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Thursday, 5.12.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
Ministry of Communication and Technology finished works on the project document on the e-government strategy paving the way to be admitted by the government in the framework of the preparation stage of the E-Government launched in cooperation with United Nation Development Program (UNDP).

The document consists of three parts, the first of which identifies the E-Government general principles and concepts internationally accredited, the project influence on citizens and the essential factors required to perfect achievement of work in each phase and the conductors concerned.

Publicity is the first phase during which citizens will be acquainted with the e-government services while interaction which allows delivering services through modern communication techniques such as the internet, e-mail and mobile phones is the second, Fadia Suleiman, Director of Studies and IT Projects said.

The third is the database (ACID) transaction phase, so all sides will be able to communicate electronically and deliver services to citizens using modern communication techniques.

The second part of the document discusses current situation and the Syrian approach of e-government initiative as well as defining the project political, legislative, technological and administrative domains and how to launch projects along with Syrian situation in addition to identifying the project financer.

The document suggests the establishment of information bank to be the foundation of the e-government project with 3 to 5 years duration, focusing on citizens service centers adopting one – window principle and meeting efficiency and information technology accredited standards.

The third part puts forward a work plan to launch the project setting the strategic axes including a number of programs and projects. These axes are divided into two phases starting from strategy admission date to the end of 2010, whereas the second begins in 2011 to the end of 2013 depending on the five-year plan principle to have the opportunity to evaluate the strategy efficiency.


Quelle/Source: UN Syria, 29.09.2009

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