative

    RTA is complementing its smart services by digitising the parking permit services for senior Emiratis and people of determination as of this August 20.

    This will eliminate the need to print and display the permits.

  • AE: RTA gets ready for eParking tickets debut

    Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) is readying for the launch of the eParking tickets; an innovative solution for paying parking fees in Dubai. The project comes with upgraded parking metres fitted with interactive touch screens enabling users to enter vehicle details and have eParking tickets issued similar to text messages for mobile phones (mParking) without the need to display a paper ticket on the front of the vehicle.

    The initiative is part of RTA’s efforts to develop new services compatible with the Smart City initiative, besides supporting Dubai Paperless Strategy.

  • AU: Western Australia: Smart app to aid parking

    Wyndham council has introduced a Smart Parking app to help drivers in the Werribee city centre find a car park.

    The app, which is available for download on Apple and Android smartphones, gives drivers information such as the best available areas to park and the number of available parking spaces in each area.

  • BM: Ticketless parking to be trialled in City of Hamilton

    The City of Hamilton is to test a ticketless parking system based on license plate recognition.

    The new system will be piloted at the Number 5 car park on Front Street next to Pier Six from tomorrow.

    It entails the placement of a small camera at the car-park entry and exit points that will recognise the front license plates and calculate how long the vehicle has been in the location before issuing a request for payment.

  • CH: Zug Uses IEM Parking Meters in Pursuit of Its Smart City Strategy

    Since 2007, the city of Zug has been using around eighty parking meters from different manufacturers to manage the various public parking in the city. Some of the parking meters had become obsolete because they no longer met the technical requirements.

    Therefore, in the upcoming months and in order to improve the profitability and management of car parks, while meeting new customer needs, parking meters will be replaced with PrestoConnect meters. Geneva-based and with a branch in Rotkreuz, IEM is responsible for manufacturing these fine design parking meters. About thirty parking meters were replaced in September 2020 and the remainder will be installed in the coming months.

  • Cleaner, More Convenient and Prosperous Cities: The Hidden Benefits of Smart Parking Systems

    As urban areas around the world continue to grow, transportation and mobility systems are undergoing major transformations, from the adoption of traffic rerouting and other control systems to the modernization of parking options.

    Evolving parking ecosystems are increasingly part of smart community planning and budgeting, as well as environmental improvement programs to reduce congestion, air and noise pollution, and to generally make cities more livable.

  • CW: Willemstad: Digital parking in the city center

    Security company Securitas and Flowbird Urban Intelligence, the largest provider of street parking meters, have signed a partnership agreement and submitted a proposal for new parking meters in Punda and Otrobanda.

    They hope to be able to compete in the public tender for parking management in the city center, launched by the government. If the proposal is approved, everyone will soon be able to park in Punda and Otrabanda and pay by means of a mobile app.

  • CY: Nicosia introduces smart parking app

    Nicosia municipality presented on Thursday a parking app which will help drivers find available spots, as it hailed the development as promoting greener and more accessible policies.

    The app, called Smart Parking Nicosia City, is co-funded by the EU Smart City project and is being promoted as offering a comprehensive information system for drivers.

  • IN: Maharashtra: Nashik: Smart city pay-and-park project gets delayed again

    he Smart City parking project has been further delayed as the contractor is unwilling to start operation of the parking spaces.

    The contractor concerned has sought a three-year extension in the contract period from the Nashik Municipal Smart City Development Corporation Ltd (NMSCDCL) due to Covid pandemic even though the latter has given a 15-month extension.

  • IN: Odisha: Bhubaneswar: App-based parking move turns Janpath ‘smart’

    The Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited (BSCL) has started pre-booking of parking spots on the busy Janpath through the Mo parking app for hassle-free and organised parking to give a pleasing look to the stretch and manage traffic better.

    The 3.9-km-long stretch, which boasts of rows of shops, malls, hotels and commercial establishments on one side and government quarters and residential complexes on the other, has become Smart Janpath. Several changes were made with a top architect being involved in the design to make it not just a road but a living space. Parking was the biggest challenge on Janpath and hence, the BSCL worked on developing smart parking along the stretch.

  • IN: Odisha: Two years on, e-parking system yet to see light of the day in Bhubaneswar

    The central smart parking system was installed at the Integrated City Operations and Management Centre (ICOMC) and was slated to provide real-time information on a particular parking slot booked for a particular vehicle.

    It has been two years since the Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited (BSCL) installed sensors at 800 parking lots on the stretch between Sishu Bhawan Square and Vani Vihar, but the ambitious smart-parking project is yet to see light of the day.

  • MY: Johor: Use an app, not coupons, to pay for parking in Johor Bahru

    Starting in 2024, Johor Bahru City Council (MBJB) will no longer be issuing physical coupons for its 68,000 public parking spaces.

    The city council is encouraging motorists to download its app, MBJB Spot, to pay for parking in the city.

    Johor Bahru’s mayor, Datuk Noorazam Osman, said 2023 would be the final year that motorists could use parking coupons within MBJB areas.

  • Nordrhein-Westfalen: Wuppertal: Die Parkkosten künftig per Handy zahlen?

    Ein Handyparksystem könnte die Stadt Geld kosten, bei den Bürgern aber wegen minutengenauer Abrechnung Geld sparen.

    Wuppertal. In vielen Ländern funktioniert es bereits, in deutschen Städten wird es nach und nach eingeführt und auch in Wuppertal könnte das Parksystem revolutioniert werden. Zumindest, wenn es nach dem Willen der FDP-Fraktion geht, wird die Verwaltung beauftragt, zu prüfen, was es kostet und was es bringt, wenn in Wuppertal ein Handyparksystem eingeführt wird. Gemeint sind allerdings ausdrücklich Kosten und Nutzen sowohl für Bürger als auch für die Parkraumbewirtschaftung.

  • Österreich: 70.000 Autofahrer bezahlen Parkgebühr via Handy

    Monatlich 1.500 neue m-parking-User - Anzeigepflicht über Parkscheibe soll bald wegfallen

    70.000 Autofahrer in Österreich - 60.000 davon in Wien - bezahlen ihre Parkgebühren derzeit via SMS übers Handy, monatlich kommen 1.500 neue m-parking-User dazu. Für die Betreiber - die Stadt Wien, Siemens und die Mobilkom Austria - ist das "ein voller Erfolg", wie es am Mittwoch bei einem Pressegespräch hieß. Die Pflicht, beim Handy-Parken in der Kurzparkzone die Auto-Abstellzeit per Parkscheibe anzeigen zu müssen, soll demnächst entfallen.

  • Österreich: 70.000 nutzen Parkschein per SMS

    Seit der Einführung von M-Parking im Oktober 2003 sind 2,5 Mio. Parkscheine mit dem Handy bezahlt worden.

    70.000 Autofahrer in Österreich - 60.000 davon in Wien - bezahlen ihre Parkgebühren derzeit via SMS übers Handy, monatlich kommen 1.500 neue M-Parking-User dazu.

    Die Betreiber des SMS-Parkscheins - die Stadt Wien, Siemens und die mobilkom austria - sind mit dieser Bialnz zufrieden und stellten in einem Pressegespräch in Aussicht, dass demnächst auch die Pflicht, beim Handyparken in der Kurzparkzone die Auto-Abstellzeit per Parkscheibe anzeigen zu müssen, entfallen soll.

  • Österreich: Das Ende der Parkuhr

    Grundlage für HANDY Parken in ganz Österreich

    Mit der gestern beschlossenen Kurzparkzonenüberwachungs-Verordnung fällt die letzte Hürde für HANDY Parken in ganz Österreich: Der Parkschein für das Handy kann nun in ganz Österreich Realität werden. Diese Novelle und der Wegfall der Notwendigkeit einer Parkuhr schaffen die rechtliche Grundlage dafür.

  • Österreich: Erfolgs-Bilanz Wiener M-Parking und SMS-Ticket

    m-parking in Wien: Schon 60.000 Kunden, seit Oktober 2003 bereits 2,5 Mio. Handy-Parkscheine gelöst

    Nach fast zwei Jahren ist m-parking in Wien ein voller Erfolg: Rund 2,5 Mio. Parkscheine für insgesamt 2,7 Mio. Stunden wurden seit dem Start im Oktober 2003 mit dem Handy bezahlt, zuletzt im Mai 2005 über 160.000 mobile Parkscheine. Täglich werden über 7.000 Parkscheine mit dem Handy gelöst und die Tendenz steigt. Bereits 60.000 WienerInnen nutzen den bequemen Handydienst, jedes Monat kommen durchschnittlich 1.500 neue Anmeldungen dazu. Die einmalige Registrierung erfolgt über SMS oder online über Betrieben wird m-parking in der Bundeshauptstadt von der Stadt Wien in Kooperation mit Siemens Business Services und der mobilkom austria. Österreichweit sind mobile Parkschein-Systeme mittlerweile in insgesamt zwölf Städten und Gemeinden im Einsatz. Die Bundeshauptstadt ist mit dem mobilen Parkschein auch internationaler Vorreiter: ein ähnlicher Pilotbetrieb in Berlin läuft seit Februar 2005, ein weiterer in Paderborn startet im Juni 2005.

  • Österreich: Parkgebühr via Handy bezahlen

    70.000 Autofahrer in Österreich - 60.000 davon in Wien - bezahlen ihre Parkgebühren derzeit via SMS übers Handy, monatlich kommen 1.500 neue m-parking-User dazu.

    Für die Betreiber - die Stadt Wien, Siemens und die Mobilkom Austria - ist das „ein voller Erfolg“, wie es am Mittwoch bei einem Pressegespräch hieß. Die Pflicht, beim Handy-Parken in der Kurzparkzone die Auto-Abstellzeit per Parkscheibe anzeigen zu müssen, soll demnächst entfallen.

  • Österreich: Parkuhr beim SMS-Parken nicht mehr nötig

    Gesetzesnovelle macht's möglich

    Für Handyparkscheine ist künftig keine zusätzliche Parkuhr mehr nötig. Eine am Dienstag beschlossene Kurzparkzonenüberwachungsverordnung macht das möglich.

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