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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Indian officials are women and sustainability as their focus when it comes to achieving economic impact, according to an exclusive FutureGov report. By contrast, they are also the most sceptical in the region about the value of citizen engagement.

The report - ‘Government Connectivity, Citizen Engagement and Economic Impact in Asia Pacific’ - was commissioned by Cisco Systems, and surveyed over 100 selected senior officials across Australia, Malaysia, India and Singapore.

Officials were asked to rate their top economic impact priorities from a list including growth, sustainability, infrastructure, liveability, SMEs, women and income equality.

Indian officials gave the categories of sustainability and women the highest ratings out of the four nations surveyed. The average score given to helping women across the region was 61.8%, while Indian officials gave it a score of 74%.

Meanwhile, Indian officials scored sustainability at 75% - its top economic impact priority - compared to a regional average of 74%.

The survey also found that Indian officials were most sceptical of the value of citizen engagement, with only 36% saying that it is an important driver of organisational performance, compared to 60% across the other countries surveyed.

Indian agencies collectively registered the lowest levels of citizen engagement (57%), which was 16 percentage points lower than the survey average.

Officials from India thought that connectivity was the most important driver of organisational performance, giving it an an importance score of 81%.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Joshua Chambers

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 16.09.2014

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