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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Afrika / Africa

  • Overview of data protection laws in Africa

    Data protection law has been gaining ground in Africa over the past 20 years. Today, out of 54 countries, 25 have passed data protection laws, the latest countries being Uganda, Nigeria and Egypt. Other countries have introduced data protection bills which are under discussion or waiting to be on the legislative agenda.

  • Policy makers commit to smart Africa vision

    Transformation to knowledge-based economies and job creation are two key challenges facing leaders across Africa.

    This is according to ICT ministers and policy makers from the continent who met recently at the 2nd AfICTA (Africa Information & Communication Technologies Alliance) Summit in Egypt.

    The event was a joint initiative by AfICTA and local host association member EITESAL or Egypt Information Telecommunications, Electronics, and Software Alliance.

  • Technology and Education - a natural fit for Africa

    With the exception of South Africa and Botswana, governments willing to commit significant resources to ICT is a relatively recent trend in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2010 Kenya completed the East African Marine System (TEAMS) undersea fibre optic cable project which increased East African broadband and led to the establishment of Kenya's Information and Communication Technology Authority.

    Throughout Africa's shift away from economic disconnection to technological advancement and integration with the global economy Rwanda has come a long way since the 1990s. The Rwandan government has placed becoming a technology hub at the centre of the country's national priorities.

  • The biggest game changer in African development is the internet

    Information and communication technology is driving the new “knowledge-based” economy in the developed and developing world. However, internet access remains comparatively low in Africa, with internet penetration at 20% for the continent.

    There’s free Facebook, mobile banking, and the promise of cashless societies and digitised land records. And from Accra in the west to Kigali in the east, a spray of “tech hubs” talk about “leapfrogging” technology and incubating start-ups.

  • The Second Half of the Huawei African Smart Cities Summit

    The second half of the fourth annual African Smart Cities Summit was met with much enthusiasm. Attendees seemed to be enjoying the virtual nature of the summit, this being the first time that it has been run fully digitally. The first half of the day proved to be full of interesting insights, initiatives, and hopeful discussions about Africa’s slow but inexorable march towards digital transformation and smart cities.

    The third session on smart mobility for sustainability started with the chairman, Founder of the Mobility Centre for Africa and Mzansi Aerospace Technologies, Victor Radebe, warmly introducing the first speaker, Sasheen Rajkumar the Project Engineer at The South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL). He would be talking about road development for smarter infrastructure. This discussion would include the challenges and opportunities associated with transport systems and operations, infrastructure, and logistics management in support of industrial and sustainable development.

  • The West looks on as Africa opts for China’s Digital Silk Road programme

    Senegal is set to become the first African country to replicate the Chinese model of implementing local domestic servers and data centres, a move aimed at strengthening the country’s digital sovereignty.

    In late June Senegal announced plans to move all of its government data and digital platforms to a new national data centre. The restructuring of the centre will cost €70m and will be funded by a loan from the Chinese government. Chinese technology company Huawei will be providing material support.

  • 'African Youth Devt Must Be Anchored on ICT'

    Managing Director of Technology Distributions Limited (TD), Mrs Chioma Ekeh, has stressed that the development of African youths must be anchored on Information Communications Technology (ICT).

    Ekeh told THISDAY that there was an urgent need to arrest the restiveness of unemployed youths in Africa, but that such empowerment must begin with the provision of ICT tools in order to be sustainable.

    He urged the Heads of State of the African Union meeting in Malabo Equatorial Guinea to look beyond fiscal credit as means of empowerment and set in place policies designed to achieve the ownership of ICT products like PCs, printers, and internet access for the majority of African youths.

  • 'Cloud is the future and Africa better respond'

    Today, the question isn't whether or not to migrate to the cloud – it is more a case of how economies should be managed to leverage the maturity of this resource and truly benefit from efficiency.

    This is according to Antònio Nunes, CEO of Angolan multinational telecommunications services provider Angola Cables.

  • 'Many African Nations Have Challenges of Connecting the Unconnected'

    CISCO Systems, a transnational player in the ICT sector last week in Sun City, North-West Province of South Africa held its 2013 Expo, at which ICT journalists from the company's Africa operations were present. After a presentation, David Meads, Managing Director of Cisco Africa granted an interview to select journalists, in the course of which he said many African nations have challenges of connecting the unconnected. Adekunle Adekoya was there. Excerpts:

    Q: Tell us more about Cisco's "Internet of things, internet of everything," in the context of infrastructural challenges in the emerging markets you operate in?

  • 'meHealth' for HIV in Africa

    What in the world is “meHealth”?

    It’s the combination of mHealth and e-health technologies and services to give personalized health support to anyone in the health system, whether patients, nurses, doctors, community health workers, administrations, or anywhere in between. In the simplest terms, meHealth is about communicating information within a health care system to improve desirable health outcomes.

  • 'Mobile phones transforming HIV testing in Africa'

    The time it takes to communicate a HIV test result to a patient's health facility can be dramatically reduced by using mobile phone text messaging, according to research in a special e-health theme issue of the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO), published this month.

    A WHO statement on the research, made available to PANA in Lagos, Nigeria, Friday, said scientists carrying out research in Zambia found that the turnaround times for delivering a diagnosis via SMS (Short Message Service) were almost twice as fast compared to traditional postal methods.

    The study found that average time for a result notification from a testing lab to a health facility fell from 44.2 days to 26.7 days.

  • “It´s going to be Africa´S Turn Now”: ICT4Ag looks to the future

    Increased use of information and communication technologies could soon boost growth in agriculture and lead to poverty reduction in many countries around the world, according to experts attending the ICT4Ag international conference, which was held this week in Kigali, Rwanda.

    Rwanda’s Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Dr. Agnes Matilda Kalibata, told the conference, which was organised by the Centre for Technical Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) together with her ministry, that ICTs are “low-hanging fruit for poverty reduction.” And CTA Director Michael Hailu described the benefits that are beginning to flow from the increased use of ICTs for agriculture as “one of the great opportunities of our times”.

  • $55 Billion Committed to Connect Africa

    The Connect Africa Summit closed yesterday with investment commitments amounting to over USD $55 billion, with the ICT industry taking the lead.

    President Paul Kagame of Rwanda set the tone at the outset, saying, "Investment and trade -- as opposed to aid and charity -- must drive the transformation of our economies." He called for a dynamic ICT sector to connect Africa to the global information superhighway. "In order to realize this much-needed economic revolution, we have to forge productive relationships between government and business," said Kagam

  • 330m Africans will own cellphones in 2008

    Africa is projected to experience a 22 per cent jump in its mobile phone subscriber base during 2008, with the number of people owning a phone increasing from the current 270 million to 330 million. The Global System for Mobile Communication Association (GSMA) — a global trade association representing 700 GSM celullar operators in 215 countries — says mobile phone penetration will also rise by a corresponding 5 per cent from 28.78 per cent in 2007 to 33.9 per cent in 2008.
  • 80% African broadband penetration by 2020

    Ministries that engaged in the inaugural ICT Indaba this week set a target of delivering broadband to 80% of African citizens by 2020.

    Giving the closing remarks in Cape Town yesterday, SA communications minister Dina Pule said work was done to ensure the conference crafted a framework that will position Africa on a trajectory to sustainable development through technology.

    The focus was also on the creation of a solid foundation for a truly connected future for Africa. “In this connected future, all of Africa's major cities, towns and villages will be connected to affordable Internet, thereby facilitating the continent's mass entry into the knowledge and information economy,” said Pule.

  • Addressing Africa's 'Missing Link'

    Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (RCIP)

    Making an international phone call or connecting to high-speed internet is beyond the reach of the average citizen of East and Southern African countries in part because the region is not connected to the global optical fiber broadband infrastructure. The ‘missing link’ explains why the region accounts for less than one percent of the world’s international bandwidth capacity.

  • AFD and ANRU create “smart cities” network for 12 African cities

    The French Development Agency (AFD) is financing the creation of a network of cities in Africa around the challenges of "smart city". It has entrusted the National Agency for Urban Renewal (dubbed ANRU in French) with the implementation of this project, which will benefit 12 African cities across the continent. A referent expert is being recruited.

    What can be done to advance thinking on smart city in Africa? The French Development Agency (AFD), mobilised on the issue of digital transition for urban development, has decided to finance the creation of a network of African cities around the challenges of smart cities, called ASToN (African Smart Towns Network). The bank has called on the National Agency for Urban Renewal (ANRU) to implement this project. This French establishment, located in Paris, is also responsible for managing the European URBACT programme in Europe, whose method it will use here.

  • Africa accesses internet by cellphone

    Research firm Informa Telecoms & Media says one fifth of internet traffic in Africa will be carried by cellular networks by 2015

    Global research firm Informa Telecoms & Media said last week a fifth of internet traffic in Africa would be carried by cellular networks by 2015, compared with a global equivalent of just 3%.

    Infrastructure investment in high speed third-generation networks has soared in recent years, making mobile operators the main providers of internet services in Africa.

  • Africa can lead in digital

    Gordon Greylish, VP, Sales and Marketing Group General Manager, Governments and World Ahead Division, Intel, discusses how embracing the 3rd industrial revolution will assist in addressing issues like diversifying economies and improving efficiency.

    One interesting theme took centre stage during panel discussions at the recently concluded World Economic Forum on Africa in Rwanda; that what the continent needs as much as roads, dams, power plants (although there is still more development required) is a way to embrace technology and infuse digital transformation in all sectors.

  • Africa countries urged to use ICT for better education

    The Vice President Alhaji Aliu Mahama has reiterated the need for African countries to take advantage of opportunities in ICT to transform their educational systems. He hopes this will change the culture and practice of traditional memory base learning to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Alhaji Mahama stated this at the opening ceremony of the 3rd International Conference on ICT for development, education and training in Accra. He said e-Learning Africa 2008 has the potential of strengthening continent in the area of technological initiatives.

    The Vice President said Ghana has initiated a number of policies and programmes to meet the achievement of this goal. He outlined the ICT for accelerated development policy, ICT education, strategic document and the establishment of Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence. He said the developing World should brace themselves to challenge the brain drain.

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