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Monday, 3.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Health information technology is the fastest growing segment of the Australian healthcare industry. With increasing use of e-health services, spending of healthcare industry in ICT has seen a significant surge during the past few years. As per our new research “Australian Healthcare IT Market Analysis”, healthcare IT market of the country is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of around 5.2% during 2010-2012. Our report has also discussed other drivers that are fuelling growth in the industry.

In terms of overall spending trend of the Australian healthcare industry, IT spending has a very minor share in the overall spending. As per our industry estimates, healthcare industry spent only 2% of its overall healthcare spending in 2009, which is very less in comparison to the international standards. Thus, the segment holds a lot of potential for future growth. Our report will help clients to better understand the market dynamics and get an insight of the current and the future outlook of the Australian healthcare IT industry.

Our study reveals that among industry trends, EMR and EHR have experienced increasing usage and thus, a strong demand exists for the products used in these services. However, the demand and sales is expected to get slower after a few years, thus placing the segment into highly risk-oriented investment areas. The report highlights emerging investment opportunities in the market along with the information on the risk involved in making the investments. We have also examined all the key market trends in our report.

In the market performance section, telecommunication services are expected to retain the highest share in the overall spending. However, the services sector will post the highest growth due to increase in demand for maintenance and repair services during the forecast period. The report studies healthcare IT spending market by segmenting it into four categories i.e. Software, Hardware, Communications, and Others. Our report also provides information on key players of the industry and highlights their strengths and weaknesses.

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Autor(en)/Author(s): Shushmul Maheshwari

Quelle/Source: SBWire, 15.11.2010

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