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Sunday, 19.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
An e-health conference, which is to be organised jointly by the Digital Hub Development Agency (DHDA) and St James’s Hospital, will take place in Dublin next month.

Initial details of the line-up for ActivAge were announced DHDA CEO Edel Flynn and speakers confirmed to date include Dr David Plans, leader of product vision at Biobeats, Dr Lloyd Humphreys, head of business development at Patients Know Best, and Dr Richard Pope, consultant physician (telehealth) at Airedale Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

“E-health is one of the major growth areas in digital right now,” said Flynn.

“Over the past few years, it has become increasingly prominent, and more and more tech entrepreneurs are turning their attention to developing health-focused products. 

“This, obviously, is good news for health services throughout the world. By collaborating with the best and brightest innovators in tech, health services, hospitals and clinicians can contribute to the development of world-class health solutions. Greater use of technology across our health services will not only result in efficiencies and savings for the sector, but will also lead to improved patient care.” 

Principal physicist at St James’s Hospital and Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing (MISA) Dr Gerard Boyle added: “With the rising pressure on health services worldwide caused by an ageing population, technological innovation is often seen as the solution. For engineers and digital innovators, building the apps, devices and software required is relatively easy. The real issue will be in designing products that can genuinely support health and wellness in older age.

“ActivAge is about connecting a broad range of experiences, skills and ideas to imagine a future of technology-supported successful ageing. We’ll hear from innovators in the digital health arena and clinicians with a deep understanding of health in older age. But, importantly, ActivAge is not just about engineering and medicine; we’ll also be getting insights into older age from artists and social innovators. 

“I expect ActivAge will be an interesting, eclectic and stimulating fusion of ideas. I would encourage anyone with an interest in shaping the future of health and technology in older age to attend.”


Autor(en)/Author(s): Karina Corbett

Quelle/Source: Business & Leadership, 07.10.2013

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