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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Recent study discovers that are ready for the digital healthcare system

A study by Infosys has found nearly all Australians are comfortable with sharing personal information with medical practitioners.

The business and IT consulting firm discovered that 94 per cent of people would be fine with sharing the information at a regular doctor’s office and 92 per cent at a local hospital.

78 per cent of respondents also showed confidence in doctors having the right security measures in place to protect their medical information.

Infosys public sector general manager, Allen Koehn, said that these results are encouraging for healthcare providers and the government.

“Australians want to have control over their own lives, and crave the tools that make it easy to manage this,” he said.

“What this research shows us is that Australians are ready to innovate when it comes to healthcare, creating a great opportunity for the government and the private sector to come together.”

Fear of online

Although a majority of respondents are open to doctors readily accessing patients’ digital health information, the number drop to 60 per cent when it comes to whether hey are willing to share healthcare information online.

Koehn admits it is a challenge that the government will need to overcome with the introduction of its eHealth system, as 97 per cent of respondents still prefer to share personal data with the doctor’s office in person.

“It’s still early days for eHealth in Australia and too soon to know how widely it will be adopted or extended,” he said.

“But imagine if you could access all your health information, schedule your doctor’s appointments, lodge claims and track your health goals all from the one app, that would be a compelling combination.

Another key finding was that more than 70 per cent of respondents showed interest in mobile apps for tracking their health, though only 55 per cent would share personal data with their doctor over mobile.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Patrick Budmar

Quelle/Source: ARN, 08.08.2013

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