Heute 961

Gestern 554

Insgesamt 39435296

Sonntag, 19.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Flood-affected people in Charlton, Donald, Dingee and Newbridge can receive assistance from staff in a federal government mobile office this week.

The mobile office will include Centrelink rural services officers, and staff from Medicare, Rural Finance Corporation, the Australian Tax Office and Department of Human Services Victoria, who can help people with support services and applying for the government’s Disaster Recovery Payment and Disaster Income Recovery Subsidy.

The office will be in Charlton today, Donald tomorrow, Dingee on Wednesday and Newbridge on Thursday.

Mobile office tour leader Debra Inskip said the versatility of the mobile office meant it could quickly move to regions where government services were needed during times of natural disasters.

“The beauty of the mobile office is that we have everything on board, so it’s just a matter of packing up, getting on the road, and moving on to the next town or community that requires our assistance,’’ she said.

“Centrelink staff are very experienced in working with residents in times like this and we urge all those people who have experienced hardship as a result of the floods to come and see us.’’

She said anyone affected by the floods could call the government’s Emergency Information Line on 180 2266, visit their local Centrelink or Medicare Office or visit www.centrelink.gov.au.


Quelle/Source: Bendigo Advertiser, 21.02.2011

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