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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The process of implementation of biometric passports will start in September 2011. Armenia has been preparing for the changes since 2008 at the request of the UN. The purpose is to make the Armenian passports and identification documents more reliable, thus becoming more trustworthy for other countries, Head of the Passport and Visa Department of the Police Norayr Muradkhanyan told a press conference today.

Social security cards are expected to come out of use after the implementation of documents with biometric data. Their number will be posted on ID cards and biometric passports.

”Passports will be provided for the term of 5 years, ID cards will remain valid for 10 years. All Armenian citizens above 16 will receive ID cards. Passports will be required when leaving the country,” Norayr Muradkhanyan said.

The current passports will be in use until their validity expires. However, all citizens are free to exchange it for new ones any time. According to the Head of the Passport and Visa Department, citizens will pay 1 000 AMD for the ID cars. The fee for passport will make 15 thousand.

“The passports will include personal information, a photo and the prints of two fingers, while the ID cards will include all personal data including the electronic signature,” Muradkhanyan said.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Liana Yeghiazaryan

Quelle/Source: Public Radio of Armenia, 15.02.2011

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