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Saturday, 8.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Did you know that retired President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi is the holder of Kenya's first national identity card?

This interesting revelation came to pass on Tuesday during a protest by United States International University (USIU) students over alleged land grabbing.

Moi's ID was made public by USIU Vice Chancellor Paul Zeleza in a document that indicated that the former president sold the contentious land.

The document indicated that MOi's ID was registered as 0000001

After verifying the information using the e-government online portal online news site established that indeed the ID belongs to Moi.

However, it is not clear how the former Head of State managed to secure the first ID and what criteria was used.

The contentious land that is about 30-acres of land is said to have been sold to a Kenyan living in America George Kiongera by Moi at around KSh500 million last month.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Kaka Mwalimu

Quelle/Source: Hivisasa, 13.07.2016

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