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Thursday, 16.01.2025
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  • Hospital 'Center of Excellence Program' Launched by US Tele-Medicine

    Qualifying hospitals and clinics can now earn revenues derived from Telemedicine referrals. In addition, these hospitals and clinics will access a national Telemedicine provider as a solution to overflow and expansion.

    “The global world of Telemedicine opens to these facilities without the major up-front costs and effort normally associated with developing an in-house Telemedicine department,” said Gideon Ilumin, Director of Business Affairs for US Tele-Medicine.

    US Tele-Medicine, a national health care provider based in Beverly Hills, CA and licensed in twelve states, providing General Practice and Family Practice services, is forming joint ventures with hospitals and clinics in its territories.

  • 5 questions about mobile heath (mHealth) and defining what it is

    1. How is telehealth related to mHealth?

      With the emergence of mHealth, telehealth has become a sub-category inside the definition of mHealth. Based on the fact that telehealth has been around for an extended period of time, it is going to take a longer period of time for people to not separate the two due to familiarity with the term “telehealth.” But just like most of the population referred to copies as a “Xerox” for decades, over time the term “copies” have come back to popularity. I believe that the same scenario will play out here if a better term for telehealth is not established.

    2. Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Telemedizin-Portals

      Der schnelle und vor allem absolut sichere Austausch von behandlungsrelevanten medizinischen Informationen und von Ergebnissen bildgebender Untersuchungsverfahren (wie zum Beispiel Computertomografie und Röntgen) auf elektronischem Wege hat wichtige Vorteile: Er spart Zeit und verbessert die Qualität, denn Arztpraxen und Kliniken können unabhängig vom Standort jederzeit eine Expertenmeinung oder ein Zweitgutachten einholen sowie im Rahmen einer integrierten Versorgungskette schnell und günstig Informationen über gemeinsame Patienten austauschen.
    3. EU executive cheerleads for tele-doctorin

      European Commission presses the case for EU states to move quickly to expand e-medicine.

      Patients living in remote areas or suffering from chronic diseases that need continuous monitoring should have better access to medical treatment delivered, for example, over the internet, the European Commission said today.

      In a communication, an early stage in a process that could eventually lead to legislative proposals, the EU executive pressed member states to draw up national action plans aimed at broadening the provision of telemedicine, which pilot projects suggest could improve public health and lower costs.

    4. Health Service 'goes mobile' in UK

      Community nurses in North Lincolnshire in the UK are set to get rugged wireless laptops in one of the largest deployments yet of mobile technology to staff working outside of hospitals.

      In the first phase of this five-year project, 140 staff will get the devices, supplied by BT Health, which already provides the health service’s N3 data network and is prime contractor for NHS IT upgrades in London.

    5. How new technology is changing access to health care in Australia

      From a smartphone app that scans your vital signs to doctors treating their far distant patients through "face time" on their tablets or computers, technology is changing the way thousands of Australians access health care.

      General Practitioner Ashley Collins is stationed more than 1000 kilometres from his patient but he can get a blood pressure reading without laying a hand on the company director.

      Using a video link and a portable machine owned by the patient he can measure blood glucose, pulse rate, body temperature, cholesterol and even get an ECG measurement.

    6. NHS England drops plan to have 100,000 telehealth users this year

      NHS England has given up on attempts to get 100,000 patients using telehealth this year, despite health secretary Jeremy Hunt pledging to meet this target as part of plans to boost roll-out of the technology across England.

      NHS England said it has decided to ditch the plans after reviewing progress at seven pathfinder areas that were selected to spearhead delivery of the Government’s flagship telehealth programme.

    7. Telemedicine needs push from the Indian Government

      India suffer from virulent diseases, which comprises not only the prevalent contagious and communicable diseases, but also an increasing number of chronic diseases

      Innovations in telemedicine will “not only result in the substantial reduction of health care disparities, but also in a reduction of health care costs across the country,” Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Tex.) and Louisiana state Sen. Sharon Weston-Broome (D) write in The Hill’s “Congress Blog.”

    8. UAE prime for telehealth development

      HIMSS Middle East Integrated Health Innovations Conference

      Leading UK authority Professor George Crooks, medical director for NHS 24, Scotland's health information and self care advice service, will speak on the topic of aligning the continuum of care and global best practice in telehealth, using NHS 24 as an example, and drawing parallels with the UAE.

      The presentation, on day one of the two-day Dubai Health Authority, Health Authority - Abu Dhabi, SEHA and Dubai Healthcare City supported event, will invite delegates to rethink how they can reconfigure and deliver future healthcare services, with the role of technology a key driver.

    9. Uganda streamlines healthcare with mobile technology

      Uganda has received the African Development Bank's prestigious eHealth award for its M-Trac health management system, which has successfully changed the face of health service delivery in the country.

      At Uganda’s many remote health centres, putting pen to paper was the only way to alert health officials to problems such as drug shortages or outbreaks of malaria.

      The government, assisted by UNICEF and WHO, have implemented an innovative solution.

    10. Video Dial-a-Doctor Seen Easing Shortage in Rural U.S.

      Until recently, when children in Ware County, Georgia, needed to see a pediatrician or a specialist, getting to the nearest doctor could entail a four-hour drive up Interstate 75 to Atlanta.

      Now, there’s another option. As part of a state-wide initiative, the rural county has installed videoconferencing equipment at all 10 of its schools to give its 5,782 students one-on-one access to physicians. Telemedicine sites for adults have also sprung in the area. Instead of taking a full day off from work or school, residents can now regularly see their specialist online.

    11. ‘Telemedicine’ tackles geographic challenges of medicine in the Maldives

      The government will introduce ‘telemedicine’ services to three islands this week, according to Health Minister Dr Aiminath Jameel, while the Ministry is also training healthcare staff in the use of the technology in conjunction with the Maldives College of Higher Education (MCHE).

      Telemedicine is a combination of medical and telecommunication equipment that allows doctors to examine patients hundreds of kilometres away, usually with the assistance of a trained nurse at the patient’s end.

      The Maldives’ first telemedicine facility was donated by Dhiraagu in late December 2010, and installed on Thinadhoo in Gaaf Dhaal at a cost of Rf 2 million (US$155,000).

    12. "Virtual hospital" aims to develop telemedicine in Balkans

      With electronic communications technology, even remote areas can have access to specialised services.

      With the rapid growth of electronic media, medical professionals can provide an increasing range of healthcare information and services at a distance. Telemedicine, as this emerging phenomenon is called, was the focus of a seminar held on February 6th and 7th in Skopje.

      The event, organised by the International Virtual e-Hospital Foundation (IVeH) in co-operation with Macedonia's health ministry, brought experts in the field together to discuss current technologies and applications.

    13. 10 lessons learned from mHealth rollouts

      At the mHealth Summit in Washington DC this week, Patricia Mechael, PhD, MHS, Director of Strategic Application of Mobile Technology for Public Health and Development, Center for Global Health and Economic Development at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, shared her top ten lessons learned from global mobile health implementations.

    14. 3 stages of developing a telemedicine program

      Organizations face three major tasks when launching a telemedicine program throughout their clinical, technical and administrative departments. These are the tasks of starting the program, launching it and finally, growing it.

      "Ultimately, people need to make their telemedicine programs sustainable," explained Nirav Desai, founder and CEO of Hands on Telehealth and author of The 10 Secrets Of Telehealth Success. "Programs that run out of funds don't have a leg to stand on. It's important to figure out the ROI that can be made and the capital that can be gained from the very beginning."

    15. 3 Telehealth Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Pandemic

      Although the concept of telehealth has existed for decades, it’s been relatively slow to catch on. Getting patients to feel comfortable with the idea of online care—and finding medical professionals who felt confident about conducting their work in a remote setting—has not been easy. Even with willing participants and infrastructure in place, bureaucratic red tape meant providers faced an uphill battle when it came to legally treating patients and being reimbursed for their virtual care.

      As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. Social distancing and shelter-in-place practices due to COVID-19 have forced non-urgent healthcare providers to close their doors and pushed many patients to seek care remotely. In response, and for the first time, the federal government has empowered doctors to use telehealth to treat Medicare patients. Many state governments and private insurers have followed suit; in fact, several of the nation’s largest insurance companies have waived copays to encourage telehealth visits. COVID-19has illuminated three key lessons that paint a positive picture of the future of telehealth.

    16. 4 telemedicine lessons Third World can teach industrialized countries

      Healthcare stakeholders are starting to understand more about the varying role telemedicine plays in improving healthcare delivery and removing stress for patients across the globe.

      While wireless enablement creates a number of important advantages for providers and patients no matter where they live, the focus on how telemedicine benefits communities is often different in Third World countries than it is industrialized countries, like the United States.

    17. 5 aid stations of Armenia’s rural communities to be connected to telehealth network in 2011

      The Center for Telehealth Development plans to launch the commercial exploitation of the telehealth network until the end of 2011.

      During presentation of the project at a venture conference as part of the Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurship Program (STEP) Hrant Khachatryan said that works on the project development have lasted for two years, while the project is half-implemented.

      5 aid stations of Armenia’s rural communities will be connected to telehealth network as part of the test launch in cooperation with UNICOMP company.

    18. 5 ways telemedicine is reducing the cost of healthcare

      Telemedicine and mHealth have the potential to help the healthcare system meet the Institute of Healthcare Improvement's triple aim to simultaneously increase the quality of care, improve the health of populations and reduce the per capita cost of care.

      "Collectively, investments in telemedicine and mHealth have great potential to reduce healthcare system costs," said Adam C. Powell, president of Payer+Provider Syndicate, a consulting firm that uses techniques from health services research to bring about change in the health insurance and hospital industries.

    19. 6 niche markets for telemedicine

      The move by Pennsylvania this week to expand its Telemedicine program to include a broader raange of specialties reflects a broader trend of states taking similar action to improve healthcare access in underserved communities. But it’s not mainstream yet.

      Some niche markets have emerged. For entrepreneurs and investors eyeing the telemedicine space, here are six niche markets to check out.

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