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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The newly inaugurated board of Hendai Investment Limited, a multinational company has vowed to begin in earnest the construction of the foremost Africa Smart City in Akwa Ibom State.

The company during last December’s Board of Directors inauguration also presented the Hendai City Business opportunities to the public. The event which was chaired by distinguished Senator Osita Izunaso, Chairman Senate Committee on Capital Market had the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Cui Jianchun as the Special Guest of Honor and other eminent dignitaries drawn from the private and public sectors.

The high point of the event was the exhibition of various products of the company ranging from Smart Phones, Smart Television, Solar roofing sheet, Laptop, Airpod, Power Bank, Mobile Power Station and Others.

These various products are going to be manufactured inside Hendai Smart City in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Senator Izunaso while speaking expressed his delight over the products of the company and commented proudly about Nigeria’s new status of production based economy through Hendai’s partnership with manufacturers.

“The good thing about those products is that they are indigenous, they are our products, proudly Nigerian products and that is exactly how it should be. The era of importing virtually everything is gone. This is the era of manufacturing things in our fatherland.”

The CEO of Hendai Group confirmed that the company is developing the first Smart City in Africa with a model project in Nigeria. The project is set to commence in Akwa Ibom State in January 2024. The multi-National Company is owned by Nigeria, China, Gabon, Cameroon and South African nationals.

The iconic Hendai Smart City project according to the Chairman, Prince Owoediinyene Essien shall be an African reference point in the global space even as it will improve the living standards of the people.

“The Smart Ciy shall be an African reference point in the global space and will enhance economic activities in the continent.

“We have already secured a site in Akwa Ibom State given the serenity of the state and the enabling environments that the state provides. We have been in talks with the government of Akwa Ibom State regarding this project and we appreciate their great support. “

According to Prince Essien, the cordial relationship with the leadership of the state is also a great impetus for the project. The physical development of the Smart City is expected to begin in January 2024.

The Chairman assures that the company shall commence development in phases but taking three projects that will compliment one another at a ago . This is with a view to meeting up with the set timeline.

The Smart City project is expected to also have a Tourism Park that will play host to over 1,000,000 tourists annually.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Harris Emanuel

Quelle/Source: Vanguard, 13.01.2024

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