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Montag, 20.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Dr. Rawiyah bint Saud Al Busaidiyah, the higher education minister, on Tuesday cleared the regulations and procedures for management system of special documents at the ministry. The minister announced her decision in the presence of Dr. Hamad bin Mohammed Al Dhoyani, chairman of the National Records and Archive Authority (NRAA).

In a statement, Dr. Rawiyah said that approving the management system of special documents at the Higher Education Ministry is an important step to find e-system for documents and archives at the level of the Sultanate.

She considered documents and archives as a basic resource not less important than human resources as they assist in making decisions, which are directly related to daily life.

She added that the keenness to find a system for documents and archives is essential for all sectors of the community as it contributes in developing works of institutions in organising documents, safekeeping and quick access to them, which goes in line with trends that target finding e-government.

The higher education minister pointed out that reaching the stage of approving procedural tools for the management system of documents came as a fruit of efforts exerted by all employees at NRAA and members of the Main Committee at the Higher Education Ministry to prepare a system and their keenness to set up a system with international standards and specifications upon which documents and folders are managed as per the latest technologies.

The system for records management system are related to preparing a table for retaining the special documents and the classification system after preparing the nominal list for the special documents at the Ministry.

The system for the document management is the main pillar for building a modern system that meets the best international standards approved in this field. It is based on registering documents, classifying and coding them.

This ensures easy reference and helps in controlling dumping, transfer of documents from one side and sticking to their retention period on the other side.


Quelle/Source: Times of Oman, 16.08.2011

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