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Sunday, 9.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Time has become much easier now for people wishing to tie the knot. A bride-to-be or groom-to-be can now avail themselves of a new online service introduced by the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department to get a marriage official at the doorstep.

The service can help those who want to get married to book an appointment for a marriage official, a move by the Judicial Department-Abu Dhabi towards presenting a quality world-class judicial services. Those who need to make an appointment for a marriage official need to log into the Judicial Department website, select ‘e-Services’ tab, then move the cursor to Notary Public and select ‘make an online appointment for a marriage official’.

An applicant shall then fill in the required spaces and press ‘send’ after which the department will set a proper appointment, and forward it back to the applicant either through email or via mobile phone. Now, those who need to get marriage need not approach the Notary Public at the Judicial Department in person to make an appointment. With the new online service, a marriage official shall come to your doorstep or the place where wedding will be held at a specified time.

Eventually, what a groom needs to do is just to proceed to the premises of the Judicial Department later at any time to collect the marriage contract.


Quelle/Source: Khaleej Times, 12.03.2012

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