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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • Backbone network for China's e-government starts operation

    A backbone network of e-government linking China's central-level departments started operation on Sunday.

    With such a standard platform, the organs of the Party, National People's Congress, government, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, court and procuratorate will have their own websites or sub-network linked together, said Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan at the opening ceremony.

  • China Builds the World’s First Integrated Quantum Communication Network

    Chinese scientists have established the world’s first integrated quantum communication network, combining over 700 optical fibers on the ground with two ground-to-satellite links to achieve quantum key distribution over a total distance of 4,600 kilometers for users across the country. The team, led by Jianwei Pan, Yuao Chen, Chengzhi Peng from the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, reported in Nature their latest advances towards the global, practical application of such a network for future communications.

    Unlike conventional encryption, quantum communication is considered unhackable and therefore the future of secure information transfer for banks, power grids and other sectors. The core of quantum communication is quantum key distribution (QKD), which uses the quantum states of particles — e.g. photons — to form a string of zeros and ones, while any eavesdropping between the sender and the receiver will change this string or key and be noticed immediately. So far, the most common QKD technology uses optical fibers for transmissions over several hundred kilometers, with high stability but considerable channel loss. Another major QKD technology uses the free space between satellites and ground stations for thousand-kilometer-level transmissions. In 2016, China launched the world’s first quantum communication satellite (QUESS, or Mozi/Micius) and achieved QKD with two ground stations which are 2,600 km apart. In 2017, an over 2,000-km-long optical fiber network was completed for QKD between Beijing and Shanghai.

  • Enhanced Digital Network to be Rolled Out in the Philippines

    A robust and pervasive digital network to roll out advancements such as 5G technology can help address the everyday problems of Filipinos and is essential to a sustainable digital future. This was the key insight shared by the Vice President of a Philippine network provider.

    “We believe that with the limitations and challenges our country faces today, digital is the answer to many of our problems. The foundation of a successful digital economy is a superior network utilising first-world technology. Once we achieve this, we will be closer to our mission of seeing a Philippine where families’ dreams come true, businesses flourish, and the whole nation is admired,” he said.

  • Establishing the E-Government Network in the GCC States is approved

    Minister of Transport and Acting CEO of Economic Development Board (EDB) Kamal Bin Ahmed Mohammed chaired the second meeting of the Ministerial Committee of GCC E-Government, in presence of the GCC Secretary General, Dr. Abdullatif Al-Zayani, and the relevant ministers of the e-government in the member states. The meeting was hosted by Kingdom of Bahrain to discuss a number of issues related to improving and developing the e-government services and common cooperation issues.

    The meeting aimed at developing the coordination and cooperation means between GCC states to achieve the views and aspirations of Their Majesties and Highnesses the leaders of the GCC states in an initiative to move from the Gulf cooperation to the union stage as an embodiment of the concern of the leaders and accomplishing of the aspirations of GCC states.

  • GB: North East England: Sunderland: blueprint for a connected city of the future

    Liz St Louis, director of smart cities at Sunderland City Council, explains how the city is leading the way in digital transformation and is determined to leave no one and nowhere behind.

    From education to housing, and healthcare to environment, the expectations of what a city must provide for its residents, businesses and visitors are ever-growing. In order to embed new technology to enable life enhancing improvements, an evolving infrastructure is vital. In Sunderland LoRaWaN and expanding public wifi networks are enabling digital transformation on a city-wide scale.

  • Nationwide Network Data-Sharing System to Establish in the Philippines

    The Philippine Space Agency has begun its pre-implementation of a new project to capacitate and enable various sectors to access and use space data in accordance with their needs. The PhilSA Space Information Infrastructure Bureau will carry out the PINAS project, which stands for PhilSA Integrated Network for Space-Enabled Actions Toward Sustainability (SIIB).

    "PINAS will be an active community of national government agencies, local government units (LGU), research institutions, the civil society, and the private sector, working collaboratively on the socially responsive use of space data and information." – Dr Ariel C. Blanco, Director, Space Information Infrastructure Bureau

  • Advancing Bangladesh with 5G and state-of-the-art networks

    Bangladesh’s communication service providers (CSPs) can help deploy high-performance networks required to turbo-charge their growth

    Bangladesh is placing innovation at the heart of its socioeconomic transformation.

    Guided by Digital and Smart Bangladesh initiatives, the government is now driven to turn the country into a high-income nation under Vision 2041.

  • AE: TRA Establishes the First Federal Electronic Network

    FedNET provides a shared collaborative environment across federal government entities to meet all customers' needs

    The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) revealed the progress made in establishing the first ever Electronic Federal Network (FedNET) in the United Arab Emirates. FedNET will provide high speed connectivity and integration between the various e-government systems of UAE government departments. The network will connect all federal institutions in a way that raises efficiency and reduces costs. It will also help achieve a faster transition to smart government.

  • Africa: India Launches Pan-Africa E-Network

    The event was characterised by pomp and splendour. With their arrival into the precincts of Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL) in South Delhi being beamed on the screen, heads of African missions and other dignitaries had cause to be ecstatic.

    The occasion: Inauguration of the second phase of the Pan-African e-Network Project.

    The tentacles of the project have now been spread to 12 African countries, and Zambia is among the beneficiaries.

  • African nations agree to US$1 billion Indian satellite project

    A critical mass of countries are signing on to a plan for India to invest US$1 billion in the Pan-African e-Network satellite project, a joint initiative with the Africa Union aimed at developing the region's information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure.

    The African Union last year entered into an agreement that calls for the Indian government to supply funds for the project. The Indian government will finance the project over a period of five years through a grant to the African Union. Ethiopia for example, has been given a grant of US$2.13 million from India for the project.

  • Brunei: Signing ceremony for PMONet IT Network infrastructure e-Govt project

    A contract signing ceremony for the PMONet IT Network infrastructure e-Government project between the Public Services Commission, the Prime Minister's Office and the local IT company, BSSyscom (B) Sdn Bhd, was held Thursday at Pubic Services Commission office.

    The project involves the establishment of the local area network infrastructure connecting the departments in building and preparing for further e-government projects in the near future under the government's e-government initiative.

  • BT Global Services und CC Compunet vernetzen 1000 Finanzbehörden

    Das Bundesministerium für Finanzen (BMF) lagert den Betrieb des Bundesfinanzverwaltungsdatennetzes (BFV-Netz) aus. Die Outsourcing-Dienstleister CC Compunet und BT Global Services vermelden den Gewinn der Ausschreibung eines Fünfjahresvertrags. Dabei geht es in der Endausbaustufe des Netzes um ein Umsatzvolumen von 25 Millionen Euro jährlich.
  • Bundesanstalt für Arbeit bekommt neues Kommunikationsnetz

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Die Bundesanstalt für Arbeit (BA) verfügt künftig über ein moderneres Kommunikationsnetz. Das neue System ersetzt das bestehende Netz. Den Auftrag für Installation und Betrieb der Lösung für 100.000 Nutzer hat T-Systems erhalten.
  • Canada: Saskatchewan: Gov't health info network renamed

    The Saskatchewan Health Information Network is getting a new name as the provincial government moves toward the completion of its electronic health record system.

    The Treasury Board Crown corporation will now be known as eHealth Saskatchewan and be overseen by a six-member board made up of representatives from organizations including the Saskatchewan Medical Association, the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, health regions, the business community and the province.

    The ultimate goal is a "one patient, one record" electronic health record system.

  • CBO completes Solomon Islands network

    Australian networking company, CBO Telecommunications, has successfully completed a large ICT project for the Solomon Islands Government with the deployment of a secure private network to connect 85 government offices.

    The Solomon Islands Ministry of Finance ICT Support Unit made the submission for government support in late 2010 and in November 2012 CBO was awarded the $3.25 million contract to build a Metro Area Network (MAN) as a single use network for public sector agencies.

  • Chinese province builds information highway

    The eastern Chinese province of Anhui is investing more than 80 billion RMB (US$11.5 billion) to modernise its infrastructure, including a project known as ‘Digital Anhu’ that aims to make the internet more widely available and improve data transfer between urban and rural areas.

    Once established in the major cities, the high-speed information network will be expanded in rural areas to meet the province’s ‘every village broadband’ objective and remove the ‘low internet speed bottleneck’ that has hindered development, Caoxiao Wu, Deputy Director General of Economic and Information Technology Commission, Anhui Province, told FutureGov.

  • Cities, Municipalities Reinvent Government Communications With Nortel Networks

    Create Simple, Affordable Networks for Connected Communities, eGovernment Services

    Nortel Networks (NYSE:NT) (TSX:NT) today announced several deployments of its Optical Ethernet solution by local governments and municipalities looking to leverage technology to create 'connected' communities and provide secure, on-line information and services to their citizens. The City of St. Hyancinthe, Quebec; the City of Roanoke, Virginia; and the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin are the latest cities to have deployments underway or completed.

  • Datenautobahn für größte Bundesbehörde

    Die Bundesanstalt für Arbeit erhält ein moderneres Kommunikationsnetz. Den Auftrag für Installation und Betrieb der Lösung für 100.000 Nutzer hat das Unternehmen T-Systems erhalten.
  • Deutschland: T-Systems verbindet bundesweit die Netze von Bund, Ländern und Kommunen

    Deutschland-Online Infrastruktur Meilenstein für die Verwaltungsmodernisierung.

    T-Systems errichtet und betreibt mit dem DOI-Netz das künftige zentrale Rückgrat für die Online-Kommunikation der deutschen Verwaltungen. Den über vier Jahre laufenden Rahmenvertrag unterzeichneten der Deutschland-Online Infrastruktur e.V. als Vertreter der Länder und des Bundes sowie T-Systems heute am Rande der CeBIT.

  • EC wants giant data network

    A €100m system will allow the exchange of information between all national governments and EU institutions

    The European Commission is looking for suppliers to work on a new communications infrastructure covering all national governments and EU institutions across the continent, it has announced.

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