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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Voters in Singapore will be able to access election-related news on their mobile phones at the next general election.

The Elections Department website details the various mobile services on offer.

The site provides a step-by-step guide for voters to sign up for free election SMS alerts at the eCitizen website.

Other services include SMS alerts on changes to electoral boundaries, and alerts after Nomination Day, informing voters to check on their poll card details.

The latest move is part of the Elections Department's initiative to ride on new media tools for the upcoming polls due by February 2012.

In June, the department issued a tender document for the purchase of mobile broadband devices and SIM cards.

The specific nature of how these tools will be used was unclear at that time.

In the run-up to future elections, voters can also receive SMS alerts when the revised Registers of Electors are posted.

This is a two-week exhibition period during which voters can check their names in the Registers of Electors and submit a claim and/or objection where necessary via the eServices website.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Imelda Saad

Quelle/Source: Channel News Asia, 06.09.2010

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