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Saturday, 14.12.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
Since the second half of 2006, all clearance certificates from parafiscal agencies needed to apply for foreign currency at the Foreign Exchange Management Committee (Cadivi) will be electronic.

As stated by Cadivi President Mary Espinoza de Robles, the agencies have started a testing period.

Agencies include the Venezuelan Social Security Institute (IVSS), Integrated National Customs and Tax Administration Service (Seniat), National Institute for Educational Cooperation (Ince) and the National Housing Council (Conavi), official news agency ABN pointed out.

The goal is to find if businesspersons are in good standing at the time of entering the corporate Tax Information Registry (RIF) in Cadivi website.

This is one step of the Foreign Currency Information and Management System (SIAD.)

SIAD is part of the e-governance goal set by the Venezuelan Government to automate all the steps for application of foreign currency at the end of this year.

Quelle: El Universal, 12.04.2006

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