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Tuesday, 14.01.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Taiwan is using an innovative health IT to create outstanding e-health services and deliver quality medical care, Department of Health Minister Chiu Wen-ta has said.

Chiu said the country’s health system incorporates medical facility and patient record reporting and health smart card issuing. Efforts were likewise made to establish medical kiosks and tele-health services for remote areas.

These smart cards carried patient medical information such as prescriptions and medication that causes allergic reactions since 2004,” he said during a luncheon address at the General Assembly of the World Medical Association (WMA) early May in Geneva.

The minister further said the patient privacy was guaranteed through the use of dedicated readers activated by special issue staff cards.

“Almost every hospital in Taiwan now offers patients a range of self-service options, including registration, payments and in some cases, access to health records,” he said.

Chiu also said the national medical image exchange centre will become a dedicated medical record exchange unit by the end of this year.

He invited WMA members to visit Taiwan and experience these e-health services first-hand, also urging them to support the country’s meaningful participation in World Health Organization activities.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Pia Rufino

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 30.05.2011

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