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Friday, 14.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
In the coming months, members of the civil service and public will have an opportunity to bring forward ideas which they feel can help the civil service to be stronger and more efficient, while reducing operating costs.

On Monday during a grand ceremony on the grounds of the Central Administrative Complex, the Deputy Governor´s Office launched a cost-saving competition entitled "Efficiency, Innovate and Save" (EIS).

During the interactive ceremony which was hosted by Permanent Secretary in the Deputy Governor´s Office, David Archer, speakers all echoed the importance for such an initiative which they said is not a choice in these times, but a necessity.

Acting Premier, Hon. Dancia Penn said the Government welcomes the move which is important and timely as every Government is looking at ways to improve service, while at the same time saving money.

While positing that the EIS will bring about exciting and bold ideas, Penn said the results should include cost savings in many areas including time management, less money on snacks, fewer and shorter meetings which must be productive, less personal use of public property and the use of less paper by gradually moving to E-Government.

The Acting Premier mentioned that Government is also committed to the 14 cost cutting measures that were announced during a joint press conference with the Premier and then Governor, David Pearey last year. She said the EIS will be complementary to those cost cutting measures.

EIS is a Territory-wide initiative emanating from the Deputy Governor´s Office 2011 Work Plan.

There was also a panel discussion between Governor Boyd William McCleary, Deputy Governor Mrs. Inez Archibald and President of the Civil Service Association Shaina Smith. Smith also represented the Financial Secretary.

Governor McCleary acknowledged that it´s not only the BVI that has to focus on saving money. He noted that the BVI has already come up with some initiatives to this effect, but it cannot afford to become complacent.

The Governor said any Government across the globe that wants to continue to spend the way they used to following the economic downturn will die. He expressed hope that both members of the public and the civil servants will take full advantage of the opportunity.

"Take a leap of faith and say what is on your mind...You will not be punished for coming out and criticizing. Make your suggestions."

Governor McCleary pointed to one use which is costly - paper. He said Government should move swiftly to implement E-Government, which will see the use of less paper. "Technology can be used to drive cost saving." He also mentioned that there is need to raise Government charges, for example the court fees.

Deputy Governor, Mrs. Archibald expressed hope that at the end of the competition, there will be a stronger, better and cost saving Public Service. She also stated that it is important to continue cost saving programmes. Mrs. Archibald also disclosed that in a few months, the Public Service will launch its magazine which will form an educational tool and they will also re-launch their service charter.

Smith on the other hand, noted that there is a dire need for better accountability. "We need to let accountability be second to nature."

Meanwhile, guest speaker, Mrs. Lorna Smith spoke of several ways of cost saving including the use of technology. She believes that the EIS initiative will be successful. She urged that any cost saving initiative should be placed at the centre of each department.

How it Works

Shavon Henley, Deputy Director of the Human Resources Department said the initiative is the first of its kind in the region where the public is involved.

Persons can submit their ideas by visiting the Deputy Governor´s website and clicking on the EIS logo link where they can register and submit their ideas.

Also, ideas can be sent via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A third option will be idea cards which will be available at the Admin Complex's help desk and on the sister islands with district officers at the Administrative buildings.

After the ideas are rated, there will be a selection of twenty persons, then ten from which one will be selected from the public service and the other from the public. A ceremony will be held to award the winners.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Melissa Edwards

Quelle/Source: Platinum News Online, 25.01.2011

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