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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The slow moving red-tape linked to reams of paper and ledgers will soon be over as some of the key Ministries will be fully streamlined with the state of the art electronic systems that will not only speed up work but also bring the public service closer to an eGovernment, the buzzword of the 21st century. This will be possible shortly, as the Ministry of Finance is now in the process of implementing the second phase of TAFIS project.

The acronym stands for Treasury and Financial Information System. It is an electronic network that would reduce reliance on the rather slow- paced paper-based operations in the offices and lead to an increase of knowledge-based economic activity in the country.

First implemented on the first baseline in March 2002, the Ministry is now in the process of introducing the system to be integrated with four other key ministries namely, the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Health.

This was revealed over the weekend by Pehin Orang Kaya Setia Wangsa Dato Paduka Seri Laila Jasa Awang Hj Ahmad Wally Skinner, Deputy Minister of Finance during the Ministry's Raya celebrations at the International Convention Centre.

In order to level up the administrative gear for a more innovative, productive, effective and efficient public service, the finance ministry is implementing TAFIS, he said. The project would enable the government to give satisfactory financial services to customers, in both public and private sectors, he added.

The system invariably will result in the reduction of cumbersome paper-work, thus increasing efficiency and more effective operations between departments and the Ministries.

However the success for the implementation of TAFIS lies with the level of commitment and dedication of all those involved with the implementation of the project, the Deputy Minister said.

"Without commitment and spirit of teamwork, the targeted results may not be achieved," Pehin Dato Paduka Awang Haji Ahmad Wally Skinner added.

According to him dedication and commitment must follow with the readiness to change the attitudes and mindset of those involved because these are the critical success factors in ensuring the success of the TAFIS project.

The Hari Raya celebrations comprised of a variety of entertainment that provided an enjoyable and colourful night for the staff and families of the Ministry.

Quelle: Borneo Bulletin

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