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Transforming Government since 2001
Colombia has brought fibre connection to 770 cities during the past three years, which outdoes the initial Government provisions.

The progress of Plan Vive Digital, which aims to bring ICT technologies to the whole country, was analysed at Andicom 2013, the international congress held in Cartagena, by the country's ICT Minister, Diego Molano.

During the past three years Colombia has increased its Internet point access from 2.2 million to 7.2 million, although the penetration percentage is still low (34% of houses are connected and 20% of SMEs). Molano praised the fast growth experienced lately, which is placing the country in a real digital environment.

According to the minister, Colombia has also become the best internationally connected country in Latin America, due to five submarine cables – with four more under construction. The country has also launched its 4G network, in which six telcos are operating.

One of the difficulties of bringing the whole Latin American region to the digital era is the remoteness of some of the areas. In Colombia, the Government has focused on this by starting the Kioskos Vive Digital project, through which at least one Internet point will be installed in towns with more than 100 inhabitants (of which there are 5,344 in the whole country). It has already installed 1,100 Internet points in these remote areas.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Juan Fernandez Gonzalez

Quelle/Source: Rapid tv news, 31.08.2013

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