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Montag, 20.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Online services will save £1.2bn by 2007/8, says government

UK councils will hit the target to have all services online by the end of the year, and will deliver £1.2bn in efficiency savings by 2007/8, says the government.

Speaking at a conference in London yesterday, local egovernment minister Phil Hope said the savings would be made as a direct result of investment in online services. 'The key is making real changes to the quality of life for ordinary people,' said Hope.

'In over 100 councils, citizens can already go online to submit planning applications, check their council tax balance and calculate their benefits entitlement.

'Our challenge for the next 12 months is to drive through the full benefits of egovernment to help build the efficient and effective local councils that our communities deserve,' he said.

According to December's Implementing Electronic Government (IEG) survey of all local authorities, the average council has 79 per cent of its services e-enabled and will meet the December 2005 deadline.

The survey also revealed that efficiency gains will overtake expenditure on online services in 2006/7, producing overall efficiency gains of £1.2bn over the entire period from 2001/2 to 2007/8.

More than three-quarters of the requirements set by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister are being actively implemented, says the IEG survey. But 58 councils have referred themselves to the Improvement and Development Agency for additional support in meeting the targets.

Autor: Sarah Arnott

Quelle: Computing, 04.02.2005

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