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The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) - China Committee (KIKT) has organized the Indonesia-China Smart City Technology & Investment Expo 2023 to encourage Chinese companies to participate in smart city development in Indonesia.

"This event is expected to provide information about the development of smart cities and (the new capital) IKN Nusantara for stakeholders to invest in the country and open opportunities for local industry players in the international market," Head of the Expo’s Committee Ben Yura Rimba informed here on Wednesday.

He said that the expo, which is being held in collaboration with the Chinese Indonesian Association (INTI), aims to accelerate government programs in 100 smart cities and IKN Nusantara's development.

Around 50 high-tech manufacturing companies, mostly from Guangdong province, China, are participating in the expo, which is taking place from May 24–26, 2023.

These companies could help implement advanced concepts and technologies in the construction of smart cities, Rimba said.

"Some of the companies have carried out their businesses in Indonesia for many years, with the confidence that Indonesia is a promising market. This expo is a bridge for the companies to step onto the world stage," he added.

Meanwhile, KIKT chairperson Garibaldi Thohir said he expects the event to serve as a forum for exchanging information and carrying out education and promotion as well as exploring opportunities to find the best partners for smart city development in Indonesia

"We invite companies engaged in smart city development, especially companies from China that have experience in the development of Internet-based digital technology and innovation, which is the backbone of smart city development," he added.

INTI chairperson Teddy Sugianto stated that smart city development will be a future trend in Indonesian cities.

"As a national organization, INTI remains loyal and committed to helping the recovery and revival of the national economy post-pandemic. We hope that this event can be a driving factor for investment in Indonesia," he added.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Kuntum R, Kenzu

Quelle/Source: Antara, 24.05.2023

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