According to Foreign Minister Urmas Paet, Estonia would like to increase awareness within Belarusian civil society of e-governance, opportunities to utilise information and communications technology, and cyber security. “Through sharing Estonia’s experiences in e-governance, we can help to develop the civil society of Belarus,” he stated.
The foreign minister noted that Estonia’s goal is to continue giving multi-faceted support to civil society in Belarus, since only as a result of systematic, carefully considered, and lasting support will civil society develop in Belarus. “We would like increase the support given to civil society in Belarus through development co-operation and to utilise not just concrete co-operation projects, but also the opportunities offered by the Centre of Eastern Partnership,” he stated.
Paet added that the Foreign Ministry works together with the US Agency for International Development (USAID), which made a proposal to Estonia to participate in a joint project to organise training related to e-governance, the use of internet-based applications, and cyber security for members of the civil society of Belarus. The Estonian partner in the project is the e-Governance Academy.
The Estonian Foreign Ministry is allocating 49 938 euros for the project.
Quelle/Source: Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 04.01.2012