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The Kenya Private Schools Association will help their members buy laptops for pupils to ensure they benefit from computer learning like their counterparts in public schools.

The association's CEO Peter Ndoro yesterday said they plan to integrate ICT and ensure they add value on learning.He said that under the Education Device Acquisition Programme, the association will partner with Microsoft Corporation, Intel East Africa, Safaricom Ltd, Mitsumi Computer Garage and Equity Bank to buy the laptops.

"The programme will focus on how much the devices will cost, what devices are required, what is required in terms of content, schools readiness and the financing options," Ndoro said.

He said the association will not provide the laptops but help schools to know the existing original devices manufacturers from whom they will buy classmate interactive laptops at affordable prices.

Yesterday, the association hosted computer companies and school representatives in Nairobi to explore affordable ways devices can be accessed by schools.

Similar meetings in the former eight provincial headquarters categorised as regions will be held. Ndoro said and the facilitation meeting will cost Sh25 million.

In the Sh24 billion government laptop project, one laptop will cost approximately Sh20,000, but the private schools want lower prices per computer.

There are about 8,000 private primary schools and 2,000 secondary schools with a total of 2.7 million students. But Ndoro said the association has a registered membership of 3,000 schools.

Microsoft education manager Wanjira Kamwere said the programme will ensure teachers, students and staff get the requisite job market ICT knowledge.

Intel Corporation business development manager for education in East Africa Alex Twinomugisha said as a security measure, a laptop will not operate while outside the school compound. He said they will have a central management teacher's device to ensure students concentrate in classrooms.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Henry Wanyama

Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 28.02.2014

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